Boundless Sky

Chapter 90: Luo Feng, are you guilty?

Biquge, the fastest update of Longmantiantian!

The students under Zhou Ze went to different worlds this time, and the tasks they accepted were naturally strange.

To say that the most wonderful mission is Brother Satan who has entered the world of Outlaws of the Marsh.

Satan's luck is not very good, the role replacement identity is Wu Song's elder brother, Wu Dalang!

As soon as he opened his eyes, before he had time to carefully observe the surrounding situation, a slender and beautiful woman came to him, holding a bowl of medicinal soup, and shouting, "Da Lang should take the medicine." ', and pour the potion into his mouth.

Even if there is no memory of his previous life, Satan's character is still deep and suspicious. It is naturally impossible for him to accept a woman with a peach blossom face but cold eyes who wants to feed him medicine.

And at this moment, Satan received his own mission, which in his opinion was extremely simple.

"Trialist, your wife Jin Lian has cheated on you and has murderous intentions towards you, please make her change her mind in the shortest possible time without using violence and coercion, and will never leave you until death! "

This task may be very difficult for other practitioners. After all, it is more difficult to restore the heart of a cheating woman than to bring the dead back to life.

But for a villain like Satan whose mind is different from ordinary people, that is the simplest.

Eileen Chang said that the way to a woman's heart starts from the woman's heart!

Satan has never read Zhang Ailing's novels, but this does not mean that he does not understand it. It can be said that he is an absolute expert in this regard.

Therefore, it didn't take much time, just holding Jinlian on the bed for a few days and nights, this glamorous wife who was dissatisfied with her desires completely surrendered and worshiped under Brother Satan's boxer pants again.

For Satan's way of completing the task, Cheng Hao saw the corners of his mouth twitching. This situation is not too interesting for him, a single dog.

After observing in the inner world for a period of time, Cheng Hao's self-consciousness withdrew partly, and directly entered the plane chat group.

It's been a long time since he entered it, and he also wants to see what stage his friends and disciples have reached in their cultivation, and whether they can be his help when they enter the Land of Heaven in the future.

"Master, you are finally here!"

As soon as he went online, Luo Feng's anxious voice sounded not far away.

At this moment, Luo Feng, even in this face-to-face chat group, looked very haggard, as if his true self was suffering a serious crisis in the outside world at this time.

"In such a mess, someone repaired it?" Although Luo Feng was in a haggard state, his life didn't seem to be in danger, and Cheng Hao wasn't too nervous when he saw it.

"Master, I have found the original source of the chaotic universe where I am, but that place is too difficult to deal with, and there are too many strong people. As soon as the disciple approached, he was surrounded by a group of strong people. The method of sanctification of the physical body taught by Zun is probably going to be miserable now!"

"Understood, just hold on for a while, the teacher will arrive soon!"

After comforting Luo Feng, in the Great Desolate World, in Haotian Palace, Cheng Hao, who had closed his eyes to comprehend the origin of the Dao of Destiny, suddenly opened his eyes, and a golden light shone in his right eye. In an instant, his figure began to change from solid to virtual, Finally disappeared in the dojo.


The world Luo Feng lives in is called Infinite Chaotic Source Space. In the huge chaotic universe, countless great universes and small chaotic universes have evolved. Countless parallel time and space are densely covered, and strong people emerge in endlessly. The area of ​​the whole world has almost no limit at all.

The place of eternity, space is stagnant here, time is still here, only the existence of the chaotic source lord level can survive here.

On this piece of land, there is a round table with thirty-two thrones around it. Most of the thrones that were empty at first are filled with people. form here.

This is a meeting related to the future fate of the entire chaotic universe!

"Infinity Snake, this meeting was requested by you. If there is anything, you can talk about it now!" A strange cube-shaped life said impatiently.

"Don't worry, this meeting is held to judge a person. This person has not come yet!" The giant tongue of the infinite snake shook, and did not directly start the topic, but went back and forth on several strong men of the human race. lingering.

"Yuan, Luo Feng of your human race, will the avatar come to this eternal place for a meeting? If he doesn't come, even if he is absent, he can be judged directly!"

"Don't worry, he's already here!" The middle-aged man named Yuan, who seemed to be the leader of the powerful people of the human race, glanced at the infinite snake, and then said.

"Haha, everyone, I'm late, sorry!"

Above the eternal land where time and space are still, a short-haired man in a black suit, with bare arms and bulging muscles, appeared from the void and sat on one of the seats with a smile on his face.

"Since the Lord is here, let's start the meeting! Infinity snake, tell me!" said the strange life with a cube shape who spoke first.


The Infinity Snake stood up, staring at Luo Feng with icy snake eyes, as if he wanted to stare him to death in this meeting.

"Luo Feng, are you guilty?!"

"What is my fault?" Luo Feng smiled nonchalantly.

"You broke into the ancestral land of my natural Chaotic Origin life group without permission, and even destroyed a third of the ancestral land. Do you admit to such a crime?"

"Destroyed one-third of your ancestral land, I admit it!" Luo Feng's expression gradually became indifferent, "Destroying your ancestral land is a sin, then your natural chaotic source life group has destroyed it again for countless epochs. How many origin worlds are my human race? How many human races died in your mouth? Do you admit to these sins?"

"It's a joke, the chaotic source life is the master of the infinite chaotic source space. Under the chaotic source, everyone is ants, and some ants are crushed to death. What kind of crime is this?" The infinite snake was very dissatisfied with Luo Feng's explanation. The life of ants, is that also called life?

"According to what you said, I am the lord of Chaotic Source. Ordinary Chaotic Source beings are also ants in my eyes. If I crushed a few ants to death and destroyed the ants' nest, what's the big deal?" Luo Feng sneered.

"It seems that we can't make sense between you and me!" The aura of the infinite snake was also extremely cold, and after glaring at Luo Feng full of anger, he turned his gaze to the other members of the round table meeting.

"Everyone, Luo Feng of the human race has harmed our clan's ancestral land and killed our clan's Hunyuan-level life forms. Do you want to be punished? Members, please start voting!"

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