Bow God Invincible Online Games

Chapter 196 Abyss Blood Giant

The single attribute of the Abyss Ripper can only be described as rubbish. The only thing worthy of attention is the increase in attack frequency and movement speed of up to 50%. When I saw this thing, the first thing I thought of was the increase in Warcraft. Frenzied ghouls.

"So it's not that difficult, these tearers are here to give gold coins!!" Cang Qiong unceremoniously turned over the corpse and picked up the spilled gold coins.

"As long as everyone moves fast enough, then we're not in any danger~!" After two rounds of monsters, Tudou has already figured out the strength of the monster's attack. The current attack frequency of the mob is basically the same as that of the dagger-wielding thief, and it can be completed in a second. an attack. Eight units can completely surround a person. If calculated in this way, the damage Tudou receives in a second is about 700. There are healing and blood bottles, and there is no pressure to be beaten by a group.

Just brushing two groups of monsters, we have already created a profit of over 10,000 rb. This wealth accumulation speed is enviable even for gold-collar workers. Everyone was in high spirits, wishing that these little guys would be endless.

The ideal has always been full, but the reality is skinny. In the next long journey, we will never meet these competent money-giving boys again. After killing a few sporadic three-headed dogs, new monsters reappeared, and it was these monsters that made us truly realize the true strength of the abyssal creatures.

The magic torch illuminates a range of 30 yards around, leaving a large group of shadows outside the light coverage. These shadows that seem to be substantial hinder our vision. Even I, who has the talent of night vision, have a large vision. At a discount, the distance that the eyes can see is not much larger than the range illuminated by the torch. There is no way, I started to release the lighting arrow frequently, as long as the cd time is over, it will always be released forward in time, the throwing range of more than 60 yards is far beyond our field of vision, and several three-headed dogs in succession are all shot It was discovered in advance and slaughtered in time.

cd Time passed again, and I habitually shot lighting arrows again. This time, a monster that we had never met appeared on the edge of my field of vision.

The lighting arrow only had a five-second lighting effect. After shooting out habitually, he glanced at it casually, and at the edge of the map zone, a blood-red, tall unknown monster appeared.

Before he had time to react, the effect of the lighting arrow ended, and the tall monster was once again covered by the thick, indelible darkness. There is such an experience that the more extraordinary the appearance and the taller the body, the stronger the monster will be under normal circumstances. We did not rush to detect it, so we stopped temporarily and patiently waited for the CD of the lighting arrow to cool down .

Finally, the lighting arrow had finished cooling down, and I shot another arrow towards the position just now. As soon as the huge figure was illuminated, my wild detection skills were instantly thrown away, the purple hexagram flashed, and the monster's attributes were acquired.

Abyssal Blood Giant Special Level Monster Level 50 HP 7800078000 Attack 735943 Defense 887 Skill Demon Skin Boulder Throwing Burning Blood Corpse Explosion Demon Skin Passive Skill, Increase Abyssal Blood Giant 20 extra damage reduction, immune to all control skills.

Boulder Throwing Elementary earth magic is used to condense a huge boulder out of thin air and throw it at the opponent, with a ballistic attack, causing 175+300 skill damage.

Burning blood When the health value is lower than 40, it will automatically enter the burning blood state, reducing the life value by 100 points every second, and increasing the attack frequency by 30 points.

Corpse Explosion HP is lower than 5, and has a chance to self-explode, causing 2000 fixed damage to targets within a range of 10x10 yards.

Introducing the demonic creatures in the Swamp of Choice, who like to haunt alone and are powerful.

Advantages and Disadvantages The existence of a war meat grinder level, the long-range attack power is terrifying, the survivability is strong, and the character is difficult to deal with. The only disadvantage is that the movements are relatively clumsy.

After reading the attributes, everyone’s idea of ​​rushing forward is completely dispelled. The long-range attack skill is as high as 175+300, the basic attack ability is up to 940+, and the ultra-high health value of 78000 points and the heavy armor defense of nearly 900 points are matched with more than five levels. Level suppression, if one is not good, then it will be a completely crushed existence at that time.

"Boss, what's the matter with this thing? Why don't we cross over quietly!!" Before fighting, Xiao Ke retreated. The strength of this monster has already surpassed many bosses. Any stone can Kill us.

"Why don't I try it when I'm full?" Tudou is the main t, and he doesn't give in at critical times. Even if the probability of resisting is very small, he still has to take a risk.

Cang Qiong curled his lips and said disdainfully, "Enen, you go, I will burn the paper for you when the time comes!!"

