Boss, She is Unparalleled

Chapter 627 Doomsday Leader (4)

Chapter 627 Doomsday Leader (4)

In the process of going from the second floor to the gate, the woman's dark eyes glanced at Jiang Yu from time to time.

Even when Jiang Yu was beating zombies, he could still feel the burning gaze of the woman.

However, there were so many zombies that Jiang Yu couldn't spare time.

After finally leading the woman to the door, Jiang Yu immediately withdrew his hand from holding the woman's arm.

The woman groaned and supported the pillar next to her to relieve her weak legs.

Jiang Yu shook off the blood on the steel pipe, put one hand on his hip, and paid attention to the movement around him.

"Dr. Jiang, are you not injured?" The woman smiled at Jiang Yu with a bit of caution in her tone.

It's not that I haven't seen Jiang Yu in the company before. At that time, Jiang Yu always smiled when he saw everyone, which is completely two extremes with the current appearance.

The current Jiang Yu is like a savior in a hero movie.

Jiang Yu glanced sideways at the woman, "It's okay."

"Dr. Jiang, have all your previous research data been preserved?" the woman asked suddenly.

Jiang Yu stared directly at the wheels of the military vehicle not far ahead with a calm expression.

research data?


Sorry, I haven't received the plot yet, so I don't know anything.

Just as he was about to not answer, a roar came from behind him.

Jiang Yu turned around quickly and slapped him with a steel pipe.

"Fang Yun?" The woman exclaimed as she looked at the zombie killed by Jiang Yu.

Even though her head was smashed flat and her face was covered with blood, the woman still recognized Fang Yun who fell on the ground.

She even praised Fang Yun about her outfit this morning.

She remembers it well. did Fang Yun become like those monsters?

At this time, there was a burst of gunfire in the building.

Jiang Yu and the woman looked inside at the same time.

I saw a lot of zombies falling straight from the second floor and hitting the ground.

Black blood splattered all over the place.

The scene was horrifying.

Half an hour later, the battle ended, and only half of the original rescue army remained.

Yue Wu took off his military jacket stained with black blood, threw it on the back seat of the car, and got into the car himself.

"Miss, together?" As he spoke, he patted the place beside him.

"Dr. Jiang, that officer is talking to you."

Jiang Yu raised his head, and met the darker eyes with an uninhibited smile.

The man's clothes were just a little messy, and he didn't look like he had experienced a fierce battle at all.

Jiang Yu pursed her lower lip, climbed into the car without any embarrassment, and sat down beside Yue Kun.

The woman followed the black-skinned soldier to the back row of seats.

The car started.

Jiang Yu looked through the car window at the building that was gradually going away.

"Kangyun Research Institute"

The six large characters were glued to the outer wall of the highest floor of the building.

[Host, let's accept the plot, shall we? 】The voice of the demon spirit suddenly jumped out.

Jiang Yu withdrew his gaze and closed his eyes leisurely.


The original owner was a scientist who specialized in research on viruses.

The original owner was young, only twenty-two years old, but he had already graduated with a Ph.D.

This is due to the constant skipping grades when I was in school.

After graduating with a Ph.D., the original owner was hired by Kang Yun Research Institute at a high price.

Kang Yun's research institute covers a wide range of areas, and the original owner is the main person in charge of virus research.

Two months ago, a drug jointly developed by the original owner and her mentor Abbingham won the biggest award in pharmacology in the world.

When the original owner came back after receiving the award from abroad, he discovered that a major event had happened in Huaguo.

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