Boss Chat Group of the Heavens and Worlds

Chapter 716 Return to Douqi Continent and Queen Medusa

Text Chapter 716 Return to Dou Qi Continent and Queen Medusa (Please subscribe, please subscribe)

Xiang Yu was stunned when he heard Ximen Chuixue's words.

I'm so handsome, but you asked me to become ugly. How do you feel about it?

"With your temperament, you will probably offend many people in the group and even in this attached world, and your strength is not enough to protect yourself." Seeing Xiang Yu's confused face, Ximen Chuixue sighed and said to him said.

"Xiang can carry a thousand-jin cauldron standing upright!" Xiang Yu clenched his fists and growled.

Although he felt an inferiority complex for the first time in front of this person, he still wanted to say this: He, Xiang Yu, is not a scumbag!

"Xiao Yan, who is responsible for farming in Lingtian on the outskirts of the capital, can easily lift 10,000 kilograms of black rocks." Ximen Chuixue said calmly with his eyes slightly closed.

Xiang Yu: "..."

Ten thousand catties? Farming?

"Go to the hospital for a plastic surgery, so that if you are targeted in the future, you won't be mistaken for me." Ximen Chuixue continued.

Xiang Yu: "..."

Good guy, it turns out that this is what you were thinking. You are afraid that I will embarrass you because I look so similar to you, right?

That's too much! You've gone too far!

"Of course, I won't let you have plastic surgery in vain. During this period of time, you will follow me so that I can find out the specific relationship between us. In addition, I can also supervise and protect you so that you will not be like the love you once had. Xinjueluo Hongli died without a burial place." After saying that, Ximen Chuixue didn't wait for Xiang Yu's reply, turned around and walked upstairs.

"Follow me, I will introduce another person to you. His name is Bu Jingyun."

"..." I have never seen such a pretentious person. I didn't agree to let him have plastic surgery, so he decided on his own initiative and asked me to follow him. I...

Xiang Yu wanted to curse, but when he thought of the countless sword energy when he came in just now, he couldn't say those curses.

"Damn it!" He gritted his teeth and cursed in his mind. Then, he followed Ximen Chuixue and walked upstairs.

He wanted to see who Bu Jingyun was!

On the other side, the Glazed World, a small island in the West.

"Poof!" Ye Shiqiu, who fell from the air and fell to the ground, moved his throat and spurted out a mouthful of blood again. His handsome cheeks were now pale.

Unexpectedly, he had already tried his best and was able to withstand the power of the Sea of ​​Life and Death, but he still could not defeat the Emperor of Heaven who had cast a powerful divine spell!


Ye Shiqiu climbed up from the ground with difficulty? He pressed his left hand on the injured shoulder of his right hand, turned his head and looked in the direction of Kunlun Mountain, and said in a hoarse voice: "I'm afraid he didn't get any advantage? So, I didn't win? But Didn’t lose either!”

"Whoosh!" After saying this, Ye Shiqiu turned around and a passage suddenly appeared behind him. He fell into it and disappeared in an instant.

Not long after he left, a force of tens of thousands of heavenly soldiers descended from the sky and landed on the island. The leader was someone Ye Shiqiu knew? The Taibai Jinxing he had seen on the way to the top of Kunlun.

Not only did this old guy survive the several big blows between Ye Shiqiu and Emperor Tian, ​​but he didn't suffer any injuries at all. His ability to save his life was really top-notch!

"Go, search carefully? That person must be on this island. Find him and kill him on the spot!" Taibai Jinxing waved the fly whisk in his hand handsomely and ordered to the tens of thousands of heavenly soldiers and generals behind him.

"Yes, Lord Xing." All the heavenly soldiers responded in unison, and then they all clenched their weapons, took action, and began a carpet-like search, determined not to allow Ye Shiqiu any place to hide.

Ye Shiqiu could conclude that the Emperor of Heaven's injuries were no less serious than his own, and the Emperor of Heaven could also make this judgment. Therefore, after Taibaijinxing led his people to find him, the Emperor of Heaven immediately ordered them to leave him alone and quickly lead his people to chase him. Kill Ye Shiqiu.

Ye Shiqiu must have been seriously injured at this time. Facing tens of thousands of heavenly soldiers and generals carefully selected to serve as the Emperor's personal bodyguards, he must be no match.

At this time, it is a great opportunity to get rid of him. I must not let this threat exist in the Three Realms!

In fact, the Emperor of Heaven's idea was not wrong, and could even be said to be very correct. But he didn't expect that although Ye Shiqiu was seriously injured and had no strength to deal with these ten thousand heavenly soldiers and generals, he still had a system.

The functions of the system will not be unavailable just because the host is injured.

Through the system's time-travel function, Ye Shiqiu opened a time-travel passage to his world of Dou Po Cang Qiong, and then chose to return. Ever since...where is Ye's figure on this island?

After about one stick of incense.

"Jun Qi Xing, we have searched everywhere on the island and did not find that person?" A heavenly general reported to Taibai Jinxing.

"What did you say?!" Hearing this, Taibai Jinxing was shocked and took a few steps forward. He looked around and didn't know what he was looking at. Then, with a complex look on his face, he said seriously He stamped his foot and cursed: "Damn it, now things are in trouble!"


"What are you asking me to do? If you don't find it, then keep looking! In short, even if I overturn this island, I must find that person. Otherwise, how can we explain to the Emperor of Heaven!" At the end, Taibai said Jin Xing was so anxious that she almost shed tears.

In fact, he didn't know that if he could find Ye Shiqiu, he would have found it the first time. If he couldn't find it the first time, his efforts would be in vain again, but... what could he do?

In the eyes of the Emperor of Heaven, this was the best opportunity to get rid of a mysterious threat, but he failed to grasp this opportunity. This, if the Emperor of Heaven knew about this, even if he didn't die, he would still have to shed several layers of skin, wuwuwu~

Thinking about it, Taibai Jinxing closed her eyes and pursed her lips, but tears still flowed down uncontrollably.

At the same time, in Douqi Continent, in an unknown desert.

Ye Shiqiu, who returned to his hometown in this life with injuries all over his body, was walking intuitively in the desert while refining the power of the elixir he had just taken.

He now does not have the ability to tear open the space and return directly to Nalan's house, so he can only walk step by step like this. But it doesn't matter, soon, as long as he refines some of the elixir's power, he will be able to return home directly!

"Hiss!" After walking for a few minutes, he suddenly saw a sixth-level magic beast 'Sandstone Ghost Leopard' sticking its head out of the sand in front of him and rushing towards him. It looked like he wanted to eat him alive. Shi Qiu frowned and slowly waved his sleeves, about to use a small spell to get rid of this garbage monster. However, at this moment, there was a sound from the sky, which was unknown whether it was a bird or a snake. Long cry.

"Boom!" Immediately afterwards, a purple light flashed, and in the blink of an eye, the sandstone ghost leopard penetrated its body and was knocked away.

Then, a beautiful woman wearing a purple brocade robe, with a face so beautiful that it almost reached the level of coquettishness, and a plump and exquisite figure, like a ripe peach, slowly descended from the sky. Behind her was a pair of purple fighting spirit. She turned into wings, and under her waist...hiss, there was actually a purple snake tail. The snake tail swayed slightly, and a wild enchantment emerged spontaneously, making people feel a little hot all over for no reason.

She, she is...

Seeing this female snake-man, Ye Shiqiu's expression changed slightly.

At this time, the sandstone ghost leopard, which had a small hole penetrated above its abdomen, stood up from the sand again, its body dripping with blood, and glared at the female snake-man in front of it with hatred, and uttered human words: "Medusa, you stinky bitch!"

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