Bow God Invincible Online Games

Chapter 154 The Conquest Makes Waves

"Here, I made this!! The attributes are not bad, the only limitation is that the raw materials are not easy to get!!"

The middle-level honey potion restores 1200 health points instantly, and the cooling time is 20 seconds. The cooling time is calculated separately from the normal recovery potion!

Damn it, it turned out to be the ultimate medicine that I have been dreaming of. You must know that this is the ultimate product that calculates the cooling time separately. I have seen the abnormality of this thing as early as in the martial arts competition. A pharmacist on the verge of breaking through to the master level.

"Have you ever sold this stuff?" I asked, picking up a bottle.

"Some time ago, I collected materials for a long time and made a few bottles. They were bought at a high price as soon as they were put on the counter of the auction house. If the raw materials were not so rare, just doing this would be enough to make a fortune!!" The doctor explained.

"What materials are needed?"

"Honey, royal jelly, and several other common materials. The main reason is that these two materials, honey and royal jelly, are not easy to get. Wild things are too hard to find, and even if you find them occasionally, you can't pick much!"

"I'll help you pay attention to this, and save it for you when you meet!!!"

"Thank you boss!!"

Hearing this, I secretly rejoiced, no wonder, grandma, fortunately, the raw materials are rare and the output is very low. If this kind of potion is widely available, the result of this competition is really hard to say.

After communicating with this doctor for a long time, I finally calmed down this guy completely. This is a treasure. I have used all kinds of tricks to buy people's hearts, and I almost let the sky show up.

After discussing with the core members, everyone unanimously decided to organize a team event. Guild upgrades are mainly based on several factors, team activity points, guild kingdom contribution, and faction war contribution. These three conditions all affect the upgrade of the guild.

Find the help panel and understand that guilds below the third level do not need kingdom contribution and faction contribution. That is to say, as long as we organize enough team activities, we can upgrade to the third level guild as soon as possible. The upper limit of 5,000 people in the second-level trade union will be as large as 10,000 at the third-level.

The accumulation of team activity points is based on the guild activities initiated by the president. As long as everyone chooses to participate together, Zhinao has its own points accumulation rules. K, upgrades, and team tasks can all get different bonus points.

Guild kingdom contribution is a very tricky setting. This contribution can only be improved by donating various materials to the kingdom material officer. Equipment, materials, ores, medicinal materials, and even direct donations of gold coins can all be exchanged for contribution of different values.

The faction war contribution value is a thing that will appear in the middle and late stages. At that time, the system will guide various wars to appear. If the major guilds participate in it, they will get the corresponding contribution value. The highest level of the guild is seven, and the first six levels do not need this. It's a joke, but if it is the main ally of a super guild, it will definitely try to elevate its guild to the highest level. The number of members of the seventh-level guild is twice that of the sixth-level guild, reaching the terrifying upper limit of 100,000 people. In addition to this difference, it seems that there are other advanced advantages, which are not mentioned in detail in the game data for the time being.

With tens of millions of players in Feiyun City, it is not a problem to recruit a high-quality team of 10,000 people. So far, all of us have put the first priority on improving the guild level.

At this time. The intercom rang again, nnd, it's not easy to be the president, it's annoying to death.

Ding! Your friend Jasmine Blossom requests a call! !

When I saw the system prompt, I froze for a moment. This aunt had just talked to me not long ago, and she was messing with me again.

After choosing OK, Jasmine's gloating voice came from the other end, "President, your friend is in trouble!!"

Hearing this news, my forehead trembled, and I asked, "Huh?? What's going on??"

"My undercover report, the evil dragon against the sky relied on one of his subordinates with special skills to determine the location of the fish and the birds, and they are currently organizing a hunt for them!!"

I'm dizzy, someone would chase and kill a thief. Thief is the most wretched profession. Sneak attack, stealing, and escape are top-notch skills in the industry. It is simply impossible to chase and kill a thief. Task.

Hearing my laughter, Jasmine said angrily, "What are you laughing at, do you think that stealing the system will make you so comfortable? Why is there no price for it? Even if you get one yuan from the ordinary stealing technique, it will increase by 100 points." It will take several hours for the temporary evil value to subside. During this period, if you are killed by someone, it will be a loss of level ten. As for your friend's magic theft to steal things from white-named players, the price will definitely be even greater !!"

After hearing the words of Jasmine Blossom, I immediately realized the seriousness of the matter. It takes ten points of evil to kill someone, and one hundred points to steal something. Although it is only a temporary increase, if someone kills it, it will directly decrease by ten points. Grade.

"Don't talk to you first, I'll confirm with Asuka first" After I finished speaking, I was about to hang up the phone.

