Bow God Invincible Online Games

Chapter 414: The Secret Of The Divine Gem

After the dragon finished speaking, a ball of golden light wrapped in a huge green dragon skull slowly fell towards me. As the distance got closer, the skull began to gradually shrink, and finally turned into a miniature skull that was only the size of a palm. , although the shape has become smaller, the soul flame in the eye socket has not collapsed at all.

"Thank you for your generosity!!" I bent down just right and gave a standard shooter salute.

"I hope it can come back from the wrong way, and use its life to defend the glory and dignity of the dragon race in your city!!!" After the sacred dragon finished speaking, he began to flap his wings and raised his wings. In the blink of an eye, he had disappeared within nine days. outside.

"Huh!!" I exhaled heavily, and sat down on the ground without thinking about anything. Nima, the authenticity in this game is too realistic. If the player has a heart attack or something, maybe he will be scared to death after going through some big battles.

"Stinky boy, you are so brave, you dare to ask Aisha Alvin! If the sacred dragon gets angry because of this, both of us will lose our lives, and the dragon rope can't tie the one who has already ignited the fire!" Guy!!" As soon as I relaxed, I got hit on the back of my head by my mentor and my brain collapsed.

I rubbed my painful head aggrievedly, and said, "It's a request, not a request. Wealth and wealth come with risks. As long as there is a chance, even if you take a little risk, you have to give it a try. Besides, isn't this a success?" !!" I rubbed the pocket dragon skull in my hand, and the fire in the eye sockets of the dragon bone became hotter with my touch.

"You are lucky this time!!! Don't be dazed, we still have things to do, since Aisha Alvin promised, then the cave where the green dragon lives is ours, the real dragon's lair, just Even I have this kind of opportunity for the first time!!!" At this point, Teacher Yulia put on an expression full of expectation, and after being illuminated by the holy light, his face turned back to pink and tender snow greasy look.

"Yeah, let's go search for the baby!!!" After leaving these words, I immediately rolled onto Xiao Hei's back, and flew into the air first without waiting for Yulia's mentor.

Xiao Hei kept rising under my control, and the real height of the giant dragon's lair, which seemed to be only a hundred yards high, was far beyond. , two people came to the platform in front of the cave entrance almost at the same time.

Since the green dragon has been taken care of by us, the lair is now empty. Logically speaking, there should be no danger for us to explore. Teacher Yulia and I got off our mounts from the platform and walked to explore the depths of the cave.

The cave where the giant dragon lived was extremely wide and tall, with a diameter of more than ten yards. Just a few steps into it, it was pushed out by a stench.

Nima, this smell is too evil, it's like salted fish that stinks for several years and hasn't been dealt with.

"What's going on, why is it so stinky!!!" As a last resort, I opened the setting template and pulled the setting bar representing the sense of smell to the bottom, which made me feel better.

Players can do this, but NC seems to have no such ability. Instructor Yulia covered her mouth and nose with a handkerchief, and almost responded with a voice squeezed out of her nose, "Giant dragons are greedy and lustful races, although they have terror ability, but the growth period is extremely long. From the beginning of independent life, a cave for long-term living will be selected, and eating, drinking and lazing will be here in the future. All kinds of monsters are the food of giant dragons, eating leftover bones or digesting The feces that come out will be piled up here everywhere. The giant dragon is lazy. As long as the garbage is not blocked there and cannot get out, they will not clean it up. After hundreds of thousands of years of sediment accumulation, the smell will definitely be unpleasant! Continue to go inside Let's go, after we reach its resting place, it should be better!"

Anyway, my sense of smell is almost blocked now, and the smell of the outside world has almost disappeared. Now I can only smell a trace of almost inaudible stench in my nose. I nodded and continued to move forward behind Yulia.

There is no threat, the two of us moved very fast in the spacious cave, and it was similar to what Teacher Yulia said. There were many giant monster bones along the way. In the Oath Continent, the giant dragon is almost at the top of the entire food chain. Well, even young dragons have terrifying powers that surpass ordinary creatures. Their food ranges from small bulls to large prehistoric mammoths. All kinds of remains, large and small, can be seen in this wide and tortuous cave. .

After going through the most complicated section, the road conditions in the cave gradually improved, and a luminous gemstone appeared every few tens of yards above the cave, and now even the magic torch was saved.

After traveling for more than half an hour, we walked to the depths of the cave, and now there are no various remains on the ground in the cave, but there was a fork in the road, which made us a little fuzzy.

