Boss Chat Group of the Heavens and Worlds

Chapter 713 The loser who committed suicide in Wujiang

Text Chapter 713 The loser who committed suicide in Wujiang (please subscribe, please subscribe)

My name is Xiang Yu, an official from the Chu State. At this moment, I have been slandered like never before.


Who gave me, a tyrant, the courage to slander Da Qin?


Xiang Yu had ten thousand things to say in his heart.

The tyrant is obviously Ying Zheng and Hu Hai, okay? Xiang Yu's act of overthrowing Tyranny was not only to regain his motherland, but also to vent his anger on the people of the world who were persecuted by Tyranny's harsh punishments and laws. How could he become such a tyrant? What about the tyrant?

Did I slander Qin?

I see it is clearly you, a short-haired man, who is slandering me, okay!

Xiang Yu clenched his fists and cursed angrily in his mind.

At this time, Liuli World and the Yellow Eyebrow King were on their way to the Shaoyang Sect. You Suowei continued to send messages in the group: "The First Emperor abolished the enfeoffment, destroyed the six kingdoms, and unified China. The books are written in the same text, and the carriages are on the same track. , to unify weights and measures. Build the Great Wall in the north to repel the Xiongnu, conquer Baiyue in the south, and expand the territory. Can such a famous Qin Dynasty be humiliated and slandered by Xiang Yu?"

The great Qin Dynasty is just a Xiang Yu?

In Xianyang Palace, Xiang Yu's eyes widened, he opened his mouth, and took a breath. He really had a thousand words to say in his heart.

When did Bao Qin have so many advantages and deserve such praise from a fool like you?

Abolition of enfeoffment, what kind of credit is this? This is undermining the national policies of various countries for thousands of years!

Destroying six countries, good fellow, launching a war, invading and destroying other countries, is this an achievement in your words?

You don’t have a correct outlook on things!

As for books with the same text, cars with the same track...

I don’t deny that Che Tong Rail is a good move, but Shu Tong Wen, hum, destroyed our country, and also destroyed our writing. Such a hateful invader, you still praise him in front of me, the victim, you This is provoking trouble!

Then, build the Great Wall and conquer Baiyue in the south.

Do you know how many people died during the construction of the Great Wall? You use this incident to praise the Qin Dynasty. Do you believe that the families of those who lost their lives can drown your whole family with just a spit of spit!

As for the southern expedition to Baiyue, the Qin Dynasty is about to invade other places. Is this worth mentioning?

Taking ten thousand steps back, even if this can be defined as the expansion of territory? Regardless of his invasion, this is also a happy event for their Qin country, and has nothing to do with us Chu people? It has nothing to do with the tens of millions of people in the six countries!

So? To sum up, you bastard must be the remnant of the Qin Dynasty in your world, right? No wonder you are willing to defend the Qin Dynasty like this, huh!

Thinking about it, Xiang Yu, who was originally in a good mood, suddenly became irritable at this moment. He snorted heavily, and then sat down again amidst the nervous mood of the eunuchs and maids in the palace who were about to faint from fright. Come down and clench your hands into fists.

If it weren't for the world-class distance, he would have punched Yu Suowei in the face and beaten him to death!

I'll let you talk shit in this group!

Demon Queen Morgana: "Hey, was that Qin Shihuang who built the Great Wall of China? I don't care about this Queen? But that stupid guy named Liu Chuang, the God of War of Nuoxing, claims to be the Great Wall One." No, hey, does he think he can stop me, the Queen? Ridiculous!"

Wei Wuxian: "In my world, there is Qin Shihuang, but there is no Great Wall, so I don't know very well. But in your world, the Queen, the Great Wall there was indeed built by Qin Shihuang. Not long ago, my senior sister, I, and Jiang Cheng, I even climbed there for a while! It’s so majestic!”

Demon Queen Morgana: "Very majestic?"

Wei Wuxian: “Yeah.”

Demon Queen Morgana: "Can that stop the thousands of vicious corpses you summoned with your ghost flute?"

Wei Wuxian: “Uh, no way.”

Demon Queen Morgana: "Isn't that just a shabby project that looks useless? Forget about this kind of rubbish project. If you have the leisure and leisure to take your family to climb the Great Wall, you might as well climb our demons battleship,

Take a rag and give it a scrub. "


Seeing this message from Morgana, the Glazed World burned like a city, and Wei Wuxian, who was teleported here by the system, was confused.

Let me clean the demon battleship, queen. I promised to be your messenger, not a cleaner!

Wei Wuxian felt that he needed to explain his status to Morgana in detail.

However, just when he was about to start editing the message, the chat screen was refreshed again.

It's what you do.

He ignored the conversation between these two great masters who had reached the Immortal Realm because they were indeed qualified to talk about the Great Wall. It doesn't matter whether you say the Great Wall is majestic or a shoddy project, but Xiang Yu doesn't have this qualification!

You Suowei continued to send a message to Xiang Yu: " @Xiang Yu, Overlord of Western Chu, I don't know what the situation is like in your world, but in my world, when people talk about great dynasties, they must mention Qin Dynasty, but the Western Chu established by Xiang Yu... I'm sorry, I really can't see anything great about it. As for Xiang Yu, people of our generation can't see what contribution he made to China. Even if some young people praise him, that's I just praise him for his bravery, that is, his martial arts skills and his ability to fight.”

Huh, this time the slander was a bit higher. While belittling me, he also mentioned some of my advantages. That's right, who in the world can match my martial arts? When it comes to leading troops in war, who is my opponent?

In the battle of Julu, I broke the cauldron and conquered Zhang Han...

You Suowei: "It's a pity that no matter how brave he is, he is only as brave as an ordinary man. He can only kill more than a hundred people on the battlefield. Facing hundreds of thousands of enemies, he is completely powerless. And in the war, once Han Xin comes out, how can he and Xiang Yu do anything? Huh? To be honest, I really don’t understand why so many young people admire Xiang Yu now, even though he is obviously a loser? Then, I thought about it and thought that maybe it is because he failed that there are so many People worship him or pity him.

I was thinking inadvertently, what would have happened if Xiang Yu had not killed himself in Wujiang? People are always like this, feeling sorry for losers and imagining things that might have happened but didn't happen. Well, that's how it should be. "

Xiang Yu: "..."

Wha, what's going on?

The courage of an ordinary man? Han Xin? Wujiang committed suicide? loser?

Seeing You Suowei showing up again, Xiang Yu was so angry that he couldn't help but want to send a message to scold him. However, after reading the message he sent, Xiang Yu was immediately confused. This, this Is it him?

Qi Wang Li Maozhen: "Ahem, Mr. You, it's over, it's over."

Xiang Yu fell into a state of confusion. At this time, Li Maozhen appeared in the chat group and reminded You Suowei kindly.

This newcomer has just joined the group, and no one knows his specific strength yet. It won't be good for you to offend him like this.

In addition, although Xiang Yu was defeated in the end, he had a glorious past and was considered a hero. It's really not good for you to look down on him like this. After all... you haven't reached the highest peak in the world yet, right?

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