Bow God Invincible Online Games

Chapter 148 Unintentionally Inserting Liu Jian's Extraordinary Achievements


A scattered arrow hit the leather armor, causing more than 100 points of damage to jump up, and the ghost was successfully pulled out by the clone's skills.

I chuckled and said, "Let you be obscene, in the face of the dictatorship of the proletariat, all conspiracies are paper tigers!!"

The ghost had a depressed face, the cat thought everything was fine there, but unexpectedly I got out of it.


After showing its original form, Soul Breaking Strike was about to arrive in front of him. The ghost was depressed, but professional players still had the ability to react and make decisions. They escaped almost by wiping the effect of the skill beam, and it was a few tenths of a second later. was hit.

I rely on! This is too abnormal. Even if it is the opponent, I can't help but be impressed by this guy's elegant operation.

The ghost escaped, I was not idle, I finally took the initiative on the field, how could I give up the advantage so easily, the ghost ran in front, I controlled three units and started chasing.

Flame Arrow!

Soul Piercing Arrow!

The sword swings in all directions!

Another three skills are lost, demo, I don't believe I can't cripple you!




The Flaming Arrow was accurately parried. Of the three skills, only the soul-piercing arrow skill of the avatar skill successfully hit, and dealt 470+ damage. The most disgusting thing is that with such a high attribute of the skeleton, the skill attack was passively dodged. This guy's dodge attribute is definitely not low.

After another round of attacks, Ghosting's pressure increased, and now he has used up almost all of his life-saving skills, while on my side, there are still a few big killer skills that are useless.

"I won't play with you anymore!! Goodbye!!" I once again controlled the avatar and the main body in tandem and fired arrows!

Under my control, the six arrows one in front and one in the back quickly chased away. Seeing the menacing approach, the ghost did not dare to parry, so he had to fill a blood bottle and activate the incognito skill to resist.




347428405 The incognito skill successfully blocked the first three arrows, but the arrows behind were also close to me, and it was too late to move. The ghost that was invisible just now was shot out again, and all three arrows hit in succession. The ghost was successfully shot by me Out of breath and blood, he fell down.

This match lasted less than a minute. After I stepped down, Cang Qiong and the others cheered.

Cang Qiong said with a smile on his brows, "Ouye, I finally got my revenge!! That stinky and shameless Guiying has today too!!"

An Ran also said excitedly, "Come on, when I win the championship, I will cook special dishes to celebrate in the evening, which I have never done before!!"

Hearing that there are special dishes, we foodies are all messed up. An Ran's craftsmanship is recognized as a chef level, and her special dishes will definitely not let us down.

"Hey, Boss, I really want to eat Sister An Ran's specialty. If you lose in the next game, I will..." Tudou said maliciously while pinching his knuckles.

"Damn it, what do you want to do???" I said with a guilty conscience.


Playing again, it is already the final decisive game. The victory of this game will determine the championship of the singles. Thinking of everyone's ardent expectations and Tudou's malicious fists, I am Yali Shanda.

About half a minute late, the ghost also came up.

Seeing that the other party came to the stage so late, I deliberately said, "Hey, Brother Guiying, why didn't you use Viagra in the last game? It doesn't seem to be very powerful!!"

"Hmph, don't get too excited, this game hasn't started yet, the outcome is unknown!!!" Guiying said without anger.

"Eh..." Seeing the other party's mentality is so good, I no longer have the desire to tease him. I originally hoped to deliberately tease him to make him angry and go crazy.

The way to use troops is to attack the heart first, don't underestimate the few words before the game, if you successfully anger the opponent, then Yali will be much smaller in the face of the furious opponent during the game, and the mentality is very good when you see the ghost. I don't care about my teasing at all, and I don't have the motivation to continue pulling.

After two minutes of preparation time, the light film disappeared and it started.

With the experience of the previous round, I summoned all the units at the beginning of this round, but the ghost is still hidden, and I don't know when it will make a move.