At this time, Sister An Ran, who had been silent all this time, said, "You leave the team to try, even if something unexpected happens, we will find a way to pull the monster away, and then I will use my skills to revive you. You have just upgraded, and you won't lose much experience points!! "When An Ran said this, everyone agreed, indeed, this is a relatively reliable method, and it is worth a try.

"Well, I'm going to try it now!!" This time the potato didn't support the big one, and replaced it with a tower shield with a higher defensive attribute, which filled up the state, and walked a few steps towards the big one. The monster rushed over.


Shield strike!

Potato started with a standard combo skill, a purple shadow flashed, and the huge tower shield hit the blood giant's knee, causing more than 100 damage. Being attacked, the blood giant who was in an inactive state suddenly opened the scarlet eyes that demonic creatures are accustomed to, and without saying a word, slapped the potato with a slap.

boom! A palm the size of an ordinary person's head slapped on Tudou's shield. Even though he already had the ability to resist knockdown and knockdown, he was still sent flying by a huge force. A 900+ normal attack damage jumped from Tudou's forehead. .

Potato, who was knocked five yards away, stood up unsteadily. At this time, sister An Ran's healing technique arrived in time, and a holy light flashed, filling up the HP.

Before continuing to attack, the demon blood giant's stone had already formed in his hand. He raised his hands high and threw it vigorously. He didn't react at all when he was only five or six yards away. Tudou only had time to block it with his shield, and the radius was 50 centimeters. The stone ball hit it.


With a dull impact, Tudou, who had just stood up, was hit into the air again, and landed after sliding for more than 20 yards. A huge number floated up.

4210 kills with one hit. Originally, we had fantasies about the powerful properties of potatoes, but seeing the empty blood bars of potatoes, everyone's fantasies were shattered by this huge stone ball.

The adventurer who dared to offend was killed, the hatred list of the blood giant was cleared, and we were far away, so it returned to the position where it was standing just now, and entered a dazed state again.

The blow flew more than 20 yards, which gave An Ran a chance to revive Potato. Sister An Ran approached the spell casting distance carefully, and then began to recite a long spell. Finally, after a minute, the spell chanted by Fan was completed. A bright image appeared in midair, like a miniature sun.

The light slowly fell and attached to Tudou, who had not released his soul. The blood tank that had been empty was filled again, Tudou opened his eyes and stood up slowly.

"Bah! Grandma, this thing is too powerful, one stone will kill me in seconds!!" Tudou was also a little frustrated, and sat on the ground after standing up for a while, relying on meditation to recover the stamina that had been emptied by one blow.

Although Xiaoming is alive again, it is not without any side effects, and the emptying of physical strength is one of them. Stamina is basically not used in battle, and life skills such as crafting, tailoring, and alchemy are consumed. This stamina is useless if it is too much, but if it is in a state of powerlessness, it will seriously affect the battle. The full value of physical strength is 100 points, and it will slowly increase with the passage of time. When the physical strength value drops below 20 points, the attributes of the character will be affected. The physical strength value is zero, and the character's attributes have the greatest impact, which will be weakened by half.

Half an hour passed slowly while waiting, and to be honest, we discussed all the current methods. But in the face of this monster with huge size, strength and long-range attack, he really wanted to retreat.

"Boss, let's dodge it. With our current strength, we can't win this game. Even if we can barely win, we will pay a heavy price. It's not worth it at all!" Xiao Ke began to retreat again.

I grabbed a handful of hair and said angrily, "We haven't done our best yet. Even if this monster is difficult to deal with, it will definitely have weaknesses, but we don't know it yet!!"

"My resurrection skills have been cooled down, if I continue to take risks, I won't lose much even if I die!!" An Ran interjected.

For some reason, Cang Qiong seemed a little confused. She, who was always smart, didn't come up with her own ideas, buried her head, and didn't know what she was thinking.

As the captain, I am the backbone of the team. I haven't tried my best yet, so I naturally won't give up. After thinking hard for a few times, I finally set my sights on the monster attribute of wild detection.

Ballistic attack!


This guy is ballistic! !

Ballistic attack is the most low-level type of long-range attack. Basically, this attack mode only appears in a few machines such as city defense weapons. Although the flying speed of the projectile is the fastest, the flight correction value is pitifully small. In other words, as long as you move quickly, you have a high probability of being able to dodge the stone ball's attack. At a distance of five or six yards just now, Tudou naturally didn't have the reaction time to dodge. If he opened the distance properly, he might be able to dodge in time. And the most critical speed is my strong point.

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