Boss, She is Unparalleled

Chapter 688 Super super super obedient (14)

Chapter 688 Super super super obedient (14)

Just as Jiang Yu was about to hand out his finger, he paused when he heard what the demon spirit said.

Pursing his lower lip, Jiang Yu asked the man in the white military uniform, "Can I not take a blood sample?"

The man in the white military uniform looked at Xi Ke over there with some embarrassment, and asked his opinion.

Xi Ke glanced at Jiang Yu's slender back, moved his eyes slightly, and nodded.

No way, blood samples had to give up.

After the fingerprints are taken, the identity information is completely registered, and the process is very simple.

In Interstellar, every lycanthropist who has registered his identity information will have his name and related guardians listed on a specific section of the Star Network after the registration is completed.

Jiang Yu is no exception.

Xi Ke didn't deliberately intervene in this matter.

He wanted to bring Jiang Yu to appear in front of Interstellar Citizen in the future, and he wanted her to know that her identity was the same as his, and they were equal.


A secret thought made Xi Ke couldn't help looking at Jiang Yu's delicate profile like flowing water.

He fought around all year round, and even he himself couldn't guarantee that he would come back intact every time.

If something happens to him...

Xi Ke's eyes darkened slightly, and he suppressed the emotions in his heart deeper.

Jiang Yu didn't know that Xi Ke was thinking so much, she was studying her optical brain.

Every interstellar citizen will be equipped with an optical brain. Jiang Yu is very curious about the optical brain, like a baby exposed to the outside world for the first time.

Curious about all.

This is probably the aftereffect of being locked up for thousands of years.

Jiang Yu thought so.

When boarding the spaceship, Jiang Yu saw a man and a woman.

Although the distance was quite far, Jiang Yu could see clearly, as if she had seen these two people before.

She had seen it before in a dream.

Xi Ke also saw the two of them, turned his head and whispered to Jiang Yu, "You go in first."

Jiang Yu blinked her eyes, and entered the spaceship cabin very obediently.

"Commander." Na Ming walked up to Xi Ke and greeted Xi Ke with respect.

The commander of the empire, even their aristocratic families have to be respectful.

Cheng Zhuwei, who was wearing a red V-neck dress next to the inscription, looked at Xi Ke in amazement, "Good morning, Commander, are you here for business?"

Xi Ke's expression was gentle, but also somewhat alienated, "Come here to deal with something."

Cheng Zhuwei's trainee Ke only glanced at herself and then looked away, feeling a little angry.

Na Ming likes a low-status human being, and it's fine if he doesn't like her. Why does Xi Ke also act like he doesn't want to see her?

"A Ming and I will get married in two months, Commander, can you show me your face?" Cheng Zhuwei asked with a charming smile, holding Ming's arm.

Cat clan women are all extremely charming, especially Cheng Zhuwei.

But Xi Ke didn't feel any disturbance in his heart, he only thought about the little girl in the spaceship cabin, and he casually responded, "I'll go there when I have time."

With Xi Ke's words, Cheng Zhuwei was immediately satisfied.

Marrying Na Ming has been her dream for many years, and now it has come true, and with the presence of the Imperial Commander, she will definitely be the happiest woman in the entire galaxy!

When Xi Ke boarded the spaceship, Na Ming immediately pushed away Cheng Zhuwei who was holding his hand.

"A Ming!" Cheng Zhuwei felt ashamed and hated at the sight of Na Ming wishing to be far away from her.

"I promise you to get engaged, don't push yourself."

If it wasn't for worrying that people from the two families would hurt Ayu, he wouldn't bow his head.

Thinking that Jiang Yu hadn't been contacted these days, Ming felt a little anxious, and thought of the woman standing next to Xi Ke who had caught a glimpse just now.

good night good night~

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