Boundless Sky

Chapter 31 I will kill whoever snatches it!

Biquge, the fastest update of Longmantiantian!

Styx's words made all the innate gods quite moved.

They are the first group of innate gods born after the creation of the world. Except for the two lofty Taoist ancestors, these existences can be said to be the strongest group of creatures in the prehistoric world.

For hundreds of millions of years, everyone has been free and unrestrained. Whoever it is, I am afraid that they do not want to be subject to such tangible or invisible constraints after they become holy in the future.

Who doesn't envy Haotian Daozu's supreme demeanor that even the Dao of Heaven can not give face at all.

Of course, envy is nothing but envy, and the gods are not stupid. The risks after joining Haotian Daozu's camp cannot be predicted, which also makes it difficult for the gods to make their own choices for a while.

"Everyone, three days will be the day when the two Taoist ancestors will preach. At our speed, it is not easy to travel thirty-three days away. If we don't start, it may be too late!"

Minghe turned his head and looked around, and found that many strong men in all directions had already left the prehistoric land one after another, rushing towards the thirty-three days, and after he greeted Sanqing and others, he rose into the sky and started Towards the depths of the starry sky teleported short distances again and again.

Teleportation, in this prehistoric world, only quasi-sages are qualified to use their abilities. Gods like Sanqing and Styx have combat power comparable to quasi-sages, but after all, their realm is still half a step behind, and they can only teleport for a short distance. It is still somewhat unrealistic to want to move in a large range.

"Fellow Daoist Styx has already set off. Everyone, let's set off too. There are still three days left. During this time, which side to choose, everyone can make their own decisions!"

Seeing the surrounding gods leaving one after another, Yuanshi Tianzun and Taishang and others nodded to each other, then flew up one by one, and teleported away one after another after choosing a direction.


The prehistoric starry sky is not a simple cosmic starry sky, but a total of thirty-three layers of parallel universe starry sky superimposed together, and the level of coercion is higher and higher, which is called the thirty-three days.

Especially on the 33rd day, the terrifying coercion can only gain a firm foothold there if the existence of the Da Luo Jinxian level, otherwise the existence below the Da Luo enters it, I am afraid that the flesh and blood will be broken in an instant, even Primordial spirits are hard to escape.

Thirty-three days, it can be regarded as the gateway to the prehistoric universe. Here, half of the area is turned into a starry sky, giving birth to all spirits, and the other half is a vast chaotic air flow, which is connected to the unknown chaotic sea. Here is the gateway to chaos. A must pass.

At this time, in the chaotic airflow of the thirty-three days, there are two mysterious palaces straddling it, like two stars, although the area is not large, but they shine on the heavens, as long as you step into the thirty-three days, It can be clearly sensed by the gods.

The distance between the two palaces is several light years. For ordinary monks, this distance is a natural barrier, but for the gods who can come here, it is almost a matter of teleporting a few times, which is not too much Far.

The two palaces seem to be very similar in size and style, they are all gray, just like Taoist temples.

Several sections of stone steps meander down and extend into the unknown chaos. Although it looks simple, it gives people a feeling that the avenue is simple but not clear.

The only difference may be the names of the two Taoist temples, one exudes purple light, with three big characters of "Zixiao Palace" written on it, and the other has a dark gold plaque on the door, imprinted with three simple and simple words "Haotian Palace". It's like the handwriting of the Dao Shenwen.

After the gods stepped into the thirty-three days of chaotic airflow, each of them hesitated, or showed determination in their eyes. Not long after, some gods made their own choices and rushed towards the camps in their hearts.

"Sister, you go to Zixiao Palace, and Haotian Palace for your brother!"

In a chaotic and foggy area, Fuxi whispered instructions to his pretty girlish sister beside her.

"Brother, I don't want to be separated from you!" Nu Wa shook her head. She has never been separated from her brother since she transformed into a human form. Now she suddenly has to go to a different palace to listen to the sermon, which makes her very uncomfortable.

"Be obedient, your way is in Zixiao Palace, and your brother's way is in Haotian Palace. This is related to whether we can become saints in the future. At this moment, you can't play petty temper!" Fuxi's expression was unprecedentedly serious, for the first time Speak harshly to my sister.


In the chaotic mist, Fuxi and Nuwa are making the final decision, and on the other side, Sanqing is also unifying internal opinions.

"Big Brother, Second Brother, listen to my advice and go to Haotian Palace with me!" Tong Tian, ​​who was young and handsome in a dark blue robe, urged anxiously.

"Third brother, we are transformed by Pan Gu's primordial spirit, possessing the great merit of opening the heavens. Since our birth, we have had an inextricable causal relationship with this prehistoric way of heaven. Daoist Daoist Hongjun was chosen by the way of heaven for us. Teacher, this point must also be felt in the heart, right?" Yuan Shi shook his head and disagreed with Tong Tian's opinion.

"It's precisely because Tiandao chose the teacher for us that I don't want it. We three brothers, don't we even have the right to choose a teacher, and it has to be arranged by Tiandao?"

Tong Tian's face was full of resentment, and he clenched his fists angrily, "Brother, I'll listen to you, tell me, where should we go?"

Taishang was silent for a while, and finally sighed, "Let's go to Zixiao Palace, we are still too weak in the end, the will of heaven is not what we are today, we can violate it!"

"Weak, it's still too weak!" Tong Tian gritted his teeth and nodded, he no longer had any good feelings for the dark way of heaven in his heart.


This kind of situation can be seen everywhere in the thirty-three days. In the disputes and discussions among the various small groups, they finally reached a consensus and rushed towards the palace they each chose.

After all, the three days are almost here, there is no longer any delay!

In Haotian Palace, the first god to enter the palace world is naturally Cheng Hao's first disciple, Ao Wuxu, and today's Great God of Desolation, Styx.

Entering the square paved with golden bricks, looking around, there are thousands of futons neatly arranged in the square, and this place is naturally the dojo where Cheng Hao is about to preach.

After Styx looked around, he went straight to the front of the square, where six futons were neatly arranged in the first row.

Looking at the six futons, Ming He was slightly stunned, as if he understood the meaning, without any hesitation, he took a step forward and sat on the first futon.

Although he is the eldest disciple of the master, but that is because of Ao Wuxu's identity, and now he is Styx in this prehistoric world.

Even in this prehistoric world, he, Styx, wants to become the master's first disciple. No one can compete with him for this position!

He will kill whoever steals it! There is no room for negotiation!

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