Boundless Sky

Chapter 57: Haotian Daozu takes action, shocking the world!

Biquge, the fastest update of Manmanzhutian!

The huge commotion of the Lich War naturally caused many innate gods to wait and see.

Not only that, thirty-three days away, Cheng Hao and Hongjun walked out of their respective dojos one after another.

After thirty-three days, I quietly watched the war in the ancient continent.

The two of them didn't seem to care about the outcome of the war.

Hongjun's attention was mainly focused on the Zhoutian Xingdou Formation, as if he was exploring the core secrets of this formation.

As for Cheng Hao, his main focus was on the Twelve Heavenly Gods Formation.

Under the exploration of his left eye's delusion-breaking magical power, Cheng Hao was pleasantly surprised to find that this formation could not only be used by the witch clan, but also by any body-refining cultivator.

Due to the transformation of Pangu's essence and blood, the twelve ancestral witches condensed Pangu's true body after using the formation. And if other body-refining monks who are connected in the same lineage use this formation, they can also bring their respective powers together to form a powerful demon body.

After thoroughly studying the Twelve Capitals' Divine Evil Formation, Cheng Hao's mind suddenly became more active.

In his face-to-face chat group, there are quite a few disciples and friends who have practiced the physical sanctification techniques he taught. If they step into the realm of chaos with the power of the physical body in the future, and then join forces to perform these twelve heavenly gods, Wouldn’t it be true that the body of the devil condensed by the great formation would defy the heavens?

Thinking of this, Cheng Hao's heart was filled with excitement. If he could really succeed, he might be able to evolve an invincible demon god comparable to Pangu, maybe!

After thoroughly studying the Twelve Heavenly Gods Formation, Cheng Hao turned to look at Hongjun and found that the other party was still observing the Zhoutian Xingdou Formation. At that moment, a smile appeared on his lips, his body swayed, and he left Thirty-Three Heavens , coming to the ancient continent!


In the ancient continent, the demon clan and the witch clan were completely in a stalemate.

Neither of the two sides could do anything to the other, but neither of them was willing to take a step forward. For a while, the loud sounds of battles sounded one after another in the wilderness, and the terrifying aftermath of the battle turned into ripples and spread towards the surrounding areas of the wilderness.

Wherever the ripples of battle pass, there is mourning.

The earth is sinking, the mountains are collapsing, the rivers are drying up, and the plains are barren... The fairy mountains and blessed lands have been destroyed, and the places where fairy spirits grew up have been turned into death penalty areas. For the first time, the battle with saint-level combat power has left the prehistoric world untouched. The living beings understand how insignificant they are.

Under the power of this saint who destroys heaven and earth at every turn, even a quasi-sage is just a big ant that can live a little longer.

"Stop it!"

The gods hid in the City of Enlightenment, urging each other's magic power to resist the terrifying aftereffects of the Lich War. Just when they gradually felt that they were unable to do anything, an indifferent voice with endless majesty resounded throughout the entire prehistoric continent.

The gods looked up and saw the light of the avenue flickering above the battlefield where the two Lich clans were fighting. The endless light converged into a long river of avenue.

There are endless storms rolling wildly in the long river. These storms are the symbols of the avenue, entangled together like ripples. They will not be erased, but will only surge in the endless river of the avenue, galloping into the unknown void.

The endless storm is like a long dragon. Among the countless long dragons raging, one is not very tall, but at a glance, it seems to see the entire prehistoric world, slowly walking out of the long river of the avenue.

"This battle is over!"

Cheng Hao, who walked out of the long river of the avenue, was dressed in a black Taoist robe, filled with endless Taoist charm, and seemed to represent the will of the avenue. He glanced at the two warring parties and spoke slowly.

However, the two Lich clans had already unleashed their true fire, almost to the point of fighting to the death. Both sides chose to ignore Cheng Hao's orders.

Taiyi is still controlling the power of the Zhoutian Star Formation to beat the Chaos Clock. The true form of Pangu, transformed by the Twelve Ancestral Witches, is still rushing towards the demon clan camp. It seems that no one can leave unless life and death are decided today. !


Seeing that his orders were ignored, Cheng Hao's expression turned cold and stern.

I saw him standing in the long river of the avenue, gently raising his feet and stomping in the river. The next moment, the river of the avenue that was originally violent but still extending smoothly suddenly changed its direction, with bursts of waves. The roaring sound of the storm suddenly rushed into the battlefield of the two Lich clans.


Without the slightest surprise, Daohe hit the area where the two Lich clans were fighting.

This river is the long river of chaos evolved from Cheng Hao's Chaos Dao Fruit. The power in it is comparable to that of a chaotic universe rushing past, and it suddenly collides with the Zhoutian Xingdou Formation and the Twelve Capital Gods. Above the big formation.

How does it feel to be hit by a chaotic universe?

No one can tell clearly, but the gods who were watching the battle in the City of Enlightenment immediately trembled all over and were horrified to the extreme after seeing the fate of the two Lich clans.

They don't know how they feel after being hit by the river, but what is certain is that this feeling is absolutely uncomfortable. They don't want to feel it for eternity!

At this time, on the side of the Witch Clan, the twelve capital formations had been destroyed. Twelve huge giants fell heavily from the void to the ground one by one. After making deep pits on the ground, they were half dead. He was lying inside, not even having the strength to climb out.

As for the demon clan, it was even more miserable. After the Zhou Tianxing Dou Formation was destroyed, nearly half of the tens of thousands of demon gods who had formed the formation perished. Not even ashes were left behind, and they were swept away by the long river of the avenue.

As for the remaining monsters, even if Taiyi mobilizes the Chaos Bell defense with all his strength, it is still a drop in the bucket and has little effect in the face of that power that is comparable to the collapse of the world.

If not for the sudden withdrawal of most of that great power at the last moment, even if Taiyi had the Donghuang Bell to protect him, it would be difficult to survive, let alone protect half of the demon clan.

Converging the power of the great avenue, Cheng Hao stood in the void, quietly looking at the two lich clans lying in pieces on the ground, with majestic expressions and not saying a word.

"We have disobeyed Dao Ancestor's order, and we, the demon tribe, accept the punishment. We also ask Dao Ancestor to give us a lighter sentence for the sake of our first offence!"

Di Jun got up from the ground. Although he felt that he was about to fall apart, Di Jun still struggled and knelt on the ground, kowtowing to the oppressive figure in the sky, praying for the other party to forgive the demon clan.

There is no way, he is the Emperor of the Demon Clan. As an emperor who has been in a high position for a long time, he is naturally aware of the mistakes he and others have committed today. If any Demon Clan dares to offend him or go against his will, he will always do it. Cutting off the roots without leaving any further trouble!

What's more, what I and others have offended today is the Taoist ancestor who is above us!

If this matter is not handled well, Di Jun knows in his heart that Dao Ancestor may not need to personally take action. As long as Haotian Dao Ancestor shows a little bit of intention, countless gods will kill the people who have suffered heavy casualties in order to flatter Dao Ancestor. The entire demon clan was uprooted!

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