Boss Chat Group of the Heavens and Worlds

Chapter 711 Xiang Yu, the Overlord of Western Chu, joins the chat group

Text Chapter 711 Xiang Yu, the Overlord of Western Chu, joins the chat group (please subscribe, please subscribe)

The Sea of ​​Life and Death, stored in a mutton-fat jade bottle, is a strange ocean that can isolate the world from heaven and earth, and even the pure and turbid air cannot pass through.

In the original fate of Luohou Jidu, after he came out of the glass cup, he failed in the first battle against the sky because Emperor Bai Lin released the Sea of ​​Life and Death. He needed to ride a golden-winged bird to cross it. Without the golden bird, he failed. With the help of Winged Bird, no matter how powerful his magic power is, it will be difficult for him to jump across the sea.

Well, it's similar to the weak water in the Lotus Lantern world. There, only Canopy and Dragon Clan are immune to weak water and can fly on it, but here only the Garuda can do it.

This has nothing to do with mana, even if set!

Well, even if it has something to do with mana and can defeat all magic with one force, the Rahu Plan requires riding a Garuda to fly across the Sea of ​​Life and Death. If you are drowned by it, can you get out of it?

Ye Shiqiu thought about it seriously and finally thought: No!

So, run decisively!

"Bang!" The palm he waved hit the Sea of ​​Life and Death, successfully scattering some of it, but soon, they gathered together again and continued to flood towards him.

"Fellow Taoist, be careful! Divine method, Red Sky Divine Thunder!"

At this time, the voice of the Emperor of Heaven came from the top of Kunlun below again. Ye Shiqiu looked back and saw that all the moves he had made before had been broken at some point, and a bunch of red divine thunder was heading towards He rushed over quickly.

Ye Shiqiu: "!!!"

Mom sells batches!

Make the move first, and then remind people to be careful. This, isn't this what I often do? Why do you do this, Emperor of Heaven? You are the Emperor of Heaven. If you do this, won't your conscience hurt?

Ye Shiqiu roared in his heart.

Then, he looked at the Sea of ​​Life and Death above his head, and then at the Red Sky Divine Thunder below. Finally, he gritted his teeth and folded his hands in front of his chest, thinking: "Pangu is possessed!"

"Boom!" Suddenly, there was an explosion in the sky? Labor and capital flashed, ahem? It was the Pangu Martial Spirit that made its debut. After it appeared, it was immediately integrated with Ye Shiqiu? Then, the eleventh figure behind Ye Shiqiu A golden soul ring burst out with dazzling light, and instantly the mana in Ye Shiqiu's body increased by 300%.

Then, Ye Shiqiu used the Pangu Ax in his hand as a palm and swung it heavily at the Sea of ​​Life and Death above his head. The powerful power actually split the Sea of ​​Life and Death in half!

Although they are only splitting apart rather than destroying, sooner or later they will be reunited, but judging from the current speed of gathering, by the time they are reunited, he will have passed through them long ago.

And when passing through, there are seas of life and death on both sides. Even if there is an irresistible suction force on both sides, sucking you in? Then the two will cancel each other out? So, the only thing you have to face next is the red thunder.

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"Buzz!" thinking, Ye Shiqiu raised the Pangu ax in his hand high, the ax blade emitted purple mana light, and then, the thirteenth soul ring behind him flashed, aiming at the red thunder and striking hard Cut it over.

"Boom!" The explosion sounded again, and Ye Shiqiu and his martial arts spirit were thrown back several hundred meters by the explosion. However, he could feel that the red thunderbolt had been successfully destroyed by him. Therefore, what he has to face next is...

The Emperor of Heaven!

"镪!" Just as he was thinking, suddenly, a bright light stung Ye Shiqiu's eyes. He reacted quickly and waved the Pangu ax in his hand, which happened to collide with a lightsaber protruding from the smoke, blocking it. He was attacked by the Emperor of Heaven.

"Ha!" He shouted softly, and the disgust around him instantly dissipated, revealing the tall Dharma form of the Emperor of Heaven. This guy... could actually use the Dharma form as an entity. Among the people he met in Ye Shiqiu, such a person was the most It's really the first one.

"E!" Immediately,

Ye Shiqiu raised his foot and kicked hard towards the Emperor of Heaven's Dharma. After kicking him away a little, he waved the Pangu ax in his hand and struck him with force to split the Huashan Mountain.

"Bang!" The Emperor's Faxiang blocked the move with a lightsaber. Then, inside the Faxiang, the Emperor's eyes suddenly shot out two rays, which directly hit the wrist of Ye Shiqiu Pangu Wuhun, causing that part to be damaged. It became slightly twisted.

"What?" Seeing this scene, Ye Shiqiu was shocked, and then he took action decisively in Wuhun's body, hitting the Heavenly Emperor with his Heaven-Splitting Divine Palm.


Being hit by the Splitting God's Palm at close range, a crack appeared in the Emperor's Dharma. After noticing this, the Emperor secretly thought it was not good, but Ye Shiqiu secretly said: "What a good opportunity!"

Immediately, he opened his arms, and all his magic power, which was increased by 300%, was mobilized in an instant. Then, Ye Shiqiu used his strongest blow against the Emperor of Heaven without hesitation.

The fifth form of Splitting God Palm!

"Divine method, breaking the pole!"

His pupils shrank violently, and Tiandi, who was shaken back by the previous palm, quickly raised his two fingers and shouted in his heart with a solemn expression.

The next second, a bunch of black sharp arrows appeared in front of him, heading towards Ye Shiqiu's most powerful palm with 300% increased mana.

"Boom!" For the third time, a larger explosion sounded than the previous two combined. Like the end of the world, the sky in the entire Kunlun Holy Land suddenly dimmed. The barrier guarding Kunlun's tranquility was After standing firm for a few seconds, it finally broke apart, and Ye Shiqiu and Tiandi flew out in the opposite direction at the same time. They both turned into a meteor and disappeared into Kunlun in an instant. Unknown He was blown away somewhere.

Well, this stop seems to be a draw visually. After all, both of them have left the battlefield, and no one can fight anymore!

At the same time, on the other side, in the chat group.

The mute time came, and Ximen Chuixue, who had regained his right to speak, thought for a long time, and finally made a stupid decision: he and Bu Jingyun would go to Big Big Wolf for a DNA test to see if the two were really not related by blood. .

If not, can there be a scientific explanation for the relationship between the two who look so similar?

If they still can't, then the two of them plan to form a team and try to work together in the future. After getting along and getting familiar with each other, they will see if they can discover anything in life.

Ximen Chuixue informed all the friends in the group about the decision that he and Bu Jingyun agreed to after discussing it.

Everyone was speechless when they saw the message he sent.

Since both of you are scumbags, it won't be a big deal for you, so there's no need to gossip with us in the group.

Thinking about it, everyone remained silent in a tacit agreement. Yes, they were just too lazy to pay attention to him.

Seeing that those group members were still pretending to be dead and refused to bubble up, Ximen Chuixue felt deeply bored and was about to log off. However, just when he was about to do so, the mechanical sound of the system suddenly rang in the group.

[Ding, Xiang Yu, the overlord of Western Chu, has joined the chat group. 】

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