Boundless Sky

Chapter 20: God and Demon Cemetery, Dugu defeats the sky!

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I checked my eyes, he is not easy to mess with!

After the eyes collided, Chu Xiangyu immediately understood in his heart that the black-robed man in front of him was indeed of extraordinary strength, with a proper level of combat power against the sky, and it was normal for Hei Qi to be defeated by him.

The two looked at each other for a moment, Chu Xiangyu's sharp eyes turned to Chen Nan, his eyes seemed to penetrate his body, see through his soul, "You are Chen Nan?"

The coldness of the voice made people tremble with fear, Chen Nan tightened Fang Tian's painting halberd in his hand, nodded, and did not speak.


With a loud roar, Chu Xiangyu's body soared, and in an instant, he stood up to the sky, his ink-like long hair hung down in the sky like a black waterfall, his huge eyes stared coldly at Chen Nan, and said: "Sure enough, there are ways. Others may not be able to see it, but not including me, it is really not easy!"

Cheng Hao is not easy to mess with, Chu Xiangyu knew it in his heart, so he planned to clean up Chen Nan at the side first, and then slowly clean up Cheng Hao.

But after observing Chen Nan for a while, he found that this persimmon, which seemed easier to pinch, seemed even more difficult to mess with. There were too many secrets in this kid!

Being so watched by an existence that once killed the sky, Chen Nan felt that a sacred mountain seemed to press down on the sky above his head. His whole body was stiff, and it was very difficult for him to move.

Chen Nan screamed in his heart that it was not good. With his current slow-moving state, if the number one demon Chu Xiangyu used his ultimate move on him, even if Haotian was standing aside, he would probably have to be in the presence of these two powerful men. Died in the aftermath of the battle.

Under the pressure of life and death, Chen Nan let out an angry roar, and suddenly, a black and a golden two-color light ball rushed out from the position between his eyebrows, and then turned into a huge Tai Chi diagram of gods and demons, covering the sky, isolating Chu Xiangyu's eyes. Huge imposing coercion.

"It turned out to be this thing!"

There were two strange lights in Chu Xiangyu's eyes, and he glanced greedily at the Taiji diagram of gods and demons above Chen Nan's head, and then he stopped paying attention to Cheng Hao at all, leaving huge afterimages in the air, and Chen Nan was captured from all directions. Surrounded, and then slowly approached away.

Cheng Hao frowned. Chu Xiangyu's meaning was already very obvious. Even if he took his blow abruptly, he had to take away the Taiji diagram of gods and demons first. It can be seen that this number one of the Fifth Realm The devil is absolutely aware of the power of this treasure.

"The evil pen!"

Cheng Hao cursed secretly in his heart, if Dugu Baitian's Tai Chi God and Demon Map could be taken away by you so easily, where should he put the face of the number one taboo god in the ancient times?

Although he was yelling and cursing in his heart, the movements of Cheng Hao's hands were not slow at all. Every time Chu Xiangyu approached Chen Nan, he also took a step forward. The meaning was self-evident. The moment of the magic map is the time for him, Cheng Hao, to deal with Chu Xiangyu.


With a punch, the sky trembled. After evaluating the situation, Chu Xiangyu finally chose to make a move. In his opinion, as long as he won this Tai Chi God and Demon Map, it would be worthwhile even if he took a hard blow from Cheng Hao. !


The sky was shaken, and the huge Taiji diagram, like a divine shield, burst out with golden and black rays of light. The endless breath of life and the breath of death were powerful at the same time, blocking Chu Xiangyu's overwhelming punch!

At the same time, Cheng Hao's figure also appeared above Chu Xiangyu's head like a ghost, and a palm exuding nine colors of light was vividly imprinted on his forehead.


Chu Xiangyu's blow was caught by the Tai Chi diagram of the gods and demons, and the violent counter-shock force made his figure fly rapidly, and Cheng Hao's full-force blow that combined Dao Huo and Dao Lei made his whole body tremble. Cracks were formed, and the cracks spread like spider silk, which looked terrifying.

The magic power was running, and Chu Xiangyu's injuries recovered in a few breaths. Then he frowned and glanced at Cheng Hao. The treasure is taken away.

The map of gods and demons is not easy to provoke. The moment Chu Xiangyu charged again, the light flashed, revealing endless radiant light, which directly swallowed the attacking Chu Xiangyu!

After all, Chu Xiangyu was a heaven-defying existence. Even though the God Demon Map swallowed him, it couldn't hurt him at all. It was like a huge energy mask, trapping him inside it temporarily.

Chu Xiangyu swung his iron fist vigorously, and the huge map of gods and demons trembled as if it would collapse at any time. However, the map of gods and demons is also spinning rapidly, galloping towards the sky like a meteor.

"Haotian, do we still want to chase?" Chen Nan was a little hesitant, this level of battle was beyond the scope of his meddling, and chasing him seemed useless.

"Don't go, go and clean up that guy Heiqi!"

Patting Chen Nan on the shoulder, Cheng Hao smiled. With Chen Nan's current strength, he can violently torture a seriously injured Hei Qi, but he is still unable to kill Hei Qi, so there is no need to worry about death between the two of them. , Losing the power of cutting the sky.

After explaining a few words briefly, Cheng Hao turned into a rainbow light and rushed towards the direction where the God Demon Map left.

Cheng Hao was very clear about the place Shenmotu wanted to rush to. There, where the plot begins, is a huge cemetery of gods and demons, and the ancient taboo god Dugu Baitian is lurking in the depths of the cemetery of gods and demons.

Cheng Hao wants to plunder the origin of the Dao of Heaven, and Dugu Baitian is one of the leaders in planning the battle against the sky. Now the opportunity is just right, taking advantage of Chu Xiangyu's opportunity to fight across the border, and meet Dugu Baitian.

The Taiji gods and demons map shrouded the constantly roaring peerless king Chu Xiangyu, and quickly came to the sky above the gods and demons cemetery, and Cheng Hao followed closely behind, and did not make any further moves, standing in the void like soy sauce passing by, quietly watch a play.

The Gods and Demons Cemetery is the place where Chen Nan was resurrected, and it is also the core secret planned by Dugu Baitian, Chen Zhan, the Demon Lord and others. Without the Gods and Demons Cemetery, and without Chen Nan's burial for thousands of years, it is impossible to complete the final extermination. The last ring of the day.

The green and emerald snow maple trees are swaying gently, and the white petals are floating all over the sky. Rows of tall tombstones of gods and demons stand majestically under the setting sun. The petals of Xuefeng trees are as flawless as snowflakes. The wind drifts with the wind, like the tears of the gods flowing between the heaven and the earth, telling the sorrow of the past.

At this time, under Cheng Hao's gaze, a tall and burly figure slowly appeared in the cemetery, and the shadow gradually became clear. Except for the face that could not be seen clearly, the whole person looked particularly stalwart.

This person is the taboo god who overwhelmed the entire ancient era, Dugu Baitian! Even his name can become a taboo, and he dare not be mentioned by the gods and demons. It can be seen that in that era, Dugu defeated the sky, and how fierce and powerful he had reached!

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