Bow God Invincible Online Games

Chapter 163 Deep Valley Blood Wolf King With Weakened Attributes

Xiaoyou was at the end of the line, turned around hastily, and a paw with a glint of light came back from the shadows.

Defensive posture!

In the team, Xiaoyou's reaction and operation became much sharper. Seeing the critical situation, she immediately subconsciously blocked the shield in front of her.


There was a sharp sound, five deep scratches were drawn on the swordsman's shield by sharp claws, and a blood-red damage figure of 1600+ jumped out of Xiaoyou's head.

Seeing that her blood bar was mostly empty, Xiaoyou hurriedly swallowed a blood bottle, and before she could react, a dark figure came over again.

He just added 800 health points, and he grabbed another firm claw.

1573 Fortunately, this attack should be a normal attack. Although it was not defended, the damage of the normal attack was slightly inferior. Xiaoyou's HP was only in double digits. At this time, the blood bottle was still cooling down.

Light healing!

After a few seconds of scrambling, An Ran's treatment finally came, a 2288 point crit increase blood, pulling Xiaoyou back from the brink of death.

The healer has a critical strike. I have to say that Xiaoyou has a strong character. You must know that the priest profession does not have a critical strike bonus. The probability of a critical strike is too small to be ignored.

Everyone breathed a sigh of relief. Tudou also turned around at this time. Seeing that the situation was critical, he immediately used the charge.

Under such circumstances, charging is a last resort. With such a short distance and narrow terrain, it is impossible to release the combo skills smoothly. I also know Tudou's plan, but I just use the acceleration effect of charging to buy some time.

Sure enough, the charge missed the target, and the sneak attacking monster just moved its body to the back of Xiaoyou, and Tudou's charge was aborted and stopped halfway.

Nevertheless, the potato's goal has been achieved, and the distance has been successfully narrowed to within two yards.

Shield strike!

Seeing that An Ran was already in position, Xiao You also started to fight back, a shield attack was slightly jerky and hit the monster's forehead accurately.

Unexpectedly, Xiaoyou's invincibility item created another miracle, relying on the stun chance of less than 30 from the shield strike, the hasty release successfully made the monster enter a short-term stun.

Taking advantage of this precious dizziness time, Tudou hurriedly secured his position and stood at the front. Xiaoyou knew that his attributes were not good enough, so he consciously stood a little behind.

Only a few seconds had passed since the surprise attack. After being flustered, everyone started to fight back.

As soon as Tudou stood in place, the dangling monster woke up and rushed towards Xiaoyou who just patted it.

Shield strike!

Potato drew back his waist to gain momentum, and then slammed out with another shield blow.

The sword shield was not the kind of flat swordsman's large shield. The sharp blade on the sword shield pierced the monster, and the part that was attacked was bloody and bloody. Although he didn't continue to be stunned, the injured monster transferred the first hatred to Potato.

Six people, one wolf king, competed for points after a brief contact, the monster didn't make any money at all, and it turned out that Tudou was slightly better.

Seeing that Potato has pulled the monster perfectly, I raised my hand and threw the wild detection skill.

Know yourself, know your enemy, and win a hundred battles. This is the experience left by our ancestors. Sometimes, ignorance of the situation alone cannot solve the problem.

Deep Valley Blood Wolf King☆☆☆☆Level Boss Level 45 HP 280000400000 Attack 6771089x70 Defense 615x70 Skill Blood Wolf Wailing Cracked Claws Cutting Sensitive Blood-eating Frenzied Blood Wolf Wailing Howl full of fighting intent, increase 20 base attack power.

Cleave the claws and concentrate all the power on the sharp claws, attacking the target and causing 150+250 skill damage.

Sensitive passive talent, increases movement speed by 10 and dodge probability by 10.

Blood Devouring Frenzy can be used when the health value is lower than 10, licking one's own blood into a frenzy state, the attack power is increased by 50, the crit rate is increased by 40, and the current blood is reduced by 1 every second until death after 100 seconds.

It is introduced that it is the leader of the Wolf Valley. It has extremely terrifying strength. Its sharp claws and teeth can easily tear apart enemies who dare to offend. But now it has entered a weak state due to unknown reasons, and its attributes have temporarily degraded.

Advantages and disadvantages Abnormal agility, fast movement, high defense ability and life value, now in a weak state, and the attributes have been weakened a lot.

After reading the attributes, he turned out to be a boss. According to the introduction, he should be the biggest boss here. I don't know where this guy was hiding just now, but he secretly attacked with his back.

The basic attributes are awesome, but all attributes have been weakened by 30 points, and the attack limit close to 1100 points is very ecstasy. Fortunately, with the weakening, it is estimated that the potatoes can be carried down.

Blessing of the Light!

