Bow God Invincible Online Games

Chapter 34 The Seven Dwarfs

"Potato is in trouble!" I said calmly.

As soon as he finished speaking, Tudou climbed up awkwardly holding a large shield, and his health bar was already reduced by 13.

"There were several dwarves blocking the door with weapons. I was beaten up just as I supported the shield!!" said the embarrassed Tudou while filling the blood bottle.

"Give up your blood first, I'll go down and have a look!" I hid my figure and disappeared into the cave.

After entering the cave, I saw a bunch of dwarf warriors blocking the door, one, two, three, four, five, six, seven, seven dwarfs? ? ? ?

The planning of this game is too good.

Without alarming them, I slowly moved forward to detect the terrain, and I must lure these guys blocking the door away. Otherwise, with one person and one axe, even potatoes wouldn't be able to resist for long.

The road ahead is quite wide, and it is no longer a rugged natural cave, but a passage that has been obviously modified by man-made. After turning a few turns and walking forward for nearly 100 yards, I only saw a wandering Dwarf warriors, it seems that the guards on this section of the road are blocking the door.

A wild detective threw it, and immediately, the attributes of the dwarf warrior were fully exposed.

Fallen Dwarf Axe strengthens monster level 26 health value 5000 attack 160275 defense 145 skill tenacity heavy attack tenacity passive skill, increases 10 life value heavy attack active skill, swings the battle ax to slash the enemy, causing 120+50 points of damage.

Introduction According to legend, they are the loyal guards of the dwarf prince. After being killed by the prince who lost his nature, they were resurrected under the force of darkness and degenerated into unconscious walking dead. The disadvantages are low agility, slow attack frequency and moving speed.

Unexpectedly, the first time I used wild detection on a monster, it was successfully detected. The purple hexagram was hidden in the armor, and the tip of my arrow also shone with purple light.

Taking advantage of the five-second skill time, Soul Piercing Arrow!

3570 A purple damage flew from the dwarf sword-axe, and more than 3,000 points of damage instantly hit the sword-axe to residual blood.


653 Flame Arrow!

Before he could take a few steps, the dwarf axe fell to the ground limply with blood drained from his body.

Ding! Congratulations, you have successfully killed the Dwarf Axeman and gained 4500 experience points.

Fuck me, the experience points are so high, the plot missions are oily, and the ordinary monsters outside at this stage only have more than 1,000 experience points, but here, a mob has more than 4,000 points.

Flipping it casually, it fell, a few silver coins, a black stone, and then nothing. Looking at the attributes, it turned out to be a quest item.

The loyal mission item of the dwarves. According to legend, each dwarf is not only an outstanding blacksmith, but also a natural warrior. These black stones condensed by loyal souls seem to speak of tenacity and unyielding. Perhaps the dwarf king would know what he was good for.

My previous mission experience taught me that this must be a prop that is needed in a certain part of the mission, so keep it for now, maybe it will come in handy soon.

Looking around, there were no dwarf warriors wandering around, so I turned around and walked back, luring those dwarves who were blocking the door first.

I didn't hide my figure, walked swaggeringly from behind to the dwarf warrior blocking the door, raised my bow and made a normal attack, turned my head and ran away.

The dwarf under attack yelled, and ran towards me with an axe. I aimed at the gap, and a trap caught the last dwarf warrior in place. Leading the remaining six dwarf warriors to rush to the depths frantically.

"Potato, Sky, you two come down in three seconds and kill the last dwarf I left at the door!" I arranged on the team channel.

I led the remaining six dwarves to fight and retreat. I estimated that Tudou and Cang Qiong should have enough time to kill the last dwarf. After turning a few corners, they disappeared invisibly.

One of the dwarves attacked by my monsters was already close to half blood. I didn't show up for greed, and the dwarves who had lost the target of hatred slowly walked towards the door again.

"Head, it's done!" Cang Qiong said.

"Go back to the second floor! Wait for my order, they are back again."

The old trick was repeated, and after a few times in a row, we slaughtered all the gatekeepers. The experience is very good. Due to the long distance, I didn't get any experience points. Anyway, Tudou is now focused on reaching level 20. It would be good to have more experience points.

The dwarves blocking the door did not give us any surprises. Except for the black stones that must be destroyed, there are only a few scattered silver coins. It seems that these dwarves were not very rich before their fall.

Put away the quest items and continue to go deeper. This place should be regarded as the outermost part of the third floor. Maybe there are some perverted guys waiting for us in front of us.

