Boundless Sky

Chapter 18 I want the luck of the world too!

Biquge, the fastest update of Longmantiantian!

"Mr. Cheng, did you enjoy watching the show?"

Cheng Hao nodded, put away the supernatural power in his left eye, and a smile appeared on his face, "It's very cool!"

What Cheng Hao said was right, he was really happy, not because he felt happy seeing Chen Xuanzang being beaten, but because he found out the plans of the Jade Emperor and others, and he was very happy.

It has to be said that the plan of the Jade Emperor and Laojun is indeed remarkable.

He actually planned to sacrifice the entire Buddhist sect in the Three Thousand Worlds in exchange for the opportunity to advance from the Three Realms to the Great Thousand World. Maybe even the Buddhas in the Lingshan Mountains in the Three Realms were sacrifices planned by the Jade Emperor!

As for who these sacrifices were sacrificed to, Cheng Hao has not been able to find out yet, but thinking about it, it is definitely a frightening super existence!

"Mr. Cheng is happy, but my old grandson is very upset!" The sharp fangs at the corner of Sun Wukong's mouth stretched out, and his eyes were full of fierce light.

"Thinking of the way my old grandson humbly begged in front of you just now, I feel as disgusted as swallowing a fly!"

While speaking, a golden iron rod suddenly appeared in Sun Wukong's hand, and then he rose into the sky, and the iron rod smashed towards Cheng Hao head-on.

"Anyone who sees my grandson's ugly face must die!"

The thunder stick of the demon king Sun Wukong brought thousands of wind and thunder, and the trembling space rustled. Chen Xuanzang, who was lying on the ground, had no doubts about that terrifying power. This stick could definitely smash a high mountain with ease. .

"Mr. Cheng, be careful!" Chen Xuanzang was obviously concerned about the safety of others even though he was in danger. This guy really has a bit of charisma.

"Son, boy, why are you so bad

bullying, cheating, why you do it

Learn to be a good child and love each other

Caring is in the heart, full of colors

Be good, come back quickly..."

Struggling to get up from the ground, Chen Xuanzang sang the ridiculous nursery rhyme again, hoping to use this to cast down demons and eliminate demons, and resolve Cheng Hao's disaster.


However, it was useless, Monkey King's golden cudgel still fell down, but when it was close to the top of Cheng Hao's head, it could no longer make an inch of progress.

"I have to say, compared to my disciple who is also called Sun Wukong, you are far worse than him!" Under the horrified gaze of the demon king Sun Wukong, Cheng Hao casually held the golden cudgel in his hand, "At least, That disciple of mine can't repay kindness with revenge!"

"I just let you out on the front foot, and you will kill me on the back foot. With this kind of strength and heart, I am destined to only be a demon king in this life, not the Great Sage Equaling Heaven!" With a light grip, the nearly indelible golden cudgel unexpectedly shattered layer by layer, turning into a pile of iron filings.

"You... you... who the hell are you? Back then, old Tathagata couldn't break my golden cudgel. How did you do it?"

In his opinion, the prey that could be killed with a stick turned around now, but it became even more terrifying than the Tathagata Buddha. This huge sense of gap made the demon king Sun Wukong back again and again, with a look of disbelief look like.

He slapped it casually, and suddenly, the sound of flesh and blood splitting sounded. The indestructible body of King Kong, which the demon king Sun Wukong is proud of, was instantly bloody and bloody, and the white bones were exposed, shining with a cold white light. Infiltrate.

"Amitabha!" At this moment, a Buddha's cry suddenly sounded from the distant mountain peak, and then a fat and white monk, wearing a greasy, patched shirt, came to everyone's eyes in a blink of an eye.

This fat monk has a benevolent smile on his face, his chubby appearance is like a Maitreya Buddha, and he looks very kind.

"Master!" Seeing the person coming, Chen Xuanzang was overjoyed and shouted hastily.

However, the fat monk didn't even look at Chen Xuanzang, but fixed his eyes on Cheng Hao without blinking.

"The benefactor is not from this world!" After observing for a while, the fat monk said, "The benefactor is from the upper world?"

The upper realm that the fat monk said was naturally the Three Realms where Cheng Hao Penglai Xianshan was located. For monks in the Three Thousand Worlds, the Three Realms were indeed the Upper Realm.

Cheng Hao nodded, and then looked the fat monk up and down, with a smile on his lips.

"You monk, there is something interesting!"

This fat monk is naturally the Tathagata Buddha of this world. Compared with the majestic Tathagata of the Three Realms, the Tathagata of this world is somewhat unkempt and more casual, which seems a bit cute.

"Benefactor, God has the virtue of good life. Although this monstrous monkey is not inferior, it is possible to reform himself. I hope the benefactor will be merciful and give him a chance!" The fat monk clasped his hands together and begged for the monkey.

"Old Tathagata, don't think I can't recognize who you are! Don't be hypocritical here, even if my old grandson dies, I don't need you to intercede!"

As the saying goes, enemies are extremely jealous when they meet. After seeing the fat monk, the demon king Sun Wukong burst into anger. If he hadn't been afraid of the mysterious black-robed Taoist who could easily injure him, he would have rushed forward to beat the bald monk. donkey!

"This monkey, are you useful?" Cheng Hao glanced at the monster monkey who kept baring its teeth and asked.

"Benefactor Mingjian, this monstrous monkey is indeed of great use to our Buddhism!" The fat monk did not hide it, and nodded directly in admission.

"Alright, since you're useful, I'll leave it to you to deal with it!"

Cheng Hao chuckled, and glanced at this monk with deep meaning in his eyes. I am afraid that the Buddhas in the Lingshan Mountains in this world don't know yet. Their plan of traveling to the west, which they have carefully planned, will become the cause of the destruction of the entire Buddhist sect in the future. .

After the journey to the west is completed, when the Buddhist monks arrive at Lingshan, the altar imprint in Chen Xuanzang's soul will be triggered, and then the entire imprint will be transformed into a vast altar, imprisoning the entire Lingshan, with the souls, flesh and blood of the Buddhas, Bodhisattvas, and Arhats in Lingshan. As a sacrifice, to promote the Three Realms to the Great Thousand World, to provide nourishment!

What Buddhism plans is the incense belief of the three thousand worlds, and the Jade Emperor of the Heavenly Court plans the endless luck of the great world. In this vision and planning alone, the Buddhas of Lingshan have already lost!

But for this, Cheng Hao is also happy to see the success.

Jade Emperor and Laojun want the luck of the Great Thousand World, and he, Cheng Hao, wants it too!

Cheng Hao couldn't refuse the temptation to rule a vast world, become the master of the planes in the vast world, and gain a lot of luck!

"The plans of Lingshan and Heaven have been clarified now. Next, it's time to go back and prepare well. The task of overthrowing Heaven and governing the Three Realms has to be completed. I also want the throne of the Lord of the Great Thousand World Planes." Woolen cloth!"

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