Bow God Invincible Online Games

Chapter 103 Byron's Collection

Ding! Since the player officially opened the first team copy, the strength of high-end players has reached the primary standard. The official will officially hold the first World No. 1 Budokai in five days. After the system maintenance, the audition rules and challenge details will be released, and the registration for the audition will officially start. The system will be maintained starting at 12 o'clock in the morning, and the maintenance time is tentative Ten hours, all players are requested to quit the game in time to avoid unnecessary losses!

What the hell, I took advantage of this opportunity to start the challenge competition. The competition will officially start five days later. Thinking of this, my passion instantly arose.

New opportunities, new challenges, thinking that tens of millions or even hundreds of millions of players will sign up, and then I will have the opportunity to compete with all the high-end players in the second-tier main city, my heart beats 200 times.

"Brave adventurers, these are my own private collections. To thank you, each of you can choose one of these things!" Byron pointed to the messy things on the ground with different attributes and classifications.

"Thank you for your generosity!" I thanked vaguely indiscriminately.

Collected his thoughts, opened the team chat in a hurry, and told everyone about Byron’s gift. Since everyone didn’t know the attributes and uses of the props, everyone had to take one according to their own preferences. It was given for free anyway. Nothing to lose!

Everyone took turns to get things there in an orderly manner. As the team leader, I lined up at the end in style. Starting with a few girls, everyone had an extra item in their hands after a while.

Girls seem to have a special liking for gems. Cang Qiong, Wedding Dress Xiaoyou and An Ran all took a stone with different shapes and colors of gems, Xiao Ke took a book, Yun Qingshan and Tuo took a scroll, Potato held the very sharp animal fangs in his hand, while I fixed my eyes on an inconspicuous black stone that looked like a gem.

After getting it, everyone checked the attributes one after another. No one had seen this kind of reward method before. The excitement similar to lottery made a group of people yell and start to check their own gains one by one.

The first thing I looked at was the unremarkable stone in my hand. At that time, I didn't know why I chose such an unremarkable thing, so I made a decision in a daze. This is probably the so-called intuition.

The additional attribute of the soul stone special item has a great chance to seal the monster with residual blood as one's combat partner. The lower the life value of the sealed monster, the greater the probability of successful sealing. When the monster's life value is lower than 500 points, 100 captures are successful! Only monsters of Tier 5 and below!

Persistence 1010 (every time it is used, the upper limit of durability is reduced by 1). After reading the attributes, I went crazy. In the stage, as long as you can find a way to find the boss and grind it to empty blood, you can capture this boss as your pet with 100% chance. This thing is much more difficult than ordinary equipped magic horses.

"Haha! Boss, top-quality gemstones! We've made a fortune!!!" The four girls chose gemstones, and after looking at the attributes, the four of them hugged without restraint.

"What the hell? Look at the shared attributes!" I was aroused by these four crazy girls.

Flame Soul Stone is a precious gemstone that seals the energy of flames, and can be inlaid into equipment to increase the attributes of equipment.

The inlay effect is inlaid on the armor to increase the fire resistance by 15. Embedded on the weapon, an additional 210 points of fire damage will be added when attacking, and there is a 5 chance of triggering the flame burning effect when attacking.

The flame burn lasts for five seconds, reduces the defense by 20, and causes 5 fire damage per second to the upper limit of burning blood for non-boss monsters.

Frost Soul Stone is a precious gemstone that seals frost energy, which can be inlaid into equipment to increase the attributes of equipment.

The inlay effect is inlaid on the armor to increase the frost resistance by 15. Embedded on the weapon, an additional 210 points of frost damage will be added when attacking, and there is a 5 chance of triggering the effect of frost imprisonment when attacking.

Frost Imprisonment will freeze non-boss monsters for five seconds.

The Gale Soul Stone is a precious gem that seals the energy of the Gale, which can be inlaid into the equipment to increase the attributes of the equipment.

The inlaid effect is inlaid on the armor to increase the wind resistance by 15, and when inlaid on the weapon, an additional 210 points of wind damage will be added when attacking, and there is a 5 chance of triggering the wind blade defense breaking effect when attacking.

The wind blade break defense completely ignores level suppression and defense, causing a complete defense break damage.

Thunder Soul Stone is a precious gemstone that seals the energy of thunder, and can be inlaid into equipment to increase the attributes of equipment.

The inlaid effect is inlaid on the armor to increase the thunder resistance by 15, and when inlaid on the weapon, an additional 210 points of thunder damage will be added when attacking, and there is a 5 chance to trigger the stiff paralysis effect when attacking.

