Boss Chat Group of the Heavens and Worlds

Chapter 829 The fall of the tyrant alarmed Ksitigarbha

Then Ye Shiqiu took action, and he began to use his ** power to forcibly separate the "Villain Boss Whitening System in the Heavens" from the soul of the person it bound in the still space and time.

It’s not that he is cruel and touches innocent people without permission, it’s because there is a way to heaven but you don’t take it, and there is no way to hell so you just throw yourself into it!

No matter how unlucky he is, no matter how incompetent he is, no matter how weak he is, no matter how useless he is, he is still a member of his own group. How can you just take over his body without even saying hello?

As his group leader, I make the decision for him and deal with you. Isn’t this too much?

Of course, don’t worry too much. I, Mr. Ye, am a compassionate and kind person. I will not take your life. I will only confiscate your system. At the worst, I will give you a right to live in the attached world. You can get in touch with various magical worlds in another way.

Ye Shiqiu thought in his heart.

Then, his powerful mana gently pulled the system that had not yet grown up, pulling it out of the soul bit by bit.

Then, he took out the Xuanzhen Ruler from the Najie and sealed the intelligence of the system.

As for the system, it is better not to have intelligence. After all, we are not fools. We know how to use it and don’t need your reminder.

Just when Ye Shiqiu was leaving the "Villain Boss Whitening System in the Sky", on the other side, the world of Monkey King was fighting for supremacy between heaven and earth, in a fighter jet.

"Huh!" Xiongba gasped and regained control of his body.

Just now, he suddenly lost consciousness. What happened?

Xiongba was puzzled, and then...

"It's over!" Xiong Ba shrank his pupils and exclaimed when he saw the scene outside the windshield.

"Boom!" The next second, the fighter jet fell to the ground with an explosion and a flash of fire, which was terrifying.

Yes, there was an accident!

No one had ever controlled the fighter jet before. Ye Zhou didn't know how to control it, and he didn't pay attention to it. So, pitiful! In the shattered and flaming wreckage of the fighter jet, Xiong Ba's body lost its life, and his soul gradually flew out of his body.

The physical bodies of warriors at the fifth level of martial arts are indeed beyond the scope of ordinary people.

But this fighter jet is not an ordinary fighter jet. It is a fighter jet that can fly out of the earth. In this world of competition for hegemony, the Monkey King crashes to the ground and causes an explosion. How can Xiong Ba's body withstand the explosion?

Therefore, since the establishment of the chat group, the second group member to die was born, and he was - the leader of the Tianxiahui Gang, Xiong Ba!

In the chat group.

The second time Aite dominated, but he didn't respond to her yet, which made the Queen of Demons really angry.

How dare you, little tyrant, to ignore me like this? Do you think you can escape without making a fuss? Oh, don't even think about it. Since you don't cherish the opportunity to speak, then don't blame me for being cruel and ruthless, not even giving you a chance to beg for mercy!

Thinking about it, in the Kingdom of Ten Thousand Demons, Shishi waved her long sleeves, stood up from her soft body, her snake tail transformed into a pair of long white legs, and walked down the steps.

She wants to go to the Rakshasa Kingdom in person and suppress the tyrants for ten thousand years!


Yes, the group rules restrict her from killing group members, but the group leader knows about Xiong Ba. He also said before that if Xiong Ba fails, he can deal with him, so suppressing him should be fine. As for Ten Thousand Whether Xiongba will still be alive in the next year or not is not a question that he should care about.

Anyway, I, Master Shishi, have a lot of poems. If Xiongba does not die after ten thousand years, I will naturally forgive him, punish him with equal punishment, and open this page.

Poems and thoughts.

However, as soon as she walked down the steps, someone in the group suddenly liked her. It was Wei Wuxian. What was this kid doing by himself?

Shishi stopped, reopened the chat screen, and found that the message he sent to her was actually:

Wei Wuxian: "Queen of Ten Thousand Demons, Queen of Shishi, please do the math again. Is Uncle Xiong dead?"

Queen of Ten Thousand Demons: "Why do you ask?"

Wei Wuxian: "See for yourself, Uncle Xiong's avatar suddenly turned black just now. It didn't turn gray like when he was offline, but turned completely black. I remember it was mentioned in the group file that this kind of change Black means that the group member is dead, do the math quickly, is he dead?"

Seeing Wei Wuxian say this, he glanced at Xiong Ba's profile picture and found that it had turned completely black. Shishi's eyebrows immediately wrinkled and she thought to herself, "No way, I haven't taken action against him yet! "

Then, after a quick calculation, I discovered that my good guy was really finished. The cause of death was a plane crash. But why the plane crashed? Was it because Xiongba was afraid of herself that he chose to commit suicide, or something suddenly happened to him or something went wrong with the fighter jet? She couldn't figure out why, but one thing was certain, and that was - Xiongba was really It's over!

"Hiss!" Shishi spat out her snake letter and her expression became a little complicated. Xiongba was dead, so what should she do now? This sudden thing made her a little at a loss.

Wei Wuxian: “How is it? Are you dead?”

Wei Wuxian continued to ask Shishi in the group.

Queen of Ten Thousand Demons: "Mr. Wei, I have just calculated that Xiongba... is indeed dead. His death has nothing to do with me and is not my fault."

Wei Wuxian: "Is he really dead? What should I do? I suddenly feel a little sad. Uncle Xiong and I have been friends for many years, and he just left. I, my heart suddenly feels a little empty. No, I want to go find my senior sister and Jiang Cheng, get drunk with them."

After posting this, Wei Wuxian’s profile picture turned gray and he logged off.

Qi Wang Li Maozhen: "Queen Shi Shi, I wonder why the leader of the Xiong Gang died?"

Queen of Ten Thousand Demons: "The result of my calculation is death in a plane crash."

"Crash?" Seeing Shishi's answer, in Prince Qi's palace, Li Maozhen glanced at the confused Frieza in front of him with some confusion. The corner of his mouth twitched slightly, thinking: "It can't be Frieza." Did he use some tricks on the plane to kill Xiong Ba on purpose, right? To prevent Xiong Ba from causing trouble to him?"

"This guy...couldn't he be suspecting that I, King Frieza, personally assassinated his subordinate Xiongba-san?" Frieza thought in his mind as he looked at Li Maozhen in front of him, frowning.

Just when the news of Xiongba's death spread in the group and triggered various speculations, the world of the Monkey King and the underworld, Ksitigarbha Bodhisattva, who was sitting cross-legged in the eighteenth level of hell to purify the grievances of evil ghosts, suddenly opened his eyes. He looked up and wondered: "How is it possible for human souls that do not enter Zhoutian...extraterrestrial creatures?"

After thinking about it, Ksitigarbha Bodhisattva lowered his head and opened his palms. In an instant, a ray of Buddha light flashed through, and a tin staff appeared in his hand.

Then, he stood up from the lotus platform, stepped down, and thought to himself: "I want to see the soul of this foreign visitor."

"Whoosh!" The whole person turned into a beam of golden light and disappeared from the eighteenth level of hell.

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