Boundless Sky

Chapter 34 Please give us the method of sanctification, teacher!

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"First there was Pangu and then there was heaven, and Haotian was even before Pangu. Born only eighteen years old, a chaos is one year!"

Cheng Hao didn't answer Styx's question directly, but pretended to read such a doggerel, revealing his origin to the gods, and answered Styx's question implicitly.

This seat, Haotian, came from chaos, and was born before Pangu. Do you think that this seat, who is of the same generation as Pangu, would care about a mere sacred seat of the prehistoric way of heaven?

This point, Cheng Hao is not lying.

Although his strength is much weaker than that of Pangu, but it is true that he transformed before Pangu, there is no problem with this.

Moreover, he really does not look down on the holy position bestowed by the Dao of Heaven. This kind of holy position is the ultimate goal that the prehistoric gods dream of, but for the chaotic gods and demons, it is a constraint and a burden.

Not only did Cheng Hao look down on him, Yang Mei and the others also looked down upon him. If it weren't for Hongjun's karma with the heavens too much, I'm afraid he would not accept such a holy throne.

As for the strength of Hong Huang Tian Dao is much stronger than them, this is a fact. But the gods who heard the sermon in front of them didn't know it!

As soon as such a sentence does not have much poetic beauty, but it is extremely pretentious doggerel, immediately, the innate gods who were still somewhat dissatisfied in their hearts were relieved.

"It turns out that Taoist Haotian has such a great background, and he was born before the Great God Pan Gu!"

"It's my luck to be able to worship such great power as a teacher. What else is there to be unconvinced about?"

"This is definitely a great opportunity. Compared with those fellow Taoists who went to Zixiao Palace, we have already taken the lead. Here, Haotian Daozu definitely has a way to become a sage of heaven, or even a sage of Dao!"

There was silence in the dojo, and no one made a sound, but when the eyes of the gods met, they clearly understood the meaning they wanted to express. Suddenly, the gods, whose eyes were still blurred, seemed to have taken a stimulant , stood up one by one, wanting to ask questions.

After Styx took his seat, Fuxi got up first to ask questions.

"Excuse me, teacher, above Da Luo, is he a sage of heaven?"


Cheng Hao shook his head, looking at the frenzied eyes below, he was very satisfied in his heart, it seems that the pretense before was already in place!

"Above Daluo is Hunyuan. This realm, if it is in the world opened up by other Chaos demon gods, it is already considered a saint."

"But God Pangu, although born late in the chaos, is the most powerful. The prehistoric world he created belongs to the most peak world. The Hunyuan realm is here, and he can only be regarded as a quasi-sage!"

Fuxi nodded thoughtfully, and kept clasping his fists in salute.

"Thank you teacher for clarifying the confusion. Although we know that the Great Desolation was created by Pangu, we don't know that in the chaos, there are other chaos demon gods who created the world!"

And at this moment, Zhunti, who was sitting on the sixth seat in the first row, couldn't bear it any longer, and hurriedly stood up and saluted: "Dare to ask the teacher, is there a way to become a saint?"

Hearing this, Cheng Hao didn't speak, but kept looking up and down at the fat monk, and then looked at him with a half-smile.

"Your name is Zhunti, right?"

"The teacher's eyes are like a torch, and the disciple is ready to mention. This is my senior brother. We are two brothers from the barren land in the west. We were lucky enough to enter the Haotian Palace to listen to the sermon. Please have mercy on the teacher and give us the method of sanctification! "

Zhunti patted his brother Jieyin's shoulder very sincerely, then Jieyin immediately got up, bowed respectfully and said: "I hope the teacher will take pity on me and give me the method of sanctification!"

As the voices of the two receiving and leading people fell, thousands of gods stood up in unison in the square behind them, and then they bowed in unison, full of excitement and anticipation: "I hope the teacher will take pity on me, and give me the power to wait for you!" The law of sanctification!"

Cheng Hao took a deep look at Jieyin and Zhunti, and then nodded, "Since you are so urgent, then I will stop being a secret!"

"The realm of Hunyuan belongs to quasi-sages in Honghuang; above Hunyuan, it is called Chaos Realm. In Honghuang, its cultivation level is comparable to that of saints, and its combat power is even stronger than that of ordinary saints!"

"As the saying goes, there are three thousand ways, all of which can lead to enlightenment. But in this prehistoric world, there are mainly three ways to become a saint, the upper, the middle, and the lower!"

Speaking of this, Cheng Hao stopped suddenly, and the anxious gods scratched their heads, but they dared not make any complaints.

After pausing for a moment, Cheng Hao felt that the heat was almost ready, and then he continued to speak slowly.

"The superior method is the method of proving the way with strength!"

"Stepping into the Chaos Realm with this method, the strength is much stronger than the Heavenly Dao Saint, and the position of the Heavenly Dao Saint can be completely ignored!"

"My seat, this method is used to step into the chaotic state. Even in the chaos before the creation of the world, there are not many demon gods who can reach this state!"

After the words fell, Fuxi suddenly stood up and kowtowed down, impatiently begging: "I also hope that the teacher will bestow the disciples with the power to prove the way!"

"Get up and do your best. After the teacher explains these three methods one by one, I will give you the method of cultivation!"

After waving Fuxi back to his original position, Cheng Hao paused for a moment, then continued to talk.

"As for the medium method, it is called the method of cutting three corpses."

"The three corpses are the good thoughts, evil thoughts and obsessions of the monks. Cut out one corpse and step into the early stage of quasi-sage; cut out two corpses and enter the middle stage of quasi-sage; cut out three corpses and enter the peak quasi-sage; the next three The corpse is one, and it is fused with the body without distinction, and finally can prove the way and step into the chaos!"

"Hongjun Daozu stepped into the Chaos Realm with this method!"

"This method is a bit tricky, so the strength is weaker, but the difficulty of proving the way is countless times simpler than the method of proving the way with strength, and it is most suitable for you!"

After talking about the method of beheading the three corpses, Cheng Hao kept silent, closed his eyes and sat down on the spot, as if he had fallen into a state of trance.

Fu Xi and the others looked at each other in blank dismay, even Ming He didn't understand what he meant as a master.

But it doesn't matter if you don't understand the meaning of Master, as long as you understand what your entrusted duties are.

Without any hesitation at the moment, Styx got up again, and then prostrated himself on the ground full of respect, begging in a sad voice: "Please tell me the inferior method, teacher!"

Hearing this, Cheng Hao opened his eyes.

He wasn't trying to put on airs just now, but just now, the people he broke into Zixiao Palace had already sent him a message through a special channel.

In Zixiao Palace, all the innate gods who went to listen to the sermon have basically arrived!

Daoist Hongjun has also appeared on the platform, and the preaching will begin next.

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