Bow God Invincible Online Games

Chapter 417 The Way Home

I don’t know what the specific use of the goodwill degree is. Now I’m holding the remaining three gems in a daze. It took a lot of trouble to get the gems, but I don’t know how to use them now. In its attribute options, this option is not used at all.

Shaking his head vigorously, he threw the stone covered with a faint halo into his backpack. Anyway, it is a good thing, and it will be useful one day.

After leaving the inn, I was a little dazed, and there are still many things waiting for me to do, but after experiencing the throbbing and panic just now, it seemed that I was too deep into the drama, and there was a feeling of trance, shaking violently again Shaking his head, he seriously warned himself, Nima, this is a game, and the other party is a virtual NC! ! ! It's okay to act on the occasion, but it can't be real.

Taking a deep breath, I tried my best to sort out all the clues. All the things to be done were laid out in front of me. I finally decided to start with the most important.

After making up my mind, I opened the city lord template and selected teleportation, and directly used the permission to appear outside the town hall of Moonlight Castle. The advanced task should be considered complete, and I also got the head of the green dragon, and turned the green dragon into a city guardian beast by the way.

"My dear City Lord, are you back??? Your servant has a premonition that you seem to have brought good news!!!" Before I could enter the door, the voice of the goblin butler Dromel sounded behind me. He was rushing over from the city warehouse behind the town hall, and greeted me from a long distance, with a flattering smile on his dark green face.

"Your premonition is not bad!!" I replied teasingly, and then walked straight into the hall.

"You haven't told your loyal servant what good stuff you got. If you have the opportunity to move dragons, our city's combat power will increase a lot! It's too difficult to move dragons, but dragon lizards can do it~!!! Hey, Wait, wait!!!!" Dromel's rambling voice came from behind.

My primary goal is the three-turn task, and there are still question marks in the task bar. I don't know how Boss Xhaka evaluates the completion of this task.

Entering the door, the teacher's teacher was drinking tea leisurely there. Seeing me coming back, Zhaka slowly raised his head.

"Teacher's teacher, I'm back!!!" I was relieved to see that Teacher Yulia was not here.

"Hey, what about the little guy Yulia, why didn't you come back with you!!!" Zhaka asked.

"Um, we separated outside the city. I flew here directly with the authority of the city lord. If she wants to come here, it may take a little detour!!" I said with a guilty conscience while lowering my head.

"How is the task entrusted to you?? In my estimation, you will have to stay in Dragon Valley for at least half a month. Why did you come back so soon!!!" Zhaka asked patiently.

I took out the shrunken head from the package, handed it over respectfully and said, "That green dragon has indeed fallen. We were attacked by him just after we got near it. Teacher Yulia was almost injured, so he used it in a fit of anger. Bind it with the dragon rope, and then..." I told what happened in detail.

"Green...Green Dragon!!! My God!!! It turned out to be a real green dragon!!!" Before Zhaka could react, Dromel who was following me screamed.

"Be quiet, don't yell!!" I turned around and shouted.

Zhaka was also a little surprised, but the surprised expression flashed quickly, he took the green dragon's skull and looked at it, and then handed it back to me, saying, "I didn't expect that old guy Aisha Alvin was shocked !! Your mission is well done!!"

Ding! Congratulations on completing the mission monitoring perfectly!

Ding! Congratulations, you have successfully broken through the bottleneck of your level, experience points +1 refresh! A golden light flashed, and the whole body was illuminated warmly. The advancement was successful. Although the experience value only increased a little, it was this point that made up the last experience point needed to upgrade to level 90, level 90! !

Ding! World Announcement! !

Congratulations to the player Moonlight under the Eaves successfully completed the third-rank mission and successfully upgraded to level 90! !

Ding! World Announcement! !

Congratulations to the player Moonlight under the Eaves successfully completed the third-rank mission and successfully upgraded to level 90! !

Ding! World Announcement! !

Congratulations to the player Moonlight under the Eaves successfully completed the third-rank mission and successfully upgraded to level 90! !

Three consecutive world announcements resounded through the sky over the game, Nima, brother is famous again! ! !

"Uh, teacher's teacher, this green dragon head, look..." I asked respectfully. Dromel beside him was going crazy, he kept rubbing his hands, and his eyes were shining with fanaticism.

Zhaka smiled slightly, and said casually, "This is the spoils of war between you and Xiaoya, if she has no objection, you can do whatever you want!!!"


Just as he was talking, Teacher Yulia pushed open the gate of the town hall.

