Boundless Sky

Chapter 22 Preparations for retreat, the mysterious willow tree!

Biquge, the fastest update of Longmantiantian!

"But it's not enough. If you want to get out of the fire and overthrow the Heavenly Court and become the Lord of the Great Thousand, you must have the ability to crush the fifth level or even kill the fifth level. Otherwise, if the stalemate continues, the final loser must be my Penglai lineage."

Touching the mysterious Dao pattern between the eyebrows, Cheng Hao felt a little more at ease.

This Dao pattern is the Dao pattern on the engraved Haotian Mirror. Although only one is engraved, even so, there has been no trace of Haotian Mirror, which has been imprinted on the center of Cheng Hao's eyebrows. After getting tattooed, she finally had such a subtle connection with him.

It is precisely because of the slight connection with Haotian Jing that Cheng Hao has the confidence to plan for the position of the Lord of the Great Thousand. After all, he has traveled all the way to have the current strength and status, and it can be said that he has an inseparable relationship with Haotian Jing.

The Haotian mirror is the foundation of Cheng Hao, and also the ultimate guarantee for him to settle down. In Cheng Hao's view, its existence is much more reliable than his two natal magical powers.

After all, my two natal supernatural powers belong to the nature of gambling, especially the supernatural power of "three inches in the palm is the world", it is like gambling with one's life, if one fails, one may become a mortal and be exiled forever In the three-inch human world.

"Before the end of Journey to the West, I'll retreat for a period of time to get a good grasp of the connection between myself and the Haotian Mirror. By then, even if I can guide a little of the power of the Haotian Mirror, I guess it will be able to treat the fifth-order The strong cause unbearable damage!"

After sorting out his current situation, Cheng Hao's mind moved, and the passage to the inner world opened, and he stepped into the chaotic ocean of his own inner world.

In the chaotic ocean, as Cheng Hao entered, gray waves rolled, and gray energy columns like chaotic dragons circled around him, as if welcoming the return of the master of this world.

The power of chaos in this chaotic sea has extremely strong corrosion and destructive power. Because the concentration is too high, it is no longer a mist, but a muddy ocean like paste. In this level of chaotic ocean, the fourth-order existence It is impossible to wait for a long time, and only the fifth-order existence has the ability to survive in this chaotic sea.

Although Cheng Hao is the master of the inner world, he still can't control the nearly endless chaotic sea as he pleases. Otherwise, he can control the chaotic sea and turn it into an endless chaotic dragon.

Standing in the ocean of chaos, strands of chaotic power sink into his body from time to time, strengthening the body and even the soul. As the purest energy without any impurities, the power of chaos can improve both the body and the soul effect.

It's just that Cheng Hao is currently limited by the realm of cultivation, and the power of chaos has almost reached the limit of the current stage for tempering the body and soul. Unless he can break through to the fifth-order realm, it will be difficult to improve further.

In this regard, he is not in a hurry. For matters such as cultivation bases, one should not be impatient, and only need to be steady and steady, otherwise it will easily cause the foundation to become unstable.

After all, his goal is not only the fifth level or even the sixth level, but to control the heavens, and even transcend the heavens. For the sake of a temporary improvement, he loses the potential to become the strongest in the heavens in the future, that would be too much. Not worth it.

His eyes scanned his inner world, and finally Cheng Hao's eyes fell on Ao Wuxu who was sitting cross-legged under the sacred tree of Dingdi.

At this time, Ao Wuxu was surrounded by a sea of ​​blood, and phantoms of blood dragons appeared from time to time in the sea of ​​blood. Wherever he passed, the space around the World Tree was shaken constantly. It seemed that the power was very extraordinary.

As for Ao Wuxu himself, Cheng Hao's aura at this time has also broken through to the fourth level. It seems that he has not disappointed himself in the inner world these years. It is estimated that when the Journey to the West is over and the catastrophe begins , this big disciple of myself should be able to reach the combat power of the Four Heavenly Courts and Avalokitesvara Bodhisattva, which is enough to help him as a master.

Cheng Hao is very satisfied with Ao Wuxu's cultivation process, and he no longer pays attention to this matter at the moment. He sits cross-legged in the chaotic ocean and begins to explore the connection between himself and the Haotian Mirror. Before going to war, he must try Guide out a trace of power from the Haotian Mirror.

His mind fell silent, and Cheng Hao kept imagining the image of Haotian Mirror in his mind. Although he didn't know whether this method would be effective, he didn't have a good method either. After all, the ray between Haotian Mirror and him The negligible connection still cannot allow him to detect the body of the Haotian Mirror.

The visualization continued, and in the second hundred years of his retreat, Cheng Hao, who had made no progress in contacting the Haotian Mirror, suddenly had an inexplicable light flickering on the mysterious Dao pattern on the center of his brow.

And with the rise of this ray of light, Cheng Hao's nearly unshakable sea of ​​consciousness began to shake violently, and even his consciousness began to blur.


In the unknown mysterious void, it was dark and lonely, and occasionally there were a few star-shaped bodies exuding blue ripples, showing a bit of luster in the lonely void.

Cheng Hao flew in the void with a cautious expression. Here, in his perception, he had traveled for hundreds of years, but even so, he was still far away from the seemingly closest blue star.

It's not that he hasn't tried using space teleportation supernatural powers to travel, but this mysterious dark void seems to limit time and space supernatural powers, and he has no other way except to fly.

Not only that, this mysterious void, the space level is so strong that he despairs, he can't even hit the sonic boom with all his strength, here, he is simply a rookie who only has the ability to fly, and he can barely fly, not Trapped in place.

"What kind of world is this? Is it the world in Haotian Mirror?"

Cheng Hao clearly remembered that he was constantly visualizing the Haotian Mirror, wanting to have an intimate connection with its body, but who would have thought that in the second hundred years of retreat, his consciousness began to blur continuously, and when he regained consciousness again At that time, he found that he had already left the inner world and came to this mysterious dark void.

At first, Cheng Hao thought that he had fallen into an illusion, but after he tried it, he even tore himself into pieces and felt the severe pain. Finally, he had to admit that this world is the real world, and it is very possible that here , is the inner world in Haotian Mirror.

There is no life, it is dark and lonely, even the blue star, Cheng Hao even guessed that it is just a projection, it is not real at all, it is just to attract people who are trapped in this world to keep moving forward.

In the end, Cheng Hao stopped flying. With his poor flying speed, he probably flew to the complete destruction of the heavens and worlds, and he could not even reach the blue star.


Just after he gave up completely and stayed where he was no longer flying, suddenly there was a spatial fluctuation in the lonely void, and then, in the endless darkness, a huge willow tree swayed hundreds of millions of emerald-like The transparent willow branches, like the sun on the horizon, rise slowly...

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