Boundless Sky

Chapter 84 The Earth in the Inner Heaven and Earth

Biquge, the fastest update of Longmantiantian!

Buzz buzz!

Like a chain reaction, as the giant ape-like Chaos Demon God took form, other Demon Gods bred in the chaos seemed to have sensed one by one, and followed suit.

An octopus-like demon god with bone barbs all over his body; a demon god with nine bird heads and an extremely thick snake body; a giant demon god who looks like an oriental dragon but has black wings on his back...

Chaos demon gods emerged one after another, and in the end, there were nine more powerful demon gods with the peak strength of the sixth order in the chaotic ocean.

As soon as the nine Chaos Demon Gods were born, each of them exuded endless divine light, and each of them roared endlessly, wandering freely in the Chaos Sea, as if celebrating their own birth!

Old Man Mieshi, Emperor Yu, and Emperor Hong are the last three born among the nine demon gods. Although they are huge in size, they are still human images, but they seem to have forgotten the memories of their previous lives, and they are as ignorant as other demon gods. Wandering and playing in the chaotic sea ignorantly, life is quite comfortable.

Cheng Hao's incarnation of the Dao of Heaven quietly observed this scene. At this time, he increased the speed of time in the Chaos Sea by hundreds of thousands of times. Only a thousand years have passed in the predicament of the outside world. For hundreds of millions of years.

The nine chaotic demon gods wandered freely in the chaos for a long time, until this day, the giant ape-like demon god came to the edge of the chaotic sea, facing the barrier of chaos like a seal, he could no longer take a step forward .

After working hard for a long time, he was still unable to continue forward and backward. The giant ape demon god was very unwilling to go back the same way. Not long after, he brought the other several great demon gods here together.

"This should be the end of chaos!" said the giant ape demon god.

"If we can break the barrier at the end and go out from here, maybe we can find the ultimate mystery of our birth!" The old man Mie Shi thought in his mind.

"Then everyone, let's work together to open this barrier and see what's beyond the chaos!" the giant octopus-like monster said in a muffled voice.

"Okay, let's do it!"

The nine chaotic demon gods each burst out a chaotic divine light, and then shot out with all their strength, each firing a divine light.

Nine rays of divine light merged into one, the radiance was as bright as the sun, and the gorgeous brilliance instantly evaporated the surrounding chaotic airflow. After bombarding the chaotic barrier in front, the barrier immediately began to shake, as if it was about to collapse.

"It works, let's continue, don't stop!"

The old man Mieshi let out a loud roar, and then several great demon gods shot again. The terrifying chaotic light swept past like a long river. This time, it directly blasted away the chaotic barrier in front of him!

Cheng Hao's incarnation of the Dao of Heaven was hidden in the vast nothingness, watching this scene quietly.

He didn't stop these demon gods from bombarding the barrier of chaos, even Cheng Hao allowed them to break the barrier, otherwise with the strength of these demon gods, it would be impossible to break through the restriction he set.

"Haha, the barrier of chaos has been broken!"

"Quick, rush out and see what's outside!"

After the barrier was broken, the nine Chaos Demon Gods rushed out along the gap one by one. They have been in the Chaos Sea for hundreds of millions of years, and they have long been tired of staying there. Now they have the opportunity to leave Chaos. There may be danger outside, but I don't care about that much!

After rushing out of the Chaos Sea, all the Chaos Demon Gods were stunned by the sight in front of them.

Behind them is the vast and endless chaotic ocean, a piece of gray, without any other scenes.

But in front of them, there is a bright and beautiful starry sky, the stars are twinkling, and countless stars are slowly rotating and moving around a nearly endless giant continent according to their inherent trajectories.

The huge continent surrounded by countless stars like stars holding the moon in the center is really too huge. Even the great Chaos Demon Gods feel extremely small when they see this huge monster.

The distant, ancient, and eternal breath of time emanating from the vast continent seems to be much older than these demon gods born from chaos.

"Is that continent the origin of everything?"

"Will there be other life there?"

"Go, go there, go to the most real world there, and see the scenery and creatures there!"

Several great demon gods were very excited. They wandered in the gray space of the chaotic sea for hundreds of millions of years. They had never seen such a scene before. At this moment, they clearly felt that the starry sky full of stars and the huge and almost infinite The mainland of China is the place where they should live!


Central Continent, this is the name of the boundless continent in Cheng Hao's inner world.

Of course, he has another name, Haotian Continent.

This name is only called by the few creatures on this continent.

For example, the old Polygonum multiflorum, who was named the Lord of the Land by Cheng Hao, that lazily still lying on the white clouds and sleeping, but the old devil whose cultivation base has advanced to the sixth level, has already been included in the Inner World by Cheng Hao, and is in various parts of the mainland. The dragon horse running wild everywhere......

These creatures don't call the Central Continent very much, and they call it the Haotian Continent from the beginning to the end.

And in the sky above the Haotian Continent, a few light years away, a blue planet that looks extremely small in comparison, floats there quietly.

That is the earth, since Cheng Hao took it from the shrouding world into the inner world, it has been staying here, and has not paid much attention to it.

At the beginning, the old Polygonum and Longma were full of interest in this planet specially received by Emperor Haotian, but after observing for a period of time, they found that this was the earth they had lived on before, and suddenly lost interest .

Today, they are like saints in Haotian Continent. They can borrow the power of Haotian World at any time to exert the strength of the sixth-order Hunyuan. For a tiny mortal planet, it is indeed impossible to mention it. what interest.

However, the few creatures on the Haotian Continent have no interest in the earth, but the life on the earth is full of endless desire to explore the outside world.

Although the human beings on the earth have not sensed that the cosmic space they live in has changed, scientists are never tired of exploring the mysteries of the outer space.

In recent years, the technology on the earth has been continuously improved, and various cosmic probes launched have even been able to leave the earth several light years away, making great contributions to the improvement of the universe view of earth humans.

And the nearly boundless ancient continent is naturally gradually uncovered in the endless exploration of human beings.

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