Bow God Invincible Online Games

Chapter 119 The Opening Match Of The Quarterfinals

After getting out of the taxi, I went upstairs pretending to be nonchalant, and took the key to open the door of my house. Sure enough, several foodies in the lobby were waiting for me. Seeing that the dishes on the table were no longer warm, I felt a little guilty.

I scratched my head and said, "I'm sorry, I went out for a while, and the dinner was settled outside, but I forgot to tell everyone before I left, and I didn't bring my mobile phone, which caused everyone to wait so long!"

Cang Qiong curled his lips and said, "Tch, maybe you went to meet the netizens, seeing your distraught look, tell me honestly, is that woman a dinosaur???"

"It's not a dinosaur, it's quite beautiful!" I just said it, but I quickly covered my mouth, it was broken, and I was in a hurry to argue, saying that I had slipped my mouth.

"Did you really go to meet the netizens??? Oh my god, didn't Liu Xiahui stay in bed before? Boss, when did you change your sex?? Now that you have eaten, the next step should be to open a room." That's right, why did you come back so early!!" Xiao Ke interjected.

I frowned and said, "Your thoughts are really dirty, you have to open a room when you see netizens??? What bullshit logic!!"

Xiao Ke argued, "Seeing that netizens don't open rooms, what a joke, everyone is so busy."

Cang Qiong covered his mouth and said, "Is the boss a beast? Or is it not as good as a beast??? It seems that the latter is more likely..."

I was completely angry, and if I didn't show some bossy aura, I would be despised to death by these guys.

In a fit of rage...

Well, I ignored these two impure people, and said, "Sister An Ran, go heat up the dinner, let's serve the meal, I've been waiting for so long!!"


Everyone started eating, and I went back to my room. What happened today had a big impact on my cognition. I always thought that Asuka was a grand thief. Maybe it was some rich lady who robbed the rich and helped the poor in the game. Unexpectedly, it turned out to be an orphan who grew up in an orphanage. I thought of those bright-eyed children in the orphanage, and suddenly felt a little depressed again.

Since the opening game will start at 8 o'clock tomorrow, I didn't enter the game at night, so I took a shower and lay down on the bed. During this period of the game, the rest time has been very tight. Today, I simply indulged to the end, covered my head with a towel, and fell into a deep sleep.

Probably because I haven’t had enough sleep all the time. This sleep lasted from 7:40 in the evening to 7:00 the next day. If it wasn’t for the family-inherited alarm that woke me up, I don’t know what time it will be .

Everyone ate the breakfast prepared by Tudou, and went online in a hurry, and the game officially started at 8 o'clock. Yesterday, I saw in the system charter that the draw for the opening game would be held this morning. Since it was the first time, everyone was a little excited.

When it went online, the arena was already crowded with people. The top eight finals were much more enjoyable to watch than those in the audition. Tickets cost five gold coins, or 100 yuan when converted into rb, but the arena was full of seats. The game company has made a lot of money from ticket sales alone.

After dawdling for a while, the organizer's staff appeared. Unexpectedly, there was also a beautiful and beautiful host.

The beauty cleared her throat and said, "Hi everyone, my name is Mengyu, and I am the full-time host of Huaxia Games. From now on, I will host the games for you in the future."

"Wow, the beautiful host..."

"Please associate, please hold my little hand..."

As soon as the host named Mengyu opened his mouth, the audience exploded.

"Everyone calm down, if you don't calm down, I can use my trump card!!" Meng Yu said mischievously.

"What killer mace, my buddy graduated from Xiamen University!!!" an ax warrior said deliberately.

"Hey, don't blame me!" Meng Yu did not know what to do in the background, and the soldier was immediately silenced. Although he danced and danced, no sound came out.

Seeing that things were getting worse, everyone who was booing fell silent. They all knew that being silenced while watching a game was worse than being kicked out. After just a short while, the whole venue fell silent.

"Thank you for your cooperation. The draw ceremony for the opening match is now underway. If you have, please enter the captain of the top eight teams to play!!!"

As soon as Mengyu finished speaking, a virtual prompt box popped up in front of me, and I chose to enter without hesitation.

In a flash, I was transported from the seat in the competition area to the stage, and a large virtual light screen appeared in front of me. According to the prompt of the dream language, I clicked to extract the ranking, and then there was no response.

After looking around, I realized that out of the eight captains, only I and the evil dragon Nitian were left on the stage.

"Congratulations to the two captains who advanced to the quarter-finals for being qualified to participate in the opening match!!!" Meng Yu said professionally.

Participating in the opening match has advantages and disadvantages. For these large guilds, participating in the opening match represents a great team honor, but it is of little use to a small studio like ours. The various advantages and hole cards will be completely exposed to everyone. Obviously, for us, the disadvantages outweigh the advantages.

