Bow God Invincible Online Games

Chapter 411 Summoning The Fire Phoenix

"Of course!! If we don't kill it, we'll go back like this. I won't have the face to continue messing around in Lingyun City in the future!!!" Instructor Yulia stroked her burnt hair and said viciously .

"You should think about it. The mission Master Zhaka gave us is to monitor. If we slaughter it so unfairly, the consequences..." I deliberately paused here, and looked at Yulia eagerly. .

"My mother's appearance is the best reason to kill him!!! The master will definitely not blame me when he saw that I was attacked by him to make this appearance..." Yulia held a sharp dagger in her left hand, and the blade acted as a knife. The mirror kept checking his charred face.

"Then I'm going to play for real!!!" After receiving the affirmative answer from the instructor, I was secretly happy, adjusted Xiaohei's position, and also came behind the green dragon.

"Let me go, let me go, Lord Aisha Alvin will not let you go!!!" Seeing me disappear from view, the green dragon's voice became hoarse again.

"Wushuang One Strike!!" I ignored him at all, and immediately threw a combo skill, the target was exactly, ahem, it was his chrysanthemum.

I don't know if it's an illusion, but after the advanced level, the evil spirit king seems to have a feeling of extreme coordination when releasing the combined attack skills with me. The original jerky coordination has become much smoother, and I can be sure that this This change is not due to my practice.

The purple arrow light merged with the white air blade, and the berserk power gathered at the tail of Mosa Kubis, hitting the tenth ring.

5740 "Ah..." There was another heart-piercing roar, but we turned a deaf ear to it.

This attack finally had some effect. The weak point attack combined with the combination attack skill finally let me get rid of the embarrassing situation of only one combat power.

boom! There was a loud noise, and the tail of the exploding green dragon twitched crazily. The little skull was a bit stupid, and he didn't dodge and was hit for a living. It was a good thing, he was directly sent flying more than ten meters, and there was no blood left. One thousand points, if it is not for luck, it is estimated that it will die like this.

"Your sister, how dare you resist!!! I cum, I cum, I cum!!" Anyway, I'm not afraid that this guy will ot, and I can output as much as I can to push bosses, which can only be encountered in dreams. I won't say anything will let it go.

Two people, one skeleton warrior, and three units started an endless attack. After finding the weak point, the total output can basically reach five figures per second. It seems that our output has almost exceeded his recovery. , now you can see that the blood bar has started to drop slowly.

At the beginning, this guy would howl a few times every time the chrysanthemum was injured, but after a while it seemed to get used to it (what, you say this habit is not good?? I also know it is not good, let’s see, sin, sin), bound The dragon rope kept tightening, completely binding it into a rice dumpling. Several times when I wanted to spit out dragon flames, the instructor tightened the rope properly to restrain it. Besides, this guy can't do it in this posture now, and there is no condition to release the threat. s attack.

After attacking for more than half an hour, the dragon's long blood bar was empty, about one-twentieth of it. Seeing the slow progress, Yulia frowned.

"Do you have poison?? It's best to suppress it from returning to blood! I do have it, but the stock was taken by Hughes, and I don't have it now! The vitality of this product is too strong!!!" Yulia The instructor thought for a while and asked.

"Poison?? I'll look for it!!" I responded casually, slowing down the attack frequency in my hand, and started rummaging around in the space ring.

I have a problem with this person, that is, I don’t like to organize things very much, such as rooms or wardrobes. In the game, it is manifested in the fact that I don’t like to organize backpacks and warehouses. Fortunately, I have a special space ring in my hand, so for a long time There has never been a shortage of space in the backpack, but many monster-killing drops or some slightly special gadgets are thrown into the space by me, and sometimes they are forgotten when I am busy.

I searched for bottles and cans in the backpack, let alone you, I really found it.

The refined life-suppressing potion is a high-grade deadly poison. After the target is poisoned, the blood volume recovery speed will be reduced by 100, and the effect on boss monsters will be halved. Duration 30 minutes.

This is a poison I have been making for a long time. It is a lot of common ones, but after making advanced potions, the pharmaceutical secrets I learned before are not very easy to use, and the chance of special effects becomes very low. This bottle of essence The potion is the only bottle. As for spending money to make medicine in the pharmacy, the 10% chance of producing the ultimate effect becomes nonsense. Even if dozens or hundreds of bottles are produced, it is difficult to see a bottle of extreme effect. As for the effect, as for the super top-grade potion with extreme effects and superimposed essence that appeared before, it has almost become the probability of winning the lottery in front of the advanced potion formula. In the past, this kind of potion was useless at all, because ordinary bosses had a limited recovery speed, and it was not bad to have a thousand or eight hundred blood recovery per minute. At this time, the fatal poison was much stronger than the inhibitory poison. Except for the thieves who have the pure poison skill that can use two types of poisons at the same time, other professions can only add one poisoning effect to the boss. If two poisons are used to switch, the second one will replace the first one. .

