Boss, She is Unparalleled

Chapter 699 Super Super Super Obedient (25)

Chapter 699 Super Super Super Obedient (25)

"Jiang Yu?!" A charming voice full of surprise and horror sounded behind her.

Jiang Yu's footsteps stopped, and her voice...was a bit familiar.

Although part of her memory was sealed before, she still knew the plot.

Just like that Cheng Weizhu who auctioned off the original owner as livestock.

[The host is Cheng Zhuwei. 】The demon spirit corrected.

Almost, don't care so much about a name.

[…] Oh, woman!

As the woman walking in front turned around, Cheng Zhuwei's face with exquisite makeup was completely pale.

This... Wasn't she sold to the auction house? How could it appear beside Xi Ke?

Cheng Zhuwei vaguely remembered a popular news on Xingwang before, that is, Xi Ke registered the identity of a mixed-race human being.

Could it be Jiang Yu?

Cheng Zhuwei strode forward, "Why are you here?"

Before Jiang Yu could speak, Cheng Zhuwei saw Xi Ke and Jiang Yu holding hands, her eyes widened in disbelief, her mind moved, and she began to talk nonsense, "You... did you abandon Ah Ming just to be with the Commander? Together?"

As he said that, he tugged at the sleeve of Ming who was staring at Jiang Yu, "Ming, after Jiang Yu abandoned you, he found another family so quickly!"

Noticing that Ming's ugly face, Cheng Zhuwei felt secretly refreshed, and her face still had the expression of "you goofy bad woman".

Hearing Cheng Zhuwei's words, Jiang Yu's face was as steady as an old dog, but Xi Ke's eyes suddenly turned cold.

He had checked Jiang Yu's identity before, and of course he knew how Jiang Yu appeared there.

Now Cheng Zhuwei dares to wrong her?

"Ah Yu..." Na Ming hesitated to speak, with sadness in his eyes, looking at Jiang Yu as if looking at a heartbroken man.

Jiang Heartbreaker Yu: "???"

What the hell are you calling me? Your little lover died a long time ago, maybe she has already been reincarnated, don't look at me with such greasy eyes, hello!

Lao Tzu is a woman with a family!

If the family members turn around and get jealous and angry, it will be really difficult for me.

"I'm not." I'm not Ah Yu, nor Ah Xia!

"Besides, you were the one who sent me to the auction house, have you forgotten?" Jiang Yu looked at Cheng Zhuwei with his dark and cool eyes, and his tone was also cold, not at all like the squeamish and crying Jiang Yu before. .

Cheng Zhuwei didn't expect Jiang Yu to reveal this matter to the public, and her face turned pale immediately.

"What did you say?" Na Ming stared at Jiang Yu closely, as if looking for traces of Jiang Yu's lying.

Jiang Yu glanced and dodged her eyes, Cheng Zhuwei, who had a guilty expression, didn't answer Na Ming, but grabbed Xi Ke's hand, "Go in."

Xi Ke glanced at Cheng Zhuwei sharply, and led Jiang Yu to continue walking towards the banquet hall.

"Cheng Zhuwei, is what Ayu said just now true?" Na Ming grabbed Cheng Zhuwei's wrist with a cold expression and murderous eyes.

Cheng Zhuwei turned her wrist, trying to break away from Ming's hand, "Ming, I don't, you hurt me!"

Na Ming sneered and let go of his hand, "If I find out that what A Yu said is true, I will definitely make you regret it!" After saying this, Na Ming left Cheng Zhuwei and walked towards the banquet hall first .

Jiang Yu, Jiang Yu, Jiang Yu again!

Why is this Jiang Yu always haunted?

Didn't the people at the auction say that Jiang Yu was auctioned off that day? It seems to be a rich businessman with abusive tendencies.

Why did Jiang Yu appear next to Xi Ke again?

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