"Boss, the experience value of the monsters just now is so high. Just a few monsters gave more than 10,000 experience points. I have more than 80,000 experience points to upgrade!" Tudou said excitedly.

If I didn't pick up the potatoes, I lowered my head and thought about the ins and outs of this task. Through the introduction of the quest items and the monsters on the third floor, I have a vague idea of ​​the plot. If I guess correctly, it should be that the dwarf prince and his guards were tempted by something in the cave, and lost their nature after falling. , and the old servant of the prince is responsible for issuing tasks outside to find the whereabouts of the prince.

"Go ahead, everyone. The ultimate boss on the third floor should be the dwarf prince mentioned in the mission." I said.

Tudou didn't say anything else, just walked to the front of the team with a big shield.

Along the way, he killed a few scattered piles of axemen, basically at every turn, there was an axeman, using ensnarement and the freezing of the sky ice ring technique, all these monsters were turned into experience without any risk. And the black stones in my hand also became 36 pieces.

Finally, the tortuous cave came to an end, and what came into view was a stone room carved with beautiful patterns.

There are two magic lamps hanging at the entrance of the stone chamber, and the empty entrance is indescribably deserted.

"Do you want to go in?" Tudou asked for my opinion and the sky.

"Add status, enter, pay attention to safety!" Cang Qiong said.

Potato walked into the door with a cautious face while holding the shield.

"There are no monsters at the door, come in!" Tudou said in the team channel.

What came into view was a relatively spacious and luxurious hall. The entire hall was carved out of stone. Although it was not very prosperous, the quaint atmosphere gave people a sense of tranquility. The hall was empty, and the throne in the middle was also empty. one person.

The three of us slowly approached the throne. This exquisite throne was carved from a single block of stone, and the armrests were even inlaid with beautiful jade.

Behind the tall throne is a magic circle, and the six-pointed star is shining with magic luster, as if something is sealed here. Get out of the way! I pulled out an iron arrow, and pierced the rune of the magic circle in the middle of the soul arrow from a distance.

The golden rune was destroyed, and the energy of the magic circle gradually dimmed. Suddenly, there was a tremor under the magic circle, and a battle ax dug the ground open. climbed out.

"Brave adventurer, you broke the seal and rescued me?" said the man who was gloomy in the dark atmosphere.

I don't know what kind of medicine the system sells, so whoever it is, try talking first, if it doesn't work, it's not too late to kill this guy.

"Yes, I accepted Dwarf Creek's request and went down to the cave to find the whereabouts of the missing dwarf prince, and finally found it here." I said humbly.

The dwarf's tone was full of helplessness, "Go back, I am no longer the prince of the dwarves, my hands are stained with the blood of my people, and my heart is full of evil!"

"Let's go, darkness is coming, everything will tremble in the darkness!!"


I still want to say something, but there is no chance to speak. The originally spacious hall has become an underground cemetery mixed with darkness. The battle ax in his hand came towards us.

"Kangqiong, run, potatoes block him!!!" While releasing the trap, I threw out the wild detection.

Fallen Dwarf Prince Casaro Boss monster level 30 health value 60000 attack 260375 defense 280 skill storm hammer heavy strike thunder strike fury After he killed 36 of his guards with his own hands, his kind soul also fell into darkness forever in the killing.

Storm Hammer active skill, throws the ax in hand, stuns the target for 5 seconds, and causes 150+200 damage.

Severely hit the active skill, swinging the battle ax to slash the enemy, causing 120+50 points of damage.

Thunder Clap is an active skill that swings the battle ax to strike the ground with the power of lightning, causing 85+100 points of damage to all targets within a radius of one yard, and slowing down the target's attack speed and movement speed by 50 for 5 seconds.

When the frenzy health value is lower than 30, it will enter a frenzy state, and the cooldown time of all skills will be cleared, the attack power will be increased by 50, and the defense power will be reduced by 50.

Disadvantages The movement speed is average and the agility is low.

Fuck me, this boss's skills are against the sky, and the three skills are all close-up killing moves. I believe that fighting him hand-to-hand should be very ecstasy.


Potato Charge + Shield Bash made the dwarf prince stunned.

Any boss will not be immune to the sealing effect at the beginning, but will produce various resistances in the battle. After a sealing effect is used once, the effect will be halved after use, and resistance will be generated after two consecutive uses , low-level bosses can be sealed for a symbolic second, while higher-level bosses are directly immune to this seal.

Nine seconds of dizziness, the desperate output of our violent team, and all kinds of special skills were used.

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