After the off-court summary, we continued to perfect my oppressive style of play. Not only did I summon shadows and pets in this round, but I even used the trap skills of clones. Yun Qingshan said it well, as long as it can give Opponents cause trouble, even if the odds are small, we should try.

Throwing all the traps around my body in one breath, this time I am even more single, I didn't even hide my invisibility, and I focused all my attention on the control operation on the skeleton next to me. Taste the taste of this death scythe breaking in two.

After more than ten seconds of stalemate, Guiying finally couldn't help but make a move.

Another dagger stabbed out of the void, accurately hitting the lower back of my body. Damn it, you dare to use a kidney shot on me, it's really despicable and shameless.

With one blow, I was controlled, and I immediately controlled the avatar and the skeleton to use skills to return. Sure enough, seeing a series of skill attacks coming, the ghost gave up the attack again, shamefully hiding.

The kidney shot paralyzed me for two seconds, other than that, the damage was very low, only more than 170 skill damage.

Since I focused my attention on the skeleton at the beginning, there was no resistance at all when facing the sneak attack. The main body was controlled, so the range attack effect could not be released in time. Fortunately, the ghost was tentative just now Attack, if you were desperate just now, resist the attack forcefully and gain momentum, enough seconds to kill me, lose the body, the skeleton will be teleported back to the pet space, and then there will be only one shadow clone that exists for 60 seconds on the field. When the time comes, there is no doubt that they will lose. Thinking of this, cold sweat came down my back immediately.

Hastily adjusted the priority of the control back to the body first, and all the senses were mobilized.

I was concentrating on feeling the surrounding situation, and a soundless energy beam shot over again. Since there was no sound and no entity, within a short distance of one yard, I was caught off guard.

It's that energy tooth spur skill again! !

With half a second of control time, I hurriedly adjusted the clone and the skeleton to release the attack.



The dagger in Ghost Shadow's left hand and right hand hit my shoulder blade with two consecutive skills.

Ding! When you are attacked by the skill of Osteotomy, your life value will be reduced by 370 points, and you will lose 35 points of blood every second for 20 seconds.

Ding! You are attacked by the poisoning skill, successfully infected with the split echinacea toxin, and enter the poisoned state, losing 40 blood points every second for 20 seconds.

Two consecutive blood loss states fell on me one after another, and 75 damage per second suddenly floated on my forehead.

Are you kidding me, I only have the upper limit of 1500 HP now, plus the 370 skill damage of Osteotomy at the beginning, this guy can bleed my blood in 20 seconds.

There is no need to think about it at all. If there are only ordinary blood bottles, 1500+8002300 health points, up to two rounds of skills, I will definitely lie down because of the long cooling time of the medicine bottle and the lack of replenishment of health points. Out of the moon dew Fenghua potion. After a few seconds of bleeding, I poured the potion.

In an instant, a green number of 1500+ jumped up from the forehead, and the life value lost by the continuous bleeding was replenished in an instant.

Ghosting didn't expect me to have such a high-level potion, and just one bottle filled up the blood. The act of filling the blood bottle made Ghosting's eyes widen. After the blood was full, I gathered the three units together and began to wait for the next round of attacks from the ghost.

The cooldown of the bleeding skill was not short, and it took a full thirty-five seconds for the ghost's attack to arrive.

The skills of bone breaking and poisoning have fallen again. This time, because I didn't use the energy tooth spur skill, I reacted in advance. Although the parry failed and failed to reduce the damage, I blocked most of the damage of the bone breaking skill, and only hit more than 100 points.

I didn’t panic after I got the trick. Ghost Shadow’s calculation now is not to confront me head-on, but to kill me with wretched bleeding, but he missed one thing, that is, it’s useless to have 20 bottles in my hand. high-quality pharmaceuticals.

After the ghost shadow succeeded, it continued to escape. This time it was not so easy for you to run away. The avatar and the main body instantly covered a large area with scattering, and the ghost shadow that couldn't dodge was shot out again.

