Boundless Sky

Chapter 40 Hongjun: People's hearts are broken, it's hard to lead the team!

Biquge, the fastest update of Longmantiantian!

"Fellow Daoist, you don't want me to have such a big karma with Daoist Haotian, do you?"

This sentence is a heartbreaker.

As soon as these words came out, for a moment, the gods who were still eager to try, and wanted to use the method of beheading three corpses to exchange treasures with other Taoist friends, suddenly felt cold.

What Zhen Yuanzi said is correct, this is the method of sanctification, and it is also the method of sanctification taught by Taoist Haotian.

Without his old man's permission, who dares to spread it at will, is it because he wants to make such a big karma with Daozu and his old man?

This is the great cause and effect that has a high probability of turning hundreds of millions of penances into ashes at any time!

"Fellow Daoist, don't worry too much, it was just that Pindao made a slip of the tongue in a hurry!"

Yuan Shi's face was a little ugly, he turned his head and glanced at Fuxi and others who went to Haotian Palace to listen to the gods last time, and found that most of the people's expressions changed rapidly. Very clear sense of superiority.

"We, Sanqing, were transformed by Pangu Yuanshen. How have we ever been so despised?"

Yuan Shi was angry in his heart, but it was not easy to attack, but he was a little annoyed in his heart. If he had known this, he should have listened to Tongtian and went to Haotian Palace.

Otherwise, with his aptitude, he would definitely be able to step into the quasi-sage realm earlier than Zhen Yuanzi.

It is conceivable that Zhen Yuanzi, as the first innate deity to step into the quasi-sage realm since the beginning of the world, will definitely have a great reputation in the future. If he worships Haotian Daozu as his teacher again, he may even overwhelm them all.

Sure enough, when Yuan Shi and the others turned their minds, some gods from the Haotian Palace camp around them began to preach around Zhen Yuanzi.

"Brother Dao, as the first quasi-sage of the prehistoric land, is in charge of such a treasure as the book of the earth. It is not an exaggeration to call him the ancestor of the earth immortal!"

"That's right, Brother Dao's aptitude is astonishing, and his comprehension is even more powerful. As the number one quasi-sage, he will definitely become a direct disciple of Haotian Taoist Ancestor in the future, and he will be taught the best method of sanctification by Taoist Ancestor. Immeasurable calamity!"

"Brother Dao, I am a person who listens to Taoism in Haotian Palace. I hope that Brother Dao will help you on the road to holiness in the future. I will be grateful!"

Some cheered and flattered, and some made close connections. For a while, in this huge Enlightenment City, there was no atmosphere of great gods tasting tea and discussing Taoism.

Yuan Shi's body trembled slightly, and he didn't know whether it was anger or excitement. He glanced at Zhen Yuanzi who was surrounded by stars and moon, and turned his head to look at Tong Tian who was full of envy and his expression was indifferent from beginning to end. , I can't see the slightest emotion.

"Brother, I knew that Haotian Taoist ancestor would directly teach the method of becoming a saint. We should have gone to Haotian Palace in the first place. Now that the title of the first quasi-sage has been taken away by others, I feel unwilling!"

"Second brother, with our foundation, stepping into the quasi-sage realm is nothing more than a lack of specific methods. It will take three thousand years, and the next time Zixiao Palace listens to Taoism, Hongjun Daozu will explain the method of becoming a saint." , now we just have to bear with it!"

"Three thousand years, I used to think it was just a snap of the fingers, but now it's so difficult!" Tong Tian's personality is a little impatient now, and now looking at Fu Xi who has become a quasi-sage, he feels a little dissatisfied with Hong Jun in his heart.

"Big Brother, Second Brother, with our foundation, we are no worse than Zhen Yuanzi, and even worse. The basic Taoism taught by Daozu Hongjun is very useful for ordinary gods, but for us That being said, the effect is extremely slight."

"In order to take care of those rubbish, the Taoist ancestor let us who have a solid foundation fall behind Zhen Yuanzi and others. Today, the quasi-sage is behind, and tomorrow we will be sanctified, and we will also be behind!"

"Slow step by step, Daozu made us top gods miserable in order to care about most people!"

Tongtian, who has not yet been sanctified, even if he is a famous god in the prehistoric world, still does not know how to restrain his unruly aura. Even if it is Hongjun, if he is upset, he dares to criticize a few words.

"Third brother be careful!"

The Supreme Master glared at Tong Tian, ​​"Even if it is a sound transmission, it may not be completely secret. If this matter is known by the Taoist ancestor, we will all have bad luck!"

Glancing at the famous great gods around Di Jun, Tai Yi, etc., the faces of the gods were not good at this time. The reason why they chose Zixiao Palace at the beginning was that Zixiao Palace was more in line with the way of heaven, and it was easier to obtain the holy position and become a saint. Now it seems that this choice seems to be wrong.

Taishang sighed inwardly, and couldn't help but feel a little silent mourning for Hongjun.

Obviously it was preaching the grace of the gods and the gods, but now such a comparison did not end well, and was complained by the gods who heard the preaching before.

The hearts of the people are scattered, and the team is not easy to lead. This Dao ancestor deserves it, but it is really not easy!

Shaking his head lightly, the Supreme Master first took a look at Zhen Yuanzi who was constantly touted like the stars holding the moon, and then his eyes fell on Ming He who was chatting with others in the center of the square. .

"Brother, is there a problem with Styx?" Seeing the Taishang's gaze on Styx, the thoughtful Yuanshi asked quickly through voice transmission.

"It's hard to say, but I have a feeling that this person may be the next quasi-sage!"

Taking a deep breath, the Supreme Master withdrew his gaze, and once again restored the indifferent image of the past, beckoning to Yuanshi and Tongtian.

"Let's go, it won't be long, I'm afraid there will be a few more quasi-sages in Wudao City! We can't stay here any longer, otherwise it will affect our state of mind!"

Yuanshi and Tongtian both nodded. What the Supreme Master said was right. They watched some gods whose strength was even below their own step into the realm of quasi-sages, while they had to wait another three thousand years. It's a taste, it's really not good!

Three rainbow lights flashed in the air, and with the departure of Sanqing and others, Dijun, Taiyi and other great gods also left one after another. If they stay in this place any longer, they will probably go mad with jealousy.

Watching Sanqing and other famous gods leave one after another, Styx, who was still chatting with the gods beside him, raised the corners of his mouth slightly, and set off a deep smile.

"Even Sanqing and the others can't stay here any longer. As for the other gods from the Zixiao Palace camp, I'm afraid they are already dissatisfied with Hongjun?"

As the master's personal disciple, he can more or less know the purpose of the master's long-term stay in this prehistoric world.

Luck, merit, and the treasure of chaos, these are the goals of the master, and if he wants to achieve these goals, he will have to fight with the Hongjun camp in the future.

It would be the best thing if the disciples of the Hongjun camp could be separated from their Daoist Hongjun.

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