Boundless Sky

Chapter 42 Heavenly Dao Holy Throne, I want six!

Biquge, the fastest update of Longmantiantian!

In Zixiao Palace, the huge square is filled with purple air.

At the front of the square, on the tall preaching platform, Hongjun, who was dressed in a blue Taoist robe and surrounded by purple mist, was sitting on it.

Below the high platform, two little Taoist boys, a man and a woman, were telling him something respectfully.

Daotong's expression was a little disgruntled, as if what he said, in his opinion, harmed the interests of their Zixiao Palace.

"Master, this is what Yao Chi and I found out in Wudao City. Most of the gods now prefer Haotian Palace in their hearts. You are dissatisfied, and resentful that you did not directly teach them the method of sanctification!"

"These people are not only ungrateful for your great favor of preaching, but also feel resentful and resentful. They are really not human beings!"

Quietly listening to Daoist's report, Hongjun's expression was as usual, and he didn't show any anger at all. It seemed that any complaints from the gods against him had nothing to do with him.

"This matter, let's stop here, and you will stay in Zixiao Palace in the future, and you don't have to go out to inquire about the news!"

"But master..." The boy was still a little dissatisfied, "We have suffered such a big loss, but we have achieved the reputation of Haotian Daozu, are you really planning to let it go?"

"It's just a false name, how has the poor Taoist ever cared?"

Hongjun smiled lightly and shook his head, "Poverty preaching is just to educate all living beings and gradually end the cause and effect with heaven. As for the thoughts among the gods, Poverty doesn't care!"

Speaking of this, Hongjun glanced at the little Taoist who was carved with jade and carved like porcelain below, and after a slight silence, he opened his mouth and said: "Tong'er, in the future, change your name and call it Tianhao! "

"Master..." The boy had a look of grievance on his face, "Master, I got this name myself before my transformation, just because I have the same name as Haotian Taoist Ancestor, do I even deserve my name? "

"Pindao, this is for your own good. If you have the same name as Daozu, you have to bear the karma of Daozu. Now your name has not been spread in the prehistoric world. This karma will not be revealed, but if it is spread out in the future, I am afraid that the power of karma will be reversed. It can turn you into ashes directly, even here in the poor way, it is difficult to protect you in time."

"Since the master has ordered, I will just change my name. Master, you are such a good person. You treat all the gods equally and teach the Dao, and you are also kind to me and Junior Sister Yaochi. But you are such a good person, why the gods don't know Gratitude instead of resentment?"

Hongjun smiled and said nothing, and did not answer the boy's question.

At his level, he doesn't really care about fame or anything. What he cares about is strength, the absolute strength that can surpass the control of heaven!

Sometimes, he envied Cheng Hao very much, so he didn't need to care about Tiandao's opinion, as long as it didn't cause great harm to Honghuang, even Tiandao would not want to offend the other party at will.

But he Hongjun can't do it. Under the entanglement of cause and effect, he is bound to do anything. Just like the previous preaching, he must follow the plan formulated by Tiandao, first explain the basic Taoism, educate all living beings, and perfect the prehistoric cultivation system. It can't be like Cheng Hao, who can say whatever he wants to say, without worrying about anyone.

"An old friend is visiting, would you like to see him?"

Just when Hongjun sighed faintly in his heart, a familiar voice suddenly came from outside the palace gate.

"Tong'er, open the door of the palace and welcome the distinguished guests!"

"Yes, sir!"

After the two boys saluted, they came to the gate of Zixiao Palace. After opening the gate of the palace, they walked out of the palace and looked out of the palace curiously.

Although they have heard the name of Taoist Ancestor Haotian many times, they have never had the chance to see the true face of this Taoist Ancestor. Now that Ancestor Haotian is here in person, they also want to see. What exactly is the difference.

Outside the gate of the palace, Cheng Hao stood quietly on the stone steps with a smile on his face, like an ordinary mortal, unable to feel any aura or pressure.

Seeing that the gate of the palace was open and the two boys came out, Cheng Hao nodded with a smile, "Two little friends, is Daoist Hongjun here?"

"You can't be called a little friend of Daozu!" The boy who changed his name to Tianhao shook his head a little embarrassedly. It would really break his spirit to be called a little friend by a Daozu-level existence.

"My master has just finished training, Haotian Taoist please invite me inside!"

Curiously, he took a second look at Cheng Hao, Tian Hao really couldn't see why, and he didn't dare to delay, together with Yao Chi, he quickly introduced Cheng Hao into Zixiao Palace.

In the Dao Palace, Hong Jun had already walked down from the high platform, stood on the square, and quietly watched the familiar figure slowly approaching.

"Tong'er, serve tea!"

The guests had arrived, and after the two greeted each other, Hongjun gave Tianhao instructions, then waved his sleeves, and a stone table appeared on the square.

"Fellow Daoist, please!"

Hongjun sat on the futon in front of the stone table, and then motioned for Cheng Hao to take a seat.

After the two of them were seated, the boy had already served the tea, and as soon as the etiquette was ready, the two boys left slowly.

As boys, they are not qualified to know the conversation between Taoist ancestors.

"Pindao thought that fellow Taoists would come after the second sermon, but he didn't expect to come today. This is a bit beyond the expectations of the poor." Picking up the teacup, Hongjun took a sip of tea , spoke first.

"I didn't intend to come here at first, but I accidentally learned that when Fellow Daoist preached last time, there were three new faces in Zixiao Palace, so I came here to find out about the situation."

Hearing this, Hongjun's right hand holding the teacup suddenly trembled slightly, it seemed that his mood at this time was not as calm as it appeared on the surface.

"It's just an innate god who hasn't walked around in the prehistoric world after a few transformations. Don't say that fellow Taoists don't know each other, and the poor Taoist didn't know each other before!"

"Oh...really?" Cheng Hao's eyes fell on Hongjun with deep meaning, "Even you and I have never discovered the innate gods, is it a variable beyond the control of the law of heaven?"

Having said that, Hongjun could no longer maintain the calm and masterful demeanor before, and Gu Jing's face turned cold.

"Fellow Daoist, what is the so-called matter? Please tell me clearly!"

Hearing this, the smile on Cheng Hao's face also gradually subsided. After a little silence, he said word by word: "Heaven's holy throne, I want six!"

Hongjun's slightly drooping head suddenly lifted up, and his eyes were full of cold light.

"Friend Daoist has a big appetite. When he opened his mouth, almost half of the holy positions under Tiandao's command were taken away! Do you think Tiandao will agree to this kind of thing?"

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