Seeing that Tudou had resisted the monster, An Ran hurriedly shifted the target of treatment to Tudou, and the Blessing of Light damage reduction skill on the staff also fell on Tudou.

This boss doesn't know what's going on, after being slapped by Tudou a few times, his footsteps are a little flimsy, and his fighting spirit is very weak. If the space here is not too spacious and he can't get out in time, this big guy might run away.

Cang Qiong also saw the signs and reminded. "Hold it, it seems to run away!!"

Just as he was speaking, the wolf king turned around and was about to run, regardless of his face as a senior boss.


Shield strike!

The wolf king had just turned around and escaped a dozen steps away. Tudou's combined skills came first and caught up. Under the acceleration of the charge, the sword and shield hit the wolf king's head, and the wolf's face was bloody.

Ok, the stun was successful. Boss-level monsters should have the attribute of stun resistance, but I don’t know why, this wolf king actually took full damage. Looking at the nine-second stun in the battle prompt, I still don’t believe it .

Nine seconds is enough to do a lot of things, for example, everyone concentrates on fire for five rounds.

Six people, regardless of melee and long-distance attacks, all output full firepower, five rounds of attacks, two of which are purely skill attacks. After nine seconds, the boss's health dropped by more than 50,000.

Of the output of more than 70,000, Cang Qiong himself accounted for at least 30,000. I have to admit that it is really terrifying for a well-equipped fire magic to output unscrupulously.

Nine seconds later, the boss woke up faintly. The moment the dizziness disappeared, the blood wolf king raised his head violently, and let out a shrill wolf howl.

Grandma, at such a short distance, although the howl of the wolf is not an attack skill, it still hurts the eardrums.

After the howling of the wolf, there was a status icon of fangs on the top of the wolf king's forehead, which should be the blood wolf howling skill.

Seeing that there was no hope of escaping and suffering a big loss, the blood wolf king was a little desperate, turned around again, and started roaring crazily at Potato.

Tudou has been doing t for so long, so it is naturally experienced. Anyway, the state on your forehead has a time limit, so just drag it on. The longer you delay, the better it is for us players.

The roar lasted for a few seconds, and suddenly the blood wolf king moved.

The blood wolf king under full force was extremely vigorous, and only saw a shadow flashing in front of him and rushing towards the potato, and the sharp wolf claws scratched on the sword and shield of the potato, and there were constant clanging sounds, like gold and iron colliding It sounded like a sound, and what was even more exaggerated was that the wolf's claws collided with the spikes to create a spark.

Tudou is not Xiaoyou, he has much more experience in fighting monsters. Although he didn't expect the blood wolf king to be so fast at full speed, but the subconscious shield block was still completed. Based on Tudou's attributes, he was only knocked out by 1009 points The health value, An Ran's follow-up healing technique immediately filled up the health value.

After the pounce, there was a few seconds of adjustment time. Seeing an opportunity, I immediately used the trapping skill without saying a word.

The trapping skill is extremely sharp against monsters of the beast type. When I first learned this skill, it was taught by an old hunter for me to catch wolves. Now I can use it to deal with this wolf king.

I don’t know if it’s my illusion, but I always feel that facing this wolf, my preparation time for trapping is much shorter and the grid’s calibration ability seems to be a bit stronger. Even though the wolf king dodged, he was still caught by the grid. is on.

Quickly glanced at the battle prompt, it was another six-second imprisonment time, I don't know what kind of nerves the system sent today, the control skill was used on the boss, and the control time was not discounted.

Another two rounds of attacks. Although the boss looks majestic, it seems that it is not very powerful, and more than 20,000 health points were directly beaten off.

In less than half a minute, more than 70,000 health points of the boss were cut off. This was something that was unimaginable before, but it actually appeared in front of us today.

Xiao Ke saw that the control skills were abnormally effective, and put away the usual caution when thieves attacked the boss, and began to circle the boss, wandering around the periphery waiting for an opportunity to sneak attack.

After such a long time, this kind of tacit understanding is still necessary. The Amethyst warrior I controlled released another skill of swinging swords in all directions, which successfully attracted this guy's attention.

Seeing that the boss's eyes were attracted, and the opportunity came, Xiao Ke didn't hesitate at all, and directly got up and hit the back of the boss's head with a gouge.

Sure enough, the gouging hit the wolf king accurately, and the wolf king was stunned for another three seconds.

The next few seconds will be Xiao Ke's solo show, Eviscerate! Quick strike! Kidney Shot! Sap! Backstab! Various skills were used in turn, and the boss never had a chance to wake up.

The good times didn't last long, this state only lasted for more than ten seconds, and the boss was completely angry.

After the boss's health dropped to 100,000 points, our troubles came. Xiao Ke still released Quick Strike as before in an attempt to extend the control time, but the boss didn't buy him this time, and Quick Strike accurately stabbed the boss's face. door, but the imaginary dizziness effect did not come.

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