"You heartless bastard, if I had known, I wouldn't have told you!!" The voice on the intercom raised an octave sharply.

Kacha, without hesitation, I immediately hung up the call.

I chose to submit the call application of Asuka again. This time I waited for a long time, but for some reason, no one answered.

Seeing that there was no connection, I immediately became nervous. I must be in trouble.

Just when I was lost, Jasmine sent me a message.

"Idiot! Your friend is now on the outskirts of the Evernight Forest in the east of the city. The coordinates are near (3203, 1958). It seems to be blocked by a small group of people. The evil dragon against the sky is on the way, and it won't be long before it will pass!!"

I hurriedly replied thank you, and began to assemble the staff.

First it was the sunset with the sword, then Leng Ruyan, and finally everyone in the team. After briefly explaining the matter, we began to gather people. Leng Ruyan was even more exaggerated, and started to mobilize before the battle on the guild channel.

"Brothers, I just received a call for help. The daughter and daughter of our guild were molested by the Wings of Dawn. The guild leader asked everyone to gather in the square to recover the place, proving that the time for our unity has come!!"

"Come on, he's a jerk, he dares to tease the girls of our guild, he's getting impatient, the brothers are all assembled!!"

"I'll do it! Who is so bold, big brother, I'll kill him!!"

I have to admire that Leng Ruyan is far less handsome than his appearance, under his handsome appearance is a silver bullet with a shameless heart. At any time, as long as there is a problem related to sister paper, it can arouse everyone's enthusiasm to the greatest extent. In a few words, the group of animals who had just joined the association were immediately detonated, and all kinds of foul language came and went, and everyone's fighting enthusiasm was mobilized for a while.

The first to arrive is still the team members who hold the sword and the sunset. Since these people know each other, the team integration is much better than those brothers who have just joined the club. With just one order, everyone lined up in the square again. It became a piece, just looking at the power is amazing.

Next are the members who have just joined the club. Everyone is basically unfamiliar with them, but they all stand together in different occupations. Although the team is not regular, but looking around, they are very powerful.

I went to the front and said, "Our sisters Zhiyu and Asuka are blocked in the Yongye Forest in the east of the city by people against the sky. We are waiting for everyone to rescue us. Everyone is here, let's go!!"

Tudou Yunqingshan and I walked in the front, and everyone walked towards the established goal in a murderous spirit. I pulled out the map and looked at it. This coordinate is not far from the gate of the city. It is only five minutes away from the gate of the city. All the way Nothing to say, finally arrived, and from a long distance away, I saw a few players with shields surrounding a thief.

Sure enough, it was almost the same as Jasmine Blossom's information. Several melee professions held shields to form a shield wall to surround Asuka inside, and the leader was the dragon Zhantian.

Seeing that we are so numerous and aggressive, the evil dragon Zhantian obviously couldn't hold it anymore, he took a step forward to negotiate and said, "I don't know how many of you have come here, what can you tell me?"

Tudou walked out of the crowd under my signal and said, "We don't do anything, we are here to pick up my sister and go out to practice leveling!"

At this time, the call application that had been silent for a long time was finally connected.

"What are the details on your side?" I asked.

Yu and Asuka lowered their voices and said, "I found a boss, and I used a hand crossbow to grind away a lot of blood by relying on the card position. Later, someone against the sky came for some reason. Seeing that the opponent had a lot of people, I ran away. Later, when they killed the boss, I turned around and used a steal against the evil dragon against the sky, but I was lucky enough to successfully steal the order!"

"Pay attention to safety, remember to run away while you are in chaos later, you still have crime points on you! You can't afford to lose it if you die!"

Asuka hesitated for a moment, then said, "Okay!"

The evil dragon Zhantian saw that we came here for the birds, and said viciously, "If you steal something and run away, it's not that simple! If you don't bring out the conquest order this time, this matter will never end!!"

Seeing Zhan Tian's harsh words, Tudou immediately stood at the front and said in a loud voice, "What's the matter? Bullying my sister?"

Just when we were in a stalemate, the evil dragon against the sky also came, and there were not many people here, only a few dozen, it seemed that we did not expect so many of us.

Seeing such a large group of people like us mobilizing the crowd, the face was full of coldness, and he stepped forward and said, "What's the matter? Is it reasonable to steal my things??"

Seeing that the other party is coming, I also walked out of the crowd, pretending to be confused and saying, "Something? What is it?"

"The subjugation order that just killed the boss!! He stole it!"

"Girl? What's going on?" I asked knowingly.

Asuka curled her lips and said aggrievedly, "I got stuck in a gap in the map and used crossbow arrows and poison to kill a boss, and then many people from Wings of Dawn came without knowing what happened. In the end, I couldn't get angry, so I took the shot and stole it against the sky!!"

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