Boundless Sky

Chapter 95 Time flies, but the ancients are still

Biquge, the fastest update of Longmantiantian!

When I left the world of the tomb of the gods, the whole world was affected by the battle between the ancient gods and demons and the heavens. Except for the only remaining bright continent, the other worlds were almost shattered.

But now when he returned to the plane of the tomb of gods, the changes were so great that Cheng Hao couldn't react.

The originally vast and endless chaotic ocean has melted in large areas at this time, and it seems to be expelled and isolated by people with great magic power. The universes are like oval vortices, occupying the original position of the chaotic ocean.

After a little induction, Cheng Hao could feel the aura of the ancient gods in many universes. It seemed that every surviving ancient god occupied one universe and became the supreme master of the universe.

"I haven't seen it for a long time. The broken plane that cultivated civilization and was almost wiped out by the Dao of Heaven has now developed into a multiverse plane. This evolution speed is really not ordinary fast!"

Cheng Hao was filled with emotions, and turned his head to look back while feeling emotional.

"Haha, it's all thanks to Brother Haotian, your face-to-face chat group!"

Behind Cheng Hao, Chen Nan, who was wearing a bronze battle armor, stepped on the space ripples and walked over with an excited expression.

As soon as he came to Cheng Hao's side, Chen Nan opened his arms and embraced Cheng Hao heavily.

"Comrades, long time no see!"

They patted Chen Nan on the back, and after the two let go, time and space ripples spread out beside Chen Nan, and the ancient gods who conquered the heaven together at the beginning showed their figures one by one.

Dugu Baitian, the Demon Lord, the Great God of Time and Space, Chen Zhan, the distant ancestor of the Chen family, the old man who guarded the tomb...the familiar faces, when they saw Cheng Hao, they looked at each other one by one with reminiscence and excitement. Hugged heavily with Cheng Hao.

"When you left and didn't come back for a long time, we worried about you for a long time!" Dugu Baitian, who was still looking like a young man, patted Cheng Hao's shoulder with a hearty smile, telling the story of Cheng Hao's past years. what happened after leaving.

Seeing his old friend again, Cheng Hao was also quite emotional, and chatted with all his old friends for a long time. Although he concealed many things, even so, his wonderful experiences in various worlds still made all the great gods envy Very much, I am very happy to hear it.

Goodbye old friend, it seems that there are countless topics, and it is impossible to finish the conversation. After talking about the past for a whole day, Chen Nan had no choice but to come forward to persuade everyone to leave. He was afraid that if the conversation continued like this, his copy might not be completed. up.

"Haha, boy Chen is in a hurry, we old guys, don't disturb them to do business!" The demon master chuckled, and nodded goodbye to Cheng Hao, "Forget it this time, if there is a chance next time, remember to give us these things!" Everyone, save a place!"

"Don't worry, I will come to you for help when encountering difficult problems in the future!"

Cheng Hao smiled and nodded in agreement, but he also knew in his heart that if he said goodbye today, the chance of meeting them in the future would be even less.

There are one or two people who can go to the end together on the road of cultivation, this life is enough! If you are too greedy, you will be inferior.


After taking Chen Nan into the inner world and saying goodbye to all his old friends, Cheng Hao went to the last stop without stopping.

The world of Yangshen, the Dagan Dynasty, and the city of Yujing.

After leaving for so many years, it seems that Fangyang God's plane has not changed much.

But Cheng Hao knows that the biggest change is the one that hasn't changed.

This shows that this dimension may have been destroyed countless times, and then re-evolved artificially.

Taking a step forward, Cheng Hao's figure appeared in the West Mountain outside Yujing City.

Xishan is still the same as Cheng Hao's impression, with a radius of nearly a hundred miles. Although it is not majestic, it is also densely forested, with complex terrain, many hills, flowing springs, waterfalls, and rocky mountains and forests.

Foxes feeding on jackals and beasts can be seen everywhere in the mountains. It is winter every year, and some princes and nobles have gone hunting in the mountains in twos and threes.

It was evening at this time, in front of a grave at the foot of the west mountain, a handsome young man cleaned the grave, and after burning incense, he went to live in a dilapidated temple not far away.

This young man is Hong Yi, the Hong Yi who hadn't encountered any adventures and hadn't made his mark yet.

"This world has been destroyed millions of times. After each destruction, I will reappear from the long river of time. But unfortunately, every time the world is reappeared, there has never been a figure of Process Hao. !"

Beside Cheng Hao, a familiar figure appeared, standing beside him, his expression was full of the vicissitudes of time.

He is Hong Yi, the Hong Yi that Cheng Hao knew.

"If I hadn't met you again in the plane chat group back then, I would have even suspected that the Cheng Hao I knew back then didn't exist at all, it was just a character I imagined!"

Cheng Hao smiled and didn't say anything, but kept his eyes on the little Hong Yi in the temple at the foot of the mountain, his expression was full of memories.

"Back then, you were so immature!"

After a while, Cheng Hao spoke leisurely, with a hint of a smile in his voice.

"Yeah, back then, I was still very immature. Although my heart was full of ideals and ambitions, I was full of confusion and unwillingness for the future. It seemed that I couldn't see where the road ahead was!"

Hong Yi nodded in agreement, and then a smile appeared on the corner of his mouth, "It's been so many years, when we first met, the figure of Concubine Yuan who was knocked away by your punch is still in my mind surfaced."

"Haha, at that time, I actually only had strength and didn't know how to practice at all. I just relied on my strong energy and blood to be stupid and bold!" Cheng Hao couldn't help laughing when thinking of himself at that time.

Now the two have become strong men who can no longer restrain the universe. They can turn their hands into clouds and turn their hands into rain, and they can control even the long river of time at will. Looking back at the cultivation journey at that time, it is indeed a special taste.

After that, the two of them didn't speak any more, they just stood on the top of the mountain, quietly looking at Hong Yi at the foot of the mountain, looking at the gentle and jade-like young man, who first came into contact with Concubine Yuan, entered Xishan Fox Teaching in the family, the first time I came into contact with the Taoist scriptures, I got the method of getting out of my body...

Originally, there should be Cheng Hao beside this young man, but it is a pity that with Hong Yi's current strength, the re-embodyed Yang God plane cannot evolve Cheng Hao's figure at all.

It seems that there is some kind of power in Cheng Hao's body. Even if it existed, it can't be deduced at all. Even in the long river of time, there can't be any trace of his existence!

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