Bow God Invincible Online Games

Chapter 23: First Meeting Potatoes In A Fight (Part 1)

"Crick is a loyal servant, but where have you been, master? Dear Baron, can you do me a favor?" After the dwarf threw out a nonsensical remark, he finally started to get down to business.

Ding! Do you accept the commission of the quest Dwarf Creek?

The commission of Dwarf Creek uses the Dwarf Mark to find the missing owner of Dwarf Creek, the prince of the Dwarf tribe, Kasaro. After completion, there will be unexpected gains to accept!

He accepted the task without hesitation, and then Dwarf Creek began to talk about things other than the task. From the nagging, I learned that his master was a prince from a nearby dwarf tribe who disappeared unexpectedly while camping in the wild. With the unique dwarf imprint, you can feel the general location, but what you find is a hidden cave, full of monsters in the cave, the old servant Crick had to seek the help of adventurers.

Open the mini-map, and the route to the cave is clearly marked on the map. The two of us followed suit, and we didn't have to search everywhere. Halfway through, I ran into a few people who were besieging a warrior in fiery red armor.

I took a closer look and thought about it. Unexpectedly, I ran into an old acquaintance.

When I was in Novice Village last time, I shot and killed a few garbage who intentionally knocked me out. At that time, I was lucky enough to beat them with the soul-piercing arrow. I didn't expect that they would also come to Feiyun City. The game map is so big that it can still Let me meet, it's really a narrow road for enemies.

Among K's people, there is a group of people who are poor, short, ugly men, Leng Gong, milky, arrogant and domineering, and arrogant.

The person who was besieged was in his twenties, and there was a kind of unyielding heroism between his brows. Although he resisted reluctantly, he also caused a lot of trouble for the opponent's five-member team. An enemy's enemy is a friend, and this kind of problem does not need to be considered at all. These five people must be bullying single players again by relying on their numbers.

I briefly explained to Cang Qiong, seeing that the red-armored warrior was about to fall to the ground under the siege, Cang Qiong and I hurriedly greeted them and drew our bows to help.

Aiming at the archer, he used his ultimate move as soon as he came up.

Soul Piercing Arrow!

638 Leng Gong, who was attacked by me, fell down with an unbelievable expression.

Several people who besieged the red-armored warriors saw their teammates fall, and looked towards me one after another.

That wretched thief named Poor Short Ugly Man didn't seem to recognize me, and said arrogantly, "Take a mouse, meddle in your own business! Are you two tired of working? How dare you go against us arrogant people!"

"I don't care if you are arrogant or something else? If the road is uneven, everyone will shovel it. Five people beat one of them. It's too low!" Cang Qiong looked like a heroine who drew his sword to help when the road was uneven.

"Damn! It turned out to be the archer from Xinshou Village! Shorty, be careful, the idea is tricky!" The arrogant and domineering rider seemed to remember me. Several people stopped and looked at me. A look of caution. The red-armored man dragged his blood and took the opportunity to siege him, and walked to my side, "Thank you buddy, this group of people is too unreasonable. Relying on their large number of people, they met on the way, and they just opened their mouths and asked me to take off my armor." Giving it to their elder brother to wear, I don’t agree with it, and it has the malicious intent of killing people and exploding equipment. Thanks to your timely action just now, I saved my life.”

Sure enough, it was exactly the same as my previous experience, but as a fighter class, the operability of group fights in the early stage was too low. If I made a move later, I guess I would kneel here in a short time.

"Second brother, let's fight with them. There are four of us and only three of them. We have good equipment, so I don't believe we can't win."

"A few little thieves in the area, brother, you and my sister are watching here, you don't need to do anything, I will kill them myself!" Seeing the provocation of that wretched thief, I was also angry from the bottom of my heart, and I showed my pride in front of the sky.

The soul-piercing arrow had already cooled down during the confrontation, and there was no suspense in killing their cloth armor profession in seconds with my attributes.

"As you said, come here if you have the guts! You don't have to be afraid of the wind flashing your tongue if you talk big!" Hearing me clamoring to pick the four of them by myself, the thief who had learned professional skills looked disdainful.

The battle is about to start!

As soon as he raised his hand, a hunter's mark was printed on the wretched thief. Anyway, this skill has no damage attribute, and it will not be judged as a malicious attack by the system.

"Let's go together, let me see if you've grown up!" I really didn't pay attention to them when I talked to them.


"Ice puck!" The knight and mage closest to me attacked me instantly! That wretched thief who was marked by me turned on his invisibility, thinking that I couldn't see him, so he approached me on tiptoe.