"I took a detour and came late..." Yulia dared not look directly at me, and said to Zaka with a guilty conscience.

"I heard the little guy said that you were almost injured, are you okay!!!" Xhaka looked at Yulia with a caring face and said.

"It's all a small situation, it's okay!! By the way, teacher, what is this!!!" Yulia took out the divine spar from her pocket like offering a treasure.

"This is??" Due to the isolation of the effect of divine favor, Zhaka still did not feel anything unusual about this gem despite being close at hand.

"Look carefully, this is something you will use sooner or later!!!" Yulia blinked mischievously, and handed the gem to Zhaka.

Zhaka took the gem with a suspicious face, and after checking it with a secret method, his face changed suddenly.

"This, this is the divine spar!!!" Zhaka said with a serious face.

"Sooner or later, you will ignite the divine fire to ascend to the God Realm, this gem will definitely be useful!!!" Yulia said.

"You got it from that despicable green dragon??? No, it seems to have been baptized by the divine grace of the God of Light!!" Zhaka asked with a slight gaffe.

"That guy got it from the Ice and Snow Goddess Temple..." Yulia repeated it tenuously.

"Well, not bad, not bad!!" Xhaka said two good things in a row, obviously this windfall made him very happy.

"My lord, let's, should we change the city guardian beast? Look, look..." At this moment, Zhuo Meier finally couldn't bear it anymore, rubbing his hands and said cautiously.

"Let's go and have a look together!!!" After getting the divinity spar, Zhaka blushed and walked out of the hall door with great interest.

A few of us, with our own ghosts, walked out of the hall and went straight to the altar of the city. The conversion of the city guardian beast requires an altar. Except for the first conversion, if the guardian beast dies in the city battle, We also need to do the corresponding resurrection task in the altar to resurrect it. When we went out to do the task, Dromel had already built the altar.

The area of ​​this altar building is not small, it is larger than ordinary farm houses, and it is similar in shape to traditional altars. It is made of obsidian that can already be produced in the city.

"Let me preside over this ceremony for you!!!" Dromel was about to take the head from my hand, but Zhaka took it first, stepped up the steps directly south of the altar, and started the ceremony.

The whole ceremony is very simple, and I even have the authority to preside over it myself. I just need to read the lines set in advance by the system, and then throw the head sealed with the soul fire to the top of the altar.

The aura of the strong man in the town was so strong that Zhuo Meier didn't dare to refute at all, so he had to follow us pitifully and become a bystander.

After Zhaka finished his long and boring lines, he threw his head up high and landed on the top of the altar.

As the lines were finished, a gap split open at the top of the altar, and the head was accommodated in it. The soft magic light slowly reflected from the gap, and kept mixing with the head containing the soul fire. Zhaka finally threw it away. An unknown bead entered the gap, and after a dazzling white light burst out, everything returned to calm.

woo woo woo woo! ! !

At the top of the altar, a limp puppy-like creature appeared in everyone's field of vision. Seeing such an inconspicuous little guy, I almost fell over with my eyes darkened. I really couldn't protect the city. beasts united.

Dromel hurriedly climbed up to the altar, and carefully carried the chubby little guy down. Straight into my hand.

"It's a newborn baby dragon!!!" Zhaka didn't have much emotional change, and seemed to be no stranger to this little guy.

I took this pale pink guy and curiously opened the attribute template.

Chaos Green Dragon Epic City Defense Beast Cub Level 0 Health Points 50005000 Attack 600600 Defense 8000 Skill Dragon Power Dragon Heart Poisonous Chaos Dragon Flame Nine Heavens Dragon Chanting Dragon Power Passive skill, causing attribute oppression to all low-level creatures, reducing 500 30 full stats for all hostile targets within yards.

Dragon Heart is a passive skill. When attacking, there is an additional 40% chance to cause a fatal blow effect.

Poison passive skill, all attack effects are accompanied by poison, the upper limit of the poisoned person's life value is reduced by 1000 points per second, and the movement speed is halved.

The active skill of Chaos Dragon Flame spits out a mouthful of terrifying dragon flames with dual attributes of light and darkness, causing a devastating blow to all targets within a 30x30 range.

Nine Heavens Dragon Song active skill, after activation, it will form a magical shock barrier within 500 yards around, and all the enemy units within the range will burn a lot of mana and cause the same amount of damage.

Introduce the exclusive city guard beast of Moonlight Castle. It is said that it was a terrifying fallen green dragon in life.

Advantages and Disadvantages The juvenile state requires a certain amount of care, and when it becomes an adult, it will gain terrifying combat power

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