"Let's go, let's go to the amusement park today, okay?"

"Good! Great!"

The ink screams the old high, this sentence can really be regarded as this time, the ink screams heard, let him feel the happiest words, he suddenly took Gu Yan’s hand, pull Gu Yan went forward, and Gu Yan did not care whether the direction was right or not, and ran with the ink scream.

Since this kind of time is rare, let Gu Yan greedy and enjoy it for a while!


Annan City.

Qi Changfeng arranged a dinner today, in the name of the customer, Jiangjingcheng, of course, the people who went to the appointment, it is impossible to be a big customer. For Gu Yan’s studio, it is not a big customer, but a sound to Jiang Jingcheng. In fact, it is already an important customer about his life.

Jiang Jingcheng sat in the position waiting for the customer, but the left-hand customers did not come, and the right-hand customers did not come. If they were not thinking about the studio, Jiang Jingcheng had long wanted to drop the table and leave, thinking about the performance of the studio. Jiang Jingcheng is still time and again, pressing down the fire in his heart.

The other protagonist of this feast, Gu Manman, was still at the entrance of the restaurant. I don’t know if the cousin gave this idea to himself. Whether it’s good or bad, I don’t know if I am going in this way, so I face Jiang Jingcheng. Jiang Jingcheng will not feel abrupt, Gu Manman really does not have the courage to challenge the feelings between the two of them.

Before the design of the program, the feelings of the two people, but also experienced a wave of twists and turns such a process, Gu Manman felt that his relationship with Jiang Jingcheng seems to have warmed up, but she did not dare to say anything, because Gu Manman is still worried in his heart, worrying about the warmth of feelings, is just the illusion that Gu Manman himself generated.

Looking at the people who have finished eating out from the restaurant, Gu Manman knows that he can no longer hesitate, he must make a decision, and then drag it down, I don’t know if there is such a next time. Good opportunity, when to wait, Gumanman also went to the ground and went inside.

I have to say that Gu Manman is dressed up very well today. She has a fair skin, a red dress, and Gu Manman is the skin white wins snow. Today, Gu Manman officially dates with Jiang Jingcheng for the first time. Gu Manman is of course a good enough to dress up well, and the end is bright and moving.

When Gu Manman came in, it attracted a lot of people's attention. Such a beautiful girl, no matter where she went, was attractive, and somehow became the focus. But Gu Manman now clenched his own bag with his hands tightly, sweating nervously.

What will Jiang Jingcheng do? Seeing that he is coming, will he turn around without hesitation? Gu Manman didn't know, but in the unlikely event that this situation happened, Gu Manman asked himself in his heart what should he do? Gumanman doesn't know what he should do.

But since she has already come in, she has no reason to quit. Anyway, she stretches her neck and is still a knife. Gu Manman has made up his mind. In any case, she has to get a river view city today. Give yourself the answer, whether you want to be with yourself, Gu Manman can't wait.

She is going to get the answer from Jiang Jingcheng today.

Gu Manman walked all the way and attracted many people's attention, but he did not attract Jiang Jingcheng's gaze. For a moment, Gu Manman couldn't help but be discouraged. He was so specially dressed, but in Jingjingcheng's eyes, he still didn't have himself. ?

Today's Gu Manman, there is no shadow of Gu Yan, she already wants to understand, today's Gu Manman, to completely pursue his own way to pursue Jiang Jingcheng, use his own way to attract Riverview City, let Jiang Jingcheng know At this moment, standing in front of him is the true Gu Manman, not the illusory Gu Yan.

However, what makes Gumanman discouraged is that she came over and did not attract the attention of Jiangjingcheng. The inability of Jiangjingcheng has reached a critical value. He calmly shakes the red wine in the glass. Half-baked, but only Jingjingcheng can know that his mood at this moment is the same as the red wine shaken in the glass.

Like the swaying red wine, the waves are ripples.

In the second second before the outbreak of Riverview City, Gu Manman stood in front of Jiangjingcheng. Knowing this second, Gu Manman finally put down so much worry and tension in his heart. She knew that even if she wanted more, it would be meaningless. Isn't it? As long as the person in front of her is Jiang Jingcheng, Gu Manman will immediately collapse.

Beside the bright red, like the eyes of Jiang Jingcheng, he looked up impatiently, then settled, and looked straight at the woman in front of him.

Until this second, Jiang Jingcheng used a woman's gaze to look at the **** woman in front of her. The former Gu Manman was a child who was uneasy in the eyes of Jiang Jingcheng. It’s annoying to get out of the moth.

But now, Gu Manman seems to have changed like a look, Jiang Jingcheng is set in the same place, the mistakes in the eyes and the surprise, the meticulous, all fall into the eyes of Gu Manman, Gu Manman, finally loose A sigh of relief, before the eyes of Riverview City, it was not disgusting, nor disgusting.

This allowed Gu Manman to hang a whole day's heart and use it to let go. When Qi Changfeng proposed to use this method to help Jiangjingcheng to express his feelings, Gu Manman actually hesitated. He did not know if he should Should I listen to my cousin, is this approach really feasible? Will it steal the chicken and not eclipse the rice?

But at this moment, until now, Gu Manman knows how Qi Changfeng is, how good it is, this move, not only allows Jiang Jingcheng to face up to himself, but also let himself know the feelings of Jiang Jingcheng.

Gu Manman’s heart was finally put down. It turned out that this method was really a perfect way. Gu Manman’s heartfelt burst of a smile, bright and moving, Jiang Jingcheng could not help but watch it.

"Don't you please sit down?"

Gu Manman smiled and opened his mouth. Until then, Jiang Jingcheng came back to God. Gu Manman stood in front of his own eyes and waited for himself to invite her to sit. Jiang Jingcheng now understands that there is no customer at all. The so-called customer is This is the big lady who is dressed up.

Jiang Jingcheng has no choice but to smile. It seems that Gu Manman’s ghost idea is far more than he imagined. Correspondingly, Gu Manman can bring more surprises to himself.

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