Bow God Invincible Online Games

Chapter 13 Unexpected Harvest

The golden light shone under his feet, and he entered the city happily humming a little tune. Now the city has begun to become lively. There are four major sub-main cities in China, and an average of 14 game users are assigned to a sub-main city. The speed at which I move makes most people look sideways.

"Extreme mage skill books are on sale, come here if you know the goods!" A strong man passing by a stall in the square shouted at the top of his voice, "What kind of super skills are you selling, big brother?" The so-called abnormal skills in other people's mouths are extremely sensitive.

"Here, this is it, how about it? Is my little brother interested?" The strong man put a simple blue skill book in front of me.

Ice ring technique instantly releases an ice enchantment, freezing all hostile targets within 2x2 yards, lasting for 6 seconds, with a cooling time of 120 seconds. Costs 45 mana.

The required professional mage turned out to be a control skill book. Although the cooldown time of the skill was a bit long, the instant cast spell was frozen for up to six seconds. This skill book is destined to be of great value.

"I want this book, how do you plan to sell it?" After thinking for a while, he planned to buy it for Lin Qiao. There are still many people who don't realize the value of this kind of skill book, and it will show great value after the average level is a little higher and the large-scale k is started.

"Twenty gold coins! Don't bargain!" This strong man obviously saw my burning eyes, so he wanted to kill me.

"No, keep it and sell it slowly!" I turned and left without even looking up.

"Hey! This brother thinks it's too expensive. You can discuss it slowly. Don't rush away!" , a little stretched.

"Five gold coins, if you want to sell it, you can sell it, if you don't sell it, you can pull it down. I'm an archer, I can't use it even if I buy it!" I changed into a look of not caring much.

"Deal!" As if he was afraid that I would go back on my word, the brawny man agreed immediately.

Just like that, I added a light blue book to my bag.

With a bunch of valuables in his bag, he walked into the Adventurer's Guild nervously, found the mission registrant, explained his purpose, and was introduced to the second floor of the guild. There are only a few NPCs on the second floor, and there are no players except me.

The person who received me was a baron. He took the mission voucher (that tiger head), and after reviewing it was correct, he handed me a silver adventurer medal.

The task registrar led me downstairs and submitted my task, and I was not disappointed. The generous experience rewards allowed me to directly rise to level 15. When I opened the leaderboard, I ranked 76th with level 15 and 8 experience points. Ranked first is a level 18 mage named Aoqi Bingyan. Sure enough, there are a lot of talents, and the animals who have learned the skills are rushing to level up.

"Dear adventurer, Baron Kate awarded you a silver adventurer medal because you completed the wanted mission assigned by the city lord. In the future, you can use the magic imprint on the medal to record that you received the mission in the adventurer's guild through the mission registrant. completion."

Monk Zhang Er was puzzled by what the task registrar said, and it was only after I took out the medal that I figured out what was going on.

Silver Adventurer Medal Strength + 2 Agility + 2 Physical Strength + 2 Intelligence + 2 Star Level 1 special items, which can only be obtained by completing the special task of the city lord. Players who hold this medal can enjoy the privilege of accumulating adventurer contribution points after completing the missions of the Adventurer's Guild. After the contribution value meets the requirements, it can be exchanged for a higher-level medal.

It turned out to be a special type of prop, and it only added eight attributes to the first-level medal, and it could continue to be upgraded. After all, it was obtained for no reason, which is better than nothing.

After coming out of the adventurer's guild, he entered the appraisal office. The appraiser in the appraisal office was much more luxuriously dressed than the one in Novice Village. When he handed the necklace to the appraiser, the surprised old man widened his eyes.

"The appraisal fee is ten gold coins! It's unbelievable that there are such powerful equipment in the marketplace!" the appraiser said seriously.

The huge sum of money that had just been acquired was not warmed up yet, and it was cheated away again. After paying the money, I flicked it lightly with my hand, and the attributes appeared.

The roar of the mountain forest purple equipment necklace level 15 plus agility +30 plus strength +25 plus physical strength +20 plus increases the range of the archer by 10 yards.

Sure enough, you get what you pay for, and game companies are definitely not cheating on this point.

I don't know if this necklace is the first purple outfit. The equipment rankings haven't been opened yet. According to the forum gossip, the equipment rankings will not be opened until the first orange equipment appears. Hurry up and equip it, and the attribute will be greatly improved immediately.

Open the friend bar and find Fat Monkey, "Are you there? I wonder if you are interested in something!" I said, made an attribute illustration of the Tiger Roaring Knife, and sent it to Fat Monkey's chat box.

Within 30 seconds, Fat Monkey replied to the message, "Should we take action, or?"