Hitting a hockey puck hard, lost more than a hundred life points. A few of them turned into a malicious attack state, and their names turned dark red.

Ding! When you are attacked by Pride, you can freely fight back against any member of its team within 300 seconds! !

Waiting for this is it!

Taking the time to activate the touch of the wind to block the knight's charge, an escape skill appeared three yards away.

Soul Piercing Arrow!

428 The wretched thief six yards away from me looked at me incredulously, and fell down slowly. This sb kid might die without knowing how I found him.

Only the knight, a mage, and a priest are left on the scene. The priest is also a parallel importer. Since my two attacks are instant kills, the blood of other teammates is basically full. She didn't know what else she could do other than increase blood, she was a bit at a loss, she could only randomly throw the blessing status on the heads of her teammates, and kept attacking me with punishment with her staff raised. Looking at the damage of 15 and 20, I have black lines.

350293 Two consecutive ordinary attacks killed the mage who threw the ice puck in seconds. He is the only one who is more threatening to me here. Before the poor priest could react, his teammates were knocked down by the clearing of their health points. The belated Holy Light spell shone on the body of the Arrogant Dharma God. The scene was indescribably ironic.


A magic grid covered the arrogant and domineering rider in place, no matter how hard he struggled, it was useless, with a look of fear on his face. Maybe he hasn't seen so many weird skills after playing games for so long.

I intentionally teased these two rookies for fun, deliberately ignored the priest's HP increase, and kept attacking the knight with high HP and high defense. If the priest increased HP, the knight's HP dropped very slowly.

The cat teasing the mouse is just an idea. Give them a little hope, watch them struggle again and again, and then slap them to death when they finally get tired of playing. Hope until the final despair. This psychological gap will cause serious psychological problems. frustration.

The knight who had been beaten all this time finally waited for the charge skill to cool down, shouted loudly, and slammed into me with force, I used the cover suddenly, the skill locked the target and lost, the knight stopped in the middle of the charge. Both of them opened their eyes wide. The expression is like eating a fly, it's indescribably wonderful!


Putting on the dagger, I gave Domineering Aoqi an Eviscerate, and directly beat him into a paralyzed state and froze there, unable to move. The knife stabbed at the buttocks, stabbed, stabbed, and then flew back when the paralysis time was over. (Hehe, it's purely a spoof, don't despise Moonlight) "You cheated! I left a video, and I will go to the customer service to complain about you later!!!" Said the knight who found out that he had been played with.

"You fell in love with that complaint and complained about it. I just opened it, but I have a calling technique!" Hearing him say that I opened the call, I actually felt as if I was praised, just like when I was a child, I got the first place in the exam. It was the same feeling when the teacher gave me the certificate.

Tired of playing, a Frost Arrow slowed down the knight, aimed at the neck and shot it out, and the Flaming Arrow had a piercing and critical strike, directly blasting this fool into scum.

"Moonlight under the eaves!! I remember your name, we will not let you go!" Nai Tianxia is also a bastard, and he even talked big to support the scene when he was dying. I was sent back to my hometown with two arrows.

"Wow! Uncle one hits the other five, really domineering, brave and invincible!!!" Sky almost turned his eyes into heart shapes.

"My name is Tudou, and I'm a single player. Thank you buddy for your help. Your operation just now is so cool, you are simply my idol!" the man in red armor said honestly.

"Hehe, that's amazing. They're just skilled. They tried to snatch my equipment in Novice Village, but I took care of it. Today, they let me bump into people who bully more and less. It's impossible to stand by and do nothing." I responded in a low-key manner, completely losing the aggressiveness I had just now.

"The equipment on this buddy is so strange. It's the first time I've seen a red armor! Is it explosive?" I asked doubtfully, "This armor was originally a level ten blue armor. Later, I did a task and the system rewarded me with a flame." To temper the gem, I asked the dwarf master to temper it once, and after success, it turned red unexpectedly." Tudou talked about his armor with a little more pride in his tone.

"What race did you choose? Why do you feel that the skin color is a bit weird, and the texture is like a stone?" I thought he didn't look like an ordinary human race, so I asked casually.

"I didn't know much when I first played the game. The random race I chose when I built the account, I didn't expect a random iron rock human. The racial talent of this branch race can increase the defense by 20 and the upper limit of life by 20, but as a balance, the system cuts down on me. The agility of 30. Walking is slow to death, several times I wanted to delete the account and replay, but it took a month to delete the account before I could re-apply for a new character, so I just played slowly." Tudou seems to have nothing at all Realizing the value of his random race, he said weakly.

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