When a thief is attacked and revealed in a hidden state, the duration of a stealth skill will be wasted. Since the concealment is revealed by the attack, the cooldown time of the concealment skills will be recalculated. During these ten seconds, all the concealment skills will be in the state of cooling down.

Seeing that I succeeded again, I shot again. The clone skill only lasts for one minute, and after a dozen seconds, the clone will disappear when the time is up. Several skills haven't been used yet, don't use it now, let alone when.

Lianzhu arrows!

Soul Piercing Arrow!

A blow to the soul!

Using three consecutive attacks, especially the soul-piercing arrow of the main body, I deliberately released it after the Lianzhu arrow skill. As long as Ghosting is not careful, he will definitely be killed in seconds.



Seeing attacks coming from three directions at the same time, Ghost Shadow didn't dare to hesitate, and immediately used his housekeeping skill of pressing the bottom of the box, the effect was similar to that of jumping back, first leaping high, and then disappearing in mid-air stature.

I don't know if this is a combined skill of the thieves. Anyway, the attack that I was determined to win didn't hit a single arrow. What's even more weird is that the ghost even ignored the restriction of concealment failure and forcibly entered the invisible state again.

With a dead horse acting as a living horse doctor, I fired two lighting arrow skills one after another, and the two flaming arrows rushed into the sky, covering most of the field immediately.

With the effect of the lighting arrow, I looked around again, and finally, I found the figure of the ghost again in the corner.

It turns out that the previous lighting arrows were not unable to detect advanced concealment, but I never paid attention to it. The advanced concealment skills appeared as a faint shadow under the lighting arrows. I didn't pay much attention to it before, so I didn't notice it. This time, the corner position is just right. I glanced at it, and the ghost of the cat was discovered just like that.

Seeing that the three units focused their attention on him, Ghosting realized that his invisibility had been detected. Instead of sitting still and waiting for death, he might as well take a close fight. Before I could draw the bow, Ghosting started to attack and rushed towards me come over.

The corner was less than twenty yards away from me, and it took me less than three seconds to rush over at full speed. I hurriedly shot ice arrows, throwing various attacks one after another.

Afterimage step!

Under the rush, he used the afterimage step again! The speed reached the extreme in an instant.

I only felt a blur in front of my eyes, and the ghost image moved ten yards.

The speed was too fast, and it was impossible to lock the target. In desperation, I had no choice but to use scattering to control both the clone and the main body. At this time, the duration of the avatar has been exhausted, and after a glance, there is still a frost trap skill that is useless, and there is no hope for it, so I just threw the trap not far from the bottom of my feet.

After throwing the trap, the duration of the avatar also ended, and it turned into a shadow in an instant, appearing under my feet.

The two scattering skills hit the ghost accurately. The ghost didn't dodge or dodge. After two hard hits, only one-third of its health was left.


Evil Sting!

After getting close, the ghost's offensive attitude was extremely fierce, and it seemed that it had lost its elegance and calmness at the beginning.

I used my left hand again to block the dagger that was slashing towards my eyes, successfully avoiding the blinding effect, and seeing the ghost figure pressing down and gaining momentum, I immediately activated the escape skill and successfully flew three yards away.

The target moved out of sight, and the ghost's momentum had to be cancelled. Seeing that the acceleration effect was about to end, the ghost gritted its teeth and ran towards my current position.


The soles of my feet slipped, and I instantly stepped on the frost trap that I just dropped casually, and was successfully frozen in place.

Seeing the ghost image being frozen, a great sense of happiness rushed over my face, grandma's luck is really great, it's all right! !

Wild detection!

Soul Piercing Arrow!

The sword swings in all directions!

Under the extraordinary performance, the two-line control was used almost at the same time, and the soul-piercing arrow and the sword-swinging skills hit the ghost's body at the same time.

This thin-blooded thief couldn't bear any blow, let alone two consecutive combined blows.

Qi and serum empty, fall to the ground! The ghost was teleported off the field with a face full of unwillingness.

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