"Look at your broken equipment, you want to bring me back the tree seeds with these rags on your body???" Mishus looked me up and down, with a sharp mouth, but the expression of concern in his eyes still showed inadvertently out.

I followed his gaze and looked at myself from head to toe. Basically, my whole body was equipped with equipment above the legendary epic level. Wearing top-level equipment that is admired and admired by others wherever he goes, he called it a rags-to-riches stall, and I instantly had the urge to curse.

"This is the best thing I have. Could it be that you have a better choice??" I stared at him, a little angry.

Mishus scratched his head and said embarrassingly, "Although I can't come up with a better one, I have a way to improve your strength a little bit."

I stopped and said, "Time is precious, what can you tell me!!"

Mishus didn't answer me, but pulled me off Xiao Hei's back.

"I can't do it, but someone can do it, come on, follow me to the blacksmith's shop, and find that dwarf who likes to drink hard liquor!!" After finishing speaking, he dragged me towards the blacksmith's shop without waiting for my consent go.

They are all leather armor professions. Mitheus's strength attributes completely crushed me by countless times. He dragged me and his walking speed nearly doubled. A funny scene appeared on the street full of pedestrians. A leather armor player with an anonymous name was dragged forward by the chest of the leather armor by the famous thief mentor. More and more people were watching. He resisted desperately, but it didn't work at all, so he had to tightly cover his face so as not to be recognized by acquaintances.

"Mulin!!! Come out for me!!!" Mishus kicked open the door of the blacksmith's shop without any scruples.

"Mi... Master Mishus, my master is not here..." The little apprentice in the blacksmith shop saw Mishus enter the door carelessly, and was so frightened that he couldn't speak fluently.

"Where's that dwarf? Where did he go?? Forget it, keep busy, I'll find him myself!!" Mishus impatiently pushed the little apprentice who stood in front of him away, and then walked into the blacksmith's shop with ease. back hall.

I followed Mishus into the back hall. As expected, Mu Lin was concentrating on drawing a magic circle on a piece of lizard skin with a magic pen dipped in a special dye.

Mitheus did not greet rudely this time, but showed rare patience. After Mullin finished drawing the last curve, Mishus grabbed his hand that wanted to continue dipping in the dye.

"Hey, bearded man!!! Stop for a second!!!" Mishus said.

Only then did Mu Lin, who was fully absorbed, raised his head, and after scanning the two of us with his brown eyes, he said calmly, "Old friend, what can you do for me?"

"This little guy needs to help me complete a task, but the current equipment strength is still a bit low. Here, I got some good stuff, and I need your help!!!" Mishus took out a few pieces of lavender from his waist Crystal said.

"Purple Pupil Stone!!" Mu Lin's pupils dilated and he yelled out.

"You don't have a white wheel for half your life with a pickaxe!!" Mishus said with a little pride.

"Did you go to another plane to explore?? The Purple Eye Mine is not a mine from the Oath Continent!!!"

"Uh, that's not true, I just visited the dragon's lair~!" Mishus said nonchalantly.

"What do you need me to do for you?? Purple Eye Mine is famous for its versatility!!" Mu Lin asked.

"Hey, brat, take off your equipment and show the bearded man the best deal!!!" Mishus yelled at me.

After a little hesitation, I took off the full set of equipment on my body. After a while, Mullin's work case was covered with high-end equipment with magical luster.

The table is full of more than a dozen pieces of legendary and epic equipment. Jewelry, weapons, and armor are basically all in place. Mu Lin has been dealing with various equipment all day, so he can see the extraordinaryness of these top-quality equipment at a glance.

"Is there a plan?? He's in a hurry!" Mishus urged.

Once the business aspect was involved, Mullin was a completely different person. His bronzed face was extremely focused. After carefully studying all the equipment, he thought for a long time before raising his head.

"It's more cost-effective to strengthen these three pieces!!!" Mullin pushed the three pieces of equipment placed on the corner of the table aside. Main bow, ring, necklace. Coincidentally with what I expected, these three pieces are exactly the special set of Magtheridon. These three pieces of equipment form an independent suit, and the final effect is my big killer weapon, the Star Arrow. I can't keep up with the character level, but there is no better choice, so I have been biting the bullet and using it like this. Mullin's selection of these pieces made me see hope again.

"Only those who deal with ore all day will know the preciousness of the purple pupil stone. Although other equipment is relatively good, it is far less dazzling than these!!" Mu Lin gently stroked the bow tire of Magtheridon's Glory Bow, Gentle as if touching his lover.

