Bow God Invincible Online Games

Chapter 425 Mitheus' Promise

Xiao Hei flew all the way along the direction of my memory. To be honest, I don’t have a good sense of direction in reality. Remember, even if it is the position of the world tree, you can just glance at the coordinates casually, but good luck tricks people, no one knows what will happen next, no one sells regret medicine in the game, so I have to grit my teeth and manipulate Xiao Hei Flying all the way along the route in my impression.

Until Xiaohei's flight time ran out, we still didn't see the shadow of the World Tree. Obviously, it wasn't that the World Tree didn't exist, but that I was obsessed with the road.

Xiao Hei is still not idle after landing from the sky. The World Tree is so huge that it should be able to be seen from a long distance without the cover of thick fog. Maybe I found it by accident.

But the ideal is very full, but the reality is very skinny. For more than an hour, I rode Xiaohei wandering in the forest. In terms of directions, maybe I can't tell the difference between east, west, north and south.

After the ten-minute flight cooling time, Xiao Hei and I went up into the air again. Now that I have learned how to be smart, I marked the position when I landed on the map, and then made a straight line with the current position. According to this After slowly analyzing the simulated flight path, I vaguely felt that I should be a little to the left. In my memory, following behind the Stormcrow, the entire flight path was not a straight line, but had two inconspicuous changes of direction. , I didn't pay much attention to it at the time, I marked it on the map, and then I remembered the details at that time.

Thinking of this, I hurriedly called up the virtual drawing board in the small tool bar, imported the map and started to analyze it. After correcting the flight direction twice in succession according to the memory in my mind, a new polyline appeared on the tool drawing board, and This broken line has deviated by nearly fifteen degrees from my current position, and if calculated as an approximate distance, it has deviated by nearly tens of thousands of yards. With such a large error, no matter how open the field of vision is, it is impossible to see the towering World Tree with my eyesight.

After revising the route, I set off again, proceeding according to the calculated direction. After half an hour, sure enough, the towering World Tree appeared at the edge of my field of vision.

found it.

Going forward at a fast pace, we appeared on the periphery of the World Tree a few minutes later, but after coming close to the location of the World Tree, I was stunned.

The tree of the world is still towering into the sky, but it has lost the rich breath of life that I have seen before. Now more than 60% of the leaves of the tree of the world are sickly gray-yellow. Only in the upper part of the tree crown, the leaves are still healthy color. Seeing this weird scene, I had a bad feeling.

Anyway, it was in a dream, and there were no NCs in front of me. I didn't follow the rules of respecting the divine right and Wang Quan had to walk on the World Tree, so I controlled Xiao Hei to pull up rapidly and quickly flew towards the top of the tree. Ten minutes later, Xiaohei successfully climbed to the height of the middle and upper part of the canopy. I manipulated it to continue to raise it cautiously, and began to search for the legendary seeds among the thick green branches and leaves.

When I was walking and chatting with Mr. Fandral, I already learned by insinuation that the tree of life will give birth to a seed every year. After the new seed is born, the seed hanging on the branch will mature. After receiving the induction from the tree spirit, he picked the mature seeds with gardening scissors made of gold. After picking, he handed the seeds to the high priest of the temple, just like this day after day, year after year. Fudged by me, Lord Fandral even lent me the golden scissors, and now it is lying quietly in my backpack.

Hard work pays off, under my careful observation, I finally found a completely emerald green branch near the top of the canopy. This branch has no forks and no leaves, but it is at the top position, with a A dark green fruit about the size of a fist. According to the identification method given to me by Lord Fandral, I carefully looked around the fruit several times, and finally confirmed that it was exactly the same as the mature fruit described by Master Fandral in terms of shape, size and color. Trembling slightly, I took out the golden scissors from my backpack and gestured at the stem of the fruit. Later, I didn’t know what I was thinking. Instead of cutting close to the stem, I chose the bottom of the twig, together with the A whole section of twigs was cut off together.

Ding! Congratulations on getting the tree of life seed x1!

The moment the fruit fell into the hand, the system sounded, and it was indeed a ripe seed. Occasionally, the task was completed! ! !

Carefully stored the fruit in the depths of the interspatial ring, and took a deep breath. Now the big stone pressing on his heart has been removed, and even breathing feels much more comfortable.

Then I didn't waste the remaining time, I looked up to the depths of the crown of the World Tree, there is still a large clump of branches reaching the sky, I don't know where the end is, now that the business is done, I decided to continue to look up at the world What is the end of the tree.

Manipulating Xiao Hei to continue to increase the height, penetrating layer after layer of clouds, but the world tree seems to be connected to the infinite sky, and it has been raised thousands of yards one after another, but it still has not reached the end of the world.

It made me feel a little frustrated to go up one after another but failed to reach the expected destination. I looked at Xiao Hei’s flight time and it was less than half. Losing interest, I began to control Xiao Hei’s whereabouts.

The flying state of pets is subject to certain restrictions and requirements of the system. It is not that players can fly as they wish. There are fewer restrictions when moving forward, and there is no problem with straight forward and high elevation. Time to circle and fall.