Stiff paralysis causes paralysis effect on non-boss monsters, which lasts for five seconds.

"Isn't it just a few stones? Although the attribute is very strong, it's not so fussy. Look at me!!!" Xiao Ke raised the book in his hand, feeling extremely flustered.

The only level skill book of the master lockpicking technique, regardless of the level of the treasure chest lock, 100 successfully opened.

Learning Requirements The learning cost of thieves above level 30 is 5000 reputation, and the difficulty of obtaining experience points is permanently increased by 10.

"I wipe!!!" After reading the attributes of the skill book, everyone exclaimed in unison. It turned out to be a unique skill. Although treasure boxes are relatively rare, if you encounter them at any time, with this skill, no matter what box, it will not be there. Next.

"Qingshan, Yufu! What about you? What are your scrolls used for?" I asked curiously.

"Hey, it's also a good thing, but it's useless now!" Yun Qingshan said nothing, and the dress directly shared the attributes of the scroll.

Legion Teleportation Scroll is a rare special type scroll, which can carry a 1000-person legion to a friendly location after use!

I wipe! ! ! This thing is a strategic weapon! ! In the middle and late stages of the game, it can definitely change the situation of the battle!

There are only potatoes left, and this guy doesn't seem to be very interested in the props in our hands, and keeps rubbing the thick and sharp fangs with his hands.

"Hey, Little Doudou! What's the attribute of your fangs? Show my sister!!!" Cang Qiong asked slightly jokingly seeing Tudou in a daze.

Tudou was obediently tidied up by the sky, obediently sharing the properties of the props.

Beamon Fang special item. The Behemoth is the most powerful existence on land. The warrior who successfully hunted the Behemoth received no less respect than the dragon slayer. Turning in this fang in the orc tribe can enjoy the treatment of a chieftain once, commanding the tribe Warriors fight for honor in the name of justice!

Orcs are also a race on the Oath Continent. Although at this stage, due to player level issues, it is impossible to understand the map in depth, but when building an account, there was a reminder to choose the race of Orcs. The strength of the Orc race is extremely strong. Low, and another thing is that most of the orcs are tall, with green faces and fangs, and they are very scary. Except for professional players who simply pursue attribute advantages, few casual players will choose this scary race.

The game has its own chronicle, and various races also have their own territories. The orc tribe should be in a relatively high-level place. According to the literal meaning, with this fang, you can command an orc tribe The nc helps players fight.

This wasteland reclamation campaign has made our team a lot of money. Everyone’s level has increased a lot, and we have also caught a pet that can grow. In addition to these gems, equipment, and props, to put it bluntly, The value of the wealth we harvested this trip has far exceeded the inventory of many large guilds.

What surprised me the most was that these collections of Byron, basically every piece brought to the market or in the auction house, can cause an uproar. The team of eight people, eight collections, the value of these props can't be used now. Some market props value system to measure.

Soliciting everyone's opinions, I gathered all the gains. Since it is a whole, it must be well planned and arranged. Good steel is used wisely and the team's materials are allocated reasonably. It is also a compulsory course for a captain.

After all the gains were collected, we began to divide the spoils according to the needs of the players. The lockpicking skill book must belong to Xiaoke, and the flame soul stone and the previous three flame stones all belong to the sky. With these superb fire gems, when you have better equipment, you will definitely create a terrifying fire technique after inlaying them. The flame spirit and the frost gem were given to the wedding dress. The flame spirit was used by the baby when it was advanced. The wedding dress knew its importance and put it away very carefully.

The Gale Gem was given to Yun Qingshan, and the Thunder Gem was given to Tudou. The only piece of orange equipment, the Yangyan cloak, was leather armor, so no one snatched it from me, and it fell directly into my hands. The fangs and the scroll were saved by me as special items, and I will definitely use them in the future. As for the soul stone and the two sets of blue suits in my hand, after everyone's discussion, I decided to take them out and replace them with some top-quality equipment.

After the props are distributed, the rest are gold coins. In the team capture mode, the number of gold coins harvested is counted. I checked with the authority of the captain and found that there were more than 1,700 gold coins. Add 21 to 5, take out 100 as team funds, and divide the rest equally. Each person took more than 200 gold coins alone. According to the current market price of intermediary transactions, it is already 4000+ RMB income .

The moment I returned to the city collectively, I actually felt like a nouveau riche! !

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