"I'm a layman in this area, just make up your own mind!!!" Mishus didn't participate in the comments at all.

"Then I'm ready to start!!!" Mu Lin didn't even look at me, he put away the three suit parts and turned into the ground fire furnace next door.

"Um, Master Mu Mulin, is it necessary for you to tell me about the content and direction of strengthening!!" Seeing being ignored again, I said bravely.

"Oh, sorry, I forgot about you little guy!!" Mullin slapped his head and stopped what he was doing.

"Purple Eye Stone can be widely used in equipment improvement and production, and it is outstanding in these aspects!! The first is to improve the quality of equipment. If there is a suitable modifier and a sufficient amount of Purple Eye Stone, there is a chance to improve the quality of equipment. The second is to increase the level of the equipment, which is more practical. After the level is increased, the strength and additional attributes of the equipment will increase correspondingly. The third is additional enhancement, adding appropriate supplements, there is a chance to increase the additional attribute value of the equipment. Now Zitong The number of stones is relatively small, and the corresponding supplements and modifiers are not specially collected, so my opinion is to choose the second one, and it is more cost-effective to upgrade the level of equipment!!"

To be honest, these three effects are very attractive. The improvement of quality directly corresponds to the improvement of the template of the equipment, the improvement of the level means that the basic attributes of the equipment are accumulated according to the original template, and the additional enhancement directly affects the added value of the equipment. The effect is the same, both can increase the overall score of the equipment. What Mu Lin said also made me firmly remember the three words Purple Pupil Stone. If there is an opportunity in the future, I must not miss this kind of thing.

"I think so too!!!" Old Mu Lin's thoughts coincided with mine.

After the consensus was unanimous, Mu Lin started working again. He carefully removed the accessories and bow strings from the longbow, and then began to process the purple pupil stone. He took out a thick crucible from the tool shelf, and carefully moved it under the furnace. After being heated at super high temperature for a while, the purple pupil stone completely turned into a liquid like pigment.

After filtering the slag several times with a special alchemy filter, the melt completely turned into a psychedelic lavender.

I don't know what Mu Lin threw into the solution. As the temperature of the crucible dropped, the solution did not solidify contrary to common sense, but turned into a viscous liquid like mercury.

The next step was even simpler. Mullin took out the mold that was commonly used when making bow embryos, put the weapon back in, and then poured these fantastic solutions into the gaps in the mold.

"Get up!" Mu Lin shouted angrily. With his roar, a fire dragon composed entirely of ground fire magma emerged from the ground. The fire dragon circled around the mold several times and wrapped it tightly. After a while, the entire outer surface of the mold became dark red.

The whole process lasted less than five minutes, and it was not over until the mold was completely burnt white. Mu Lin wiped the sweat from his forehead, and then carefully filled the mold with ice spring water to cool it down.

Chi! ! When hot and cold met, a cloud of white mist rose rapidly, turning the entire studio into a sea of ​​mist.

After the cooling was complete, Mulin opened the mold, and a bow tire shining with lavender light appeared in his hand. The ring and the necklace were placed on the left and right, and he did not know when they were placed in the mold with a large gap. Afterwards, he flipped his hands non-stop, and the various accessories and bow strings on the original bow were restored one by one, and the longbow returned to its original shining and abnormal appearance.

"Phew... It's done!!" Mu Lin said with a deep breath.

I took these three pieces of equipment, and immediately selected the attributes to view.

Magtheridon Bow of Glory Epic Weapon Bow Level 110 Attack 659976 Additional Agility +85 Strength +70 Additional Stunt Hawkeye Hawkeye passively increases the range by thirty yards.

Additional Guiding Arrow Guiding Arrow can shoot an arrow that can control the movement trajectory independently every 30 seconds, which can be superimposed with the current skill.

Additional stunts Advanced Simple Advanced Simple Reduce equipment level requirements by 20 levels.

Additional increase of 20 attack power Introduction This is one of the most flamboyant treasures of the abyss lord Magtheridon. There are a total of three weapons and the most precious one.

Durability 10501050 suit attributes After collecting all three suits, activate the skill Falling Star Arrow.

The Falling Star Arrow draws the power of the starry sky into the arrow, and carries out a devastating attack on the target from the air, causing 270+500 points of chaos-type damage. Cooldown time 1800 seconds.

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