Xiao Hei and I are in this state now, I just marked the destination, and then Xiao Hei started to fly freely according to the system standard mode, taking the canopy of the world tree as the axis, and began to circle and fall rapidly.

Frustrated, I began to look aimlessly at the landscape of the sea of ​​trees. Suddenly, a touch of emerald green that was completely different from the surrounding environment flashed past my eyes.

"Ripe seeds!!!"

In the flash of fire and light, these words echoed in my mind.

Thinking of this, I hastily took over the control of Xiao Hei, and after circling a few laps in the air plane, the accumulative speed of the descent was worn away, and I slowly climbed up, and I began to carefully look for the green that had just flashed by.

After searching patiently and meticulously, after a few minutes, I found the turquoise color just now. Just like my first reaction, this is indeed a mature seed, and its appearance, color and various characteristics are exactly the same as the previous one.

At this time, I began to hesitate, and my intuition told me that this thing must be a treasure, but I had some scruples in my heart. After all, Fandral told me about the process of picking seeds, and a second one appeared in such a short time. Ripe seeds, this is definitely not normal, and no one knows what will happen after I pick this seed.

I hesitated for a few seconds, but finally greed got the upper hand, I took out the golden scissors from my pocket, and no matter what happened, with a click, the emerald green fruit was once again in my pocket .

Ding! Congratulations on getting the tree of life seed x1!

Another system notification sounded. I tensed my nerves, afraid that something unexpected would happen, but it seemed that I was worrying too much, and nothing happened.

I breathed a sigh of relief again, holding the second seed in my hand and carefully groping for it. The seed containing rich life energy constantly exudes a faint breath of life. Just holding it in my hand gives people a feeling of vitality. very comfortable.

I lowered my head and closed my eyes, took a deep breath of the rich breath of life, and then comfortably exhaled the turbid air in my chest. Before I opened my eyes, suddenly my ears moved, and there was a rustling sound beside me.

Suddenly, he was clever, and then quickly opened his eyes to look around, and a strange scene appeared.

From where I was, large green leaves began to wither and turn yellow at a speed visible to the naked eye, falling from the branches like fallen leaves in late autumn. The whole process spread so quickly like a plague. When I realized it, The green in the field of vision has completely turned into withered yellow, and the rustling sound of large leaves rubbing against each other filled my eardrums.

I was still completely at a loss, when suddenly the top of the tree trembled a few times, all the remaining dead leaves fell off, and the main class World Tree completely turned into a bare appearance.

"Roar!! Who is it, who stole the seeds of the World Tree!!!" After Tianji's shocking dragon chant, a voice full of power and majesty rang in his ears.

I subconsciously clamped Xiao Hei's abdomen, Nima, could it be a giant dragon? This is not a good thing. We have just dealt with giant dragons before, and we don't have the dragon binding rope in the hands of the teacher. If we touch it casually, we will be beaten into scum.

Before my escape plan could be implemented, a huge black shadow enveloped the sky. I looked up subconsciously, and I happened to be looking at the super giant eyeballs of the black shadow.

Black Dragon! !

It turned out to be a black dragon! ! !

Black dragons are second only to silver dragons and sacred dragons. They have bodies that are almost completely immune to magic. Their super-tyrannical bodies can easily tear their opponents into pieces in close combat. Surpassing Yinlong, I never expected to meet such a big guy in this place where rabbits don't shit.

"Humble adventurer, it's you who greedily picked the seeds of the world tree???" The black dragon spewed a scorching breath from his nose. Jumped up to 100+ burn damage.

Now, I can't dodge it anymore, so I can only take a deep breath, gritted my teeth and said, "Your Excellency the Great Black Dragon, I am indeed the one who picked the seeds of the World Tree!!!"

"Because of your greed, the world tree that has grown for tens of millions of years fell into a deep sleep, adventurer, your humble life is not enough to make up for the mistakes you made!!" The black dragon's eyes and pupils narrowed suddenly, and my heart skipped a beat. Well, almost like a conditioned reflex, he directly sacrificed the ice shield skill attached to the artifact ring.

Sure enough, in the next second, a mouthful of fiery dragon flames spewed out from the black dragon's huge mouth. The super-speed dragon flames seemed to me to have no time to escape.

boom! The dragon flame suddenly turned into violent flame energy, which tightly wrapped the whole bodies of me and Xiao Hei.

The berserk flame energy lasted for three seconds before it ended. Fortunately, the ice shield has a five-second full damage absorption effect. Otherwise, just that one mouthful of dragon flames would have killed ten of me who turned back and forth.

"Huh? The breath of the Ice and Snow Goddess!!! Kid, what is your relationship with Kana???" The blow that was originally intended to win did not kill me, but feeling the faint ice and snow breath attached to the ice shield, the black dragon asked instead.

Hearing the black dragon call out the real name of the goddess of ice and snow, I was overjoyed, Nima, if you have a door, maybe you don