Boundless Sky

Chapter 31 Sorry, I went to the wrong place!

Biquge, the fastest update of Longmantiantian!

In the void of Dongsheng Divine Continent, everyone's scalp exploded, and each strand of hair seemed to weigh as much as a thousand catties. They were about to tear their scalps off, and everyone was cold from head to toe.

There is an existence not weaker than the level of the avenue of nothingness that is coming, who can be the enemy?

Cheng Hao was unable to determine the level of the Dao of Nothingness, but he knew in his heart that since the existence outside the universe of nothingness dared to descend, he would not be afraid of the constraints of the Dao of Nothingness at all. If one fails today, not only the few of them will die , the entire void universe has to be played with!

"A great avenue of a new void universe, you... can't stop me!"

Outside the blood-colored light gate, there came a cold voice. The language was not a common language in the heavens and the world, but the meaning in it was instantly understood when it was passed to the ears of Cheng Hao and others.

With the sound of this sound, the gap in the blood-colored light gate opened up again, and a complete white bone palm slowly stretched in.

This white bone palm does not look much different from the bones of a human hand, except that the fingertips are as sharp as a long sword, there is not much difference in structure.

"After the origin continent was shattered, the millions of void universes were almost completely destroyed. In the endless origin universe, only three surviving void universes have been discovered so far. Today, I am very lucky to have discovered the fourth one, although it is a newborn one. Nothingness in the universe, but even so, there is a high possibility that the remnants of the alliance between the original gods and the transcendent are hidden here!"

"All the remnants of the original protoss deserve to die!"

"All bastards from the Transcendence Alliance must die too!"

The roar came from outside the blood-colored light gate. It was just a sound wave, and the time and space of the three realms began to shatter layer by layer. With the blood-colored light gate as the center, a circle of space-time storm was set off, covering the entire Xiniu Hezhou.

However, the space-time storm caused by the sound waves is limited to this, and the power of the avenue of nothingness descends to isolate the space-time storm so that it can only be limited to Xiniu Hezhou.

Cheng Hao watched the scene in front of him with bated breath. He knew that this was a duel between the Dao of Nothingness and the strong outsider. He is not allowed to cross the bloody light gate.

"It's useless, you can't stop me!"

The cold voice sounded again from outside the light gate, "I can feel that there are definitely remnants of the original god race here, even if you are the Dao of nothingness, you can't save them!"

As soon as the words fell, the gap in the blood-colored light gate widened again, and then, another bone palm stretched in.

As soon as this palm was stretched in, it was slowly raised, very slowly but powerfully, and gently pushed towards Gao Tian.


Countless mysterious bone inscription symbols soared into the sky, chaos exploded, and unrivaled murderous aura erupted, annihilating all obstacles, and the power of the avenue that sealed the blood-colored light gate was blasted away by this bone palm at this moment!

That palm has the power to lift the sky!

"This seat said, you can't stop this seat!"

Raising one palm to blast back the power of the Dao, the two bone palms tightly held the bloody light gate, and then gently pulled it to one side!


The sound of a door opening suddenly exploded from the minds of all living beings in the three realms. At this moment, monks and even ordinary creatures below the third level of strength, their spirits and souls were all extinguished, and they died completely!

At this moment, the bloody light gate was completely opened! In the gate of light, a figure in the shape of white bones walked in slowly.

This bone figure is not tall, less than two meters tall, in stark contrast to the huge blood-colored light gate beside it, it is hard to believe that there is such a terrifying power in this small figure Power, which can open the blockade of a void universe, comes across borders!


From the nine heavens, rays of light descended from the sky. They turned into flames, thunder, or mysterious runes. Like a shocking rainbow, they could wipe out all existence!

Facing the Heavenly Punishment Extermination attack from the nine heavens, the bone creature didn't even look at it. The bone palm slowly spread out, and suddenly, a mysterious decree emitting gray-white light appeared in the palm of its hand. The light shines on Hengyu, facing the high sky, with the aura of invincibility, locking the universe and sealing the world!

"seal up!"

Raising his hand and pointing out, the gray-white decree turned into hundreds of millions of mysterious runes, forming a large grid of gray-white runes, with the breath of shattering the sky, it flew into the nine heavens with a slight shake.


At this moment, an unwilling roar sounded in the minds of Cheng Hao and the others. This voice was different from the previous roar of the bone strong man. It was... the roar of the Great Dao!

In the depths of the void, the gray-white rune net has shrunk, and the net is constantly shaking and deforming. There seems to be a mysterious existence in the net that is constantly struggling.

Seeing this, Cheng Hao's heart was heavy. He knew in his heart that the Dao of Nothingness, which he had placed high hopes on, had been sealed by foreign invaders!

Above the nine heavens, time and space continued to collapse, and in the end, nothing could be seen. Everything is invisible, there is chaos, even the gray-white rune net is hidden in the chaos.

I don't know how long it took before the roar from the nine heavens ceased to sound. At this moment, the surviving creatures in the three realms faced the existence of the bones, and all of them felt as if their minds and souls were stiff and they were about to suffocate to death.

"The guy who got in the way is finally solved!" The bone creature clapped his palms. Although he was just a skeleton without flesh and blood, even so, when everyone looked at him, they could still feel his joy.

"I wasted a piece of Fengyuan talisman that can seal the original god race. I hope this time, I can catch a few big fish!"

The white jaw of the bone creature opened and closed, as if it was laughing happily, and then spread its palm, and a magic weapon like a compass appeared in the palm of his hand.

"Let me find out where the remnants of the Primordial Protoss and the Transcendence alliance are hiding!"

I don't know how the bone creature is controlled. The compass pointer on the palm of its hand rotates quickly. After a while, the pointer stops, and the needle tip just points to Cheng Hao's position!

"Hey, in this small world of Zhongqian, there happens to be a remnant evil. It's a good luck, and I have gained a lot when I came here!"

The bone creature was very excited. In the empty bone eye sockets, there was a dark white light rising up, like two eyeballs, exuding a cold light, slowly looking towards Cheng Hao's position.

Cheng Hao stood in the void, motionless, not because he didn't want to move, but because now the entire Three Realms were frozen by an irresistible force, time and space were completely static at this moment, and no one could escape!

The bone creature's gaze finally fell on Cheng Hao's body, and the next moment, his jaw, which was constantly opening and closing in excitement, suddenly froze!

"Sorry, I went to the wrong place and bothered everyone, I'm leaving now!"

The bone creature seemed to have a sudden brain twitch, waved its hands at Cheng Hao and others, then turned around tremblingly, walked to the bloody light gate, opened the gate, and was about to leave this place!

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