"Here, I found a bottle of this!!" I raised my hand and handed the bottle to Teacher Yulia. Let him do things like poisoning the boss, although we can do it too. But after all, there will be a gap in skills between fighting NPCs at the mentor level, and I have another purpose, which is to see what skills NPCs have in poisoning.

Instructor Yulia took the potion and glanced at it casually. After seeing that it was a refined potion, a surprised expression flashed across his face, and he said lightly, "Well, it's not bad. The skills I taught you are not wasted at all. !!"

I agreed with my mouth, but without blinking my eyes, I stared straight at her hand pinching the medicine bottle, afraid that I might miss it, and even turned on the video recording function.

Instructor Yulia skillfully lifted the lid of the medicine bottle with one hand, took out an arrow with his right hand, wiped it casually, and inserted the whole arrow into the medicine bottle. The ball drilled in from the shaft of the arrow and slowly dissipated at the position of the poisonous arrowhead. When the arrowhead was taken out of the medicine bottle, it had already turned black and blue.

"That's it?? What was that white light just now?" I thought there would be some skills that I could learn secretly, but I found that the process was no different from our own poisoning. I almost asked the question in my heart without thinking. .

"Brat, you actually want to steal my teacher!!" Instructor Yulia gave me a blank look and pretended to be angry.

I just came to my senses at this time, scratched my head in embarrassment and said, "Hey, this is not considered stealing a teacher, you are so beautiful, kind, wise, and martial, you will teach me these skills sooner or later!!"

"Forget you can talk!! This is a pure poison skill, you can learn it after you turn three!!" Yulia's brows and eyes smiled into crescent moons again, but her face was scorched, and she looked a little awkward.

I always thought that archers couldn't learn assassin's pure poison skill. The pure poison skill can allow two types of poison effects to be added at the same time. After using it at an advanced level, there is even a chance to increase the potency of poison. I thought it was an exclusive skill for assassins. It turns out that archers can also be learned, but there is a learning limit. Fortunately, the third turn is also fast, and we will be able to master this skill in a short time.


Just when I was distracted, the instructor's arrow had already been shot. In order to ensure the effect of the poisonous arrow, the instructor even made the boss's chrysanthemum the first target for the first time.

As if sensing the approaching danger, the completely passive green dragon flicked its tail, and accurately hit the flying arrow. The alloy arrow shaft was actually bent by its blow.

Before I could react, the second arrow came right after me. The previous arrow was just a cover, this arrow was the poisonous one, and the tail lash also had a certain frequency. The second arrow was not biased. Yi happened to hit the scarred chrysanthemum, and with a bang, the arrow completely sank into the thin scales. In just an instant, the dragon's buttocks were covered with a layer of black air, and the black air continued to spread like a substance, spreading outward from the poisoned position , slowly covering the whole body.

After looking at the combat state, the effect is not bad. The instructor’s poison removal skill has already reached the master level, which has increased the poison effect by 10%, and the boss’s blood recovery speed has been reduced by 55. For a boss with a special template like the Green Dragon, this kind of The effect is already good.

Seeing that he was poisoned, the green dragon finally realized what we were going to do. The reason why this guy is so calm is because he was bound by the dragon rope and couldn't fight back. In addition, his rough skin and thick flesh have super recovery ability. Strong, but the most critical factor is that he thinks we dare not really kill it. After all, killing a giant dragon is considered a big deal at any time. Because of the existence of the covenant between the human race and the dragon race, it does not believe us He really dared to risk the displeasure of the world by making the act of slaying a dragon.

"You can't kill me. The great golden holy dragon has signed a covenant with you humans not to invade each other. Do you want to start a war between the dragon and the kingdom?" Just a few words can scare us, but he made a wrong calculation, and these few words angered Teacher Yulia even more.

"Despicable lewd dragon, I have the dragon rope in my hand, who can do anything to me even if I slaughter all the dragons in the world???" Teacher Yulia finished speaking domineeringly, and then threw another arrow soaring into the sky, The arrow still landed on the chrysanthemum, and with a puff, it hit the tenth ring again.

With the poison effect, our output is more powerful, the recovery speed of the boss has been reduced by nearly half, and in less than ten minutes, the blood of the boss has dropped by another 5%.

The green dragon was still clamoring, and all kinds of vicious curses and threats kept coming out of its mouth. Seeing that the star falling arrow in the skill bar had been cooled down, I gritted my teeth and activated it instantly.

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