In less than a minute, the opening game officially started. The players from both sides came to the stage, and the field suddenly became lively.

With the sound of dream language, the opening match officially started, and the light film in the middle of the arena also disappeared.

The players on the side of the evil dragon against the sky are the evil dragon against the sky, the evil dragon against the sky, the blood of the city, the ghost, and the burning right hand. A professional combination of Swordsman, Knight, Dual Assassin, and Fire Mage.

Our side is still me, Tudou, dress, wedding dress, An Ran, archer, and swordsman. Cavaliers, water mages, and priests are professional collocations.

Since I have dealt with the evil dragon against the sky, I have a certain understanding of their personnel. Just looking at the opponent's equipment, all the weapons are purple equipment, and many armors and the like are also shining with purple light. Obviously, for this martial arts Yes, Guards has spent a lot of money, and the opponent's players are exceptionally well-equipped, which is far from what those third-rate martial arts teams can compare.

Unexpectedly, the evil dragon against the sky did not send a recovery professional to play, four melee and one fire, and a naked chopper team. Fortunately, after these few games, everyone's level has improved a lot Improve, facing this kind of team, not afraid at all.

"Moonlight under the eaves, we meet again, you will pay the price for what you did! Brothers, kill these gangsters!!!!" Said viciously.

Hearing this, I was also angry, "If you want to fight, then fight, they all come floating, and no one can scare anyone! Also, you can't even beat girls, so don't talk nonsense there! !"

The original scene was full of gunpowder, but after the stimulation of two sentences, everyone's enthusiasm was raised to another level. Potato and the dress rushed straight to the opponent's melee player.

"Wedding Dress and An Ran be careful of each other's assassins!" I left a sentence and came to the middle of the road.

Tudou and Yifu have already caught fire with the opposite person. Both of them are armor professions. Under the shaking of swords and swords, each has its own damage. For a while, the front lines stalemate.

Seeing that the front line was stalemate, I directly summoned the little skull. The mage named Burning Right Hand had to be restrained. If he kept outputting, the pressure on the front line would be great.

While controlling the skeleton, he secretly released trap skills at An Ran's feet. Those two thieves are the ace fighters of Wing of Dawn, so they must be guarded carefully.

I was concentrating on controlling the movement of the skeleton, and suddenly felt a chill in my heart. I was highly concentrated and immediately activated the touch of the wind.

Ding! With a soft sound, the half-second invincibility effect of the skill can barely block the ghost's blow. puff! Before I had time to react, another gleaming dagger cut through the void, and the ambush skill hit my back.

273 Damn me, two thieves attacked me unexpectedly, it's hard to guard against.

Fortunately, the control effect of the ambush skill itself is not good, and my resistance is very high, so I only lost less than 300 health points, and I was not controlled.


After suffering a dark loss, I didn't dare to fight hard, and immediately activated the escape skill, and flashed three yards away in an instant. Stand firm, turn around and cover the position just now with a scatter.

Ding! The arrow hit the leather armor, and the re-invisible ghost couldn't dodge in time, so I successfully pulled it out.

Flame Arrow!

Ghost Shadow used his signature operation again, the dagger flicked deftly, and the tip of the blade successfully blocked the flaming arrow I shot.

Lianzhu arrows!

Retreat while continuing to attack. nnd, if you block it, I don't believe that all three can block it.

This time it was not so easy to block, the three iron arrows shot out in a straight line, the ghost only blocked the first one, and the last two hit the body, and the damage value of 800+ immediately flew up. The ghost was not panicked after being attacked, and waved back into the void with the remaining blood remaining.

I escaped from the sky and ran away. The two thieves behind me were all targeting me. I didn't have much advantage when I was close, and there were two opponents, so I could only outsmart them.

I threw the trap while running away, and sure enough, the bloody Qingcheng who followed accidentally stepped on the thorn trap I threw, and immediately lost his vision and appeared in shape, retreating in embarrassment. The soul-piercing arrow and the entrapment have not been released, waiting for the opponent to be careless, the trap and the soul-piercing arrow are used, and more than 1,000 damage values ​​​​jump out from the forehead of Remnant Blood Qingcheng, the first person on the field to die born.

After killing one, there is only one left. I am a little confident in facing a thief one-on-one, even though the opponent is a ghost manipulator. Turning around, he met the chasing ghost in the void, and released his cunning skills sneakily on his body.


I didn't expect the ghost to be so close to me. As soon as I turned around, my forehead was instantly stabbed by a dagger. Although the cunning effect canceled out an attack, I was still stunned. The dizziness time was very short, only about a second. Ghosting slammed a backhand backstab, jumped up high, spun his body, concentrated all the strength of his body on the tip of the dagger in his right hand, and hit me fiercely. the back.

876, with more than 800 health points, jumped up from the top of my head, and more than half of my blood was emptied.

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