Before I could speak, Instructor Yulia stepped forward, removed the handkerchief used to cover her mouth and nose, sniffed her small nose back and forth on both sides of the fork, and then turned to me and said, "Go this way!!!"

"What's going on?" I didn't bother to reset my sense of smell, so I asked directly.

"This side should lead to the rest room, which is the old den in the depths of the dragon's cave, and this side, the smell is much heavier than the front, it should be the toilet!!" Teacher Yulia told me patiently .

Since the instructor is very sure, then we have nothing to argue about. Anyway, these two intersections will be checked sooner or later, it's just the order. I obediently followed behind my mentor and entered the fork in the road.

Instructor Yulia's judgment was very accurate. After turning the corner from the fork and walking only a few hundred yards, soft and dry sleeping grass began to appear on the ground. I have done this low-level task of collecting sleeping dream grass. Sleeping dream grass is a very common plant in the oath continent. After drying, it can help people fall asleep quickly. NPCs like to use it to decorate bedrooms. Unexpectedly, the giant dragon, which doesn't care about hygiene, has such a taste, and even searched for such a large number of sleeping grass to spread in the cave.

We speeded up along the ground paved with dream grass, and after walking for about a few hundred yards, the cave gradually expanded and turned into a huge circular hall. Thick dry grass was spread on the ground, and the unique smell of dream grass continued to emanate. The taste is a little drowsy.

"Look over there!!!" I was still searching around, and Yulia tutor shouted at me, and looked in the direction he pointed. In the innermost part of the hall, the thick sleeping grass gradually became thinner. In the crevices below covered by the dream grass, there are constantly flashes of golden light.

"Get rich!!!" Instructor Yulia suddenly seemed to go crazy, took my hand and ran towards the position it pointed to just now. As the distance got closer and closer, I finally saw clearly the edge position covered by grass The things they bought turned out to be gems and gold coins.

Although up to now, the gold coins we have passed are worth a million, but they are on the books. I am still a little dazed when faced with such a large amount of wealth. Various unknown gems and gold coins are like gold coins. Rubbish was piled under the grass, Yulia mentor was cuddling the grass frantically, and the pile of gold coins was rapidly expanding under her efforts. When her efforts came to an end, I realized that we had been standing in the pile of gold coins since we entered the hall. The ability of the Dragon Clan to hoard gold coins is as famous as their lustful character in the Oath Continent.

"Hahaha, get rich!!!" Instructor Yulia completely turned into a little girl's demeanor, frantically holding up the gold coins and gems on the ground with his palms, and then fiercely lifted them into the air. Being infected by him, I also Join the frenzy, and as we do, it rains coins and gems all over the hall.

I don’t know how long we’ve been crazy, but we two lunatics, one big and one small, finally stopped. Looking at the unknown number of gold coins in front of me, I felt unreal. This is a game designed by a game company called Grandet ? In the dragon's nest, gems of various colors are piled up randomly, and there are also countless gold coins. Will the game company let us search for such a huge wealth?

My doubts were answered in a few seconds. After calming down, my instructor and I started to frantically pick up gold coins and gems of various colors. I have to say that dragons are even more fond of golden things than gold coins. The entire giant space More than half of the items in the store are all kinds of gems, and the number of real gold coins is less than one-third of the total.

I checked a lot of gems one after another, only to find out the truth of the matter. These gems are just for decoration. Although they are extremely beautiful, they have no attributes at all. They are completely incomparable with the gems circulating in the auction house, except for a few stupid people who love beauty In addition, no second-hand goods would spend money on such a completely useless thing.

Unlike me, Teacher Yulia seems to like gems more. At this moment, she is losing her eyes and holding the gems in both hands. I am speechless when I see this. Even the NCs in the game, the charm of gems still makes them fascinated.

"Hey, hello, hello!!!" After I pushed several times in succession, Teacher Yulia came back to his senses.

"Stinky boy, what are you doing!!" Teacher Yulia was a little annoyed at being interrupted.

"Um, so much wealth, how do we distribute it???" I asked a little nervously.

Instructor Yulia rolled her eyes wide, and then took out a small pocket with magic light from her waist and said, "Of course, those who see it have a share. I don't want gold coins. You take these gems first, and when you fill your pocket, All the rest is mine!!"

After Teacher Yulia finished speaking, I was overjoyed. Seeing her treacherous expression, I was sure that this guy forgot that I had a space ring in my hand, so I decided to tease her.

"Think it over, you can't go back on your word when the time comes!!" I said.

"Tch, what's there to regret, take whatever you want, and I'll take the rest, just because your bag isn't big enough!!"

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