"It's best to help me change to a bow of a similar grade. I'm still using a level-6 green bow, and I can't keep up with the level."

"We want this knife, please wait for a few minutes, and I'll see if there's anyone you can take advantage of!" Fat Monkey is worthy of being a businessman from the Grand Guild, and he speaks calmly and confidently.

Hidden Man's Piercing Green Equipment Bow Level 15 Attack 48107 Additional Dexterity +16 Additional Increase 3 Attack Power Durability 120120 "That's it, I use it very well!"

"Old rules, trade by mail!"

I opened the map of Feilong City and found the inn. When I arrived at the inn, the package had already arrived. I really wondered if the fat monkey didn’t do anything all day long, but just stood in the inn and packed a lot of top-quality goods in the bag and talked with others everywhere. Mail transactions.

Ding! My friend Dongxue Mantian requests to talk to you! Whether to accept?


"Where is it? I'm in Feilongcheng! I'm in Feilongcheng square!" Lin Qiao seemed very excited to be promoted to level ten.

"You go to learn the skills first, I'll go to the auction house, and then I'll go find you!" Feng Suo went to the auction house to collect the account from the last auction, and then posted the replaced longbow on the Internet.

With the influx of more and more players, equipment with good attributes below level ten is still very popular. The few pieces of equipment sold last time brought me more than six gold coins in total. Randomly flipped through the mage's equipment, picked a tenth-level green staff with average attributes, and bought it for eight gold at a price. All the belongings on him were less than hardware.

Take the captured staff and walk towards the professional union. As soon as I entered the door, my mentor greeted me from a distance, "Dear clansman, are you coming to see me again? Is there anything I can do for you?" The archers who were waiting for professional certification were put aside, and a few of them who had never seen the market stood there in disbelief.

"I'm here to find my friend, and I'll see you by the way. She just came to this main city to join me!" I explained hastily. It turns out that too much intimacy is not a good thing. I saw that the eyes of several players next to me turned green.

Go to the mage instructor to find Lin Qiao, learn the skills and withdraw as soon as possible. I really can't stand the crowd watching.

He took Lin Qiao and ran all the way out of the professional trade union, only to realize that he had run so far while holding the girl's hand.

"Uh, this... well, I didn't mean it!" I held the girl's hand for the first time, and after I realized it, I was a little at a loss and rubbed my hands unconsciously. Not sure what to explain.

"Uh, haha! Landlord, you are so shy!!" Lin Qiao smiled heartlessly when she saw my embarrassment.

"I'm so young, if you call me uncle again, you won't be allowed to eat tomorrow! As for holding your hand, since you don't mind, then I won't suffer. There is no need to be shy." Seeing the little girl making fun of me , I also started to fight back.

Turn around and trade to her two things, a tenth-level staff and a skill book.

"Uncle! Thank you for taking care of me." Lin Qiao lowered her head.

"We're in the same boat, there's no need to thank you! Rest, it's already three o'clock in the morning, and I'll upgrade you tomorrow." Not wanting too much embarrassment, I hurriedly logged out.

I found something to eat in the refrigerator and stuffed it all, then went to the bathroom to take a hasty shower, set the alarm clock and fell on the bed. Well, it was a very fulfilling day.

"Sister, sit on the bedside, big brother is walking on the shore, lovingly swinging on the rope..." I was awakened by the alarm when I was soundly asleep. This ringtone was given to me by my father before I went to college, and said to practice it myself It can effectively solve the problem of staying in bed. It is said that it was used by my grandfather, and it can be regarded as a family heirloom.

Looking at the time, it was exactly eight o'clock in the morning. After less than five hours of sleep, I was woken up by the alarm clock, and my spirit was still a little sluggish. Drowsily dressed, got into the toilet to take a tuba, and was squatting down and having a great time, when suddenly a person in pajamas opened the door and came in.

"Ah!!!!" My subconscious conditioned reflex howled.

Lin Qiao, who just woke up and went to the toilet, walked out very calmly, and pretended to be calm outside the door and said, "Howl, what's so interesting about a big man, I didn't even howl!"

"Damn!!" I was instantly killed by Miss Lin's bold words. I was still a little drowsy at first, but after being disturbed by this incident, I woke up.

Washing her face, brushing her teeth and shaving her beard, she purposely dawdled in the bathroom until Lin Qiao, who suffered from kidney failure outside, kicked the door open slowly.

By the time Aunt Lin came out of the toilet, I had already eaten a deep-fried dough stick, so hurry up to eat and then go to the game. The early stage of any online game is the key to distance. There are many tasks and bonus skills. Unique.

Eat, pack up, go back to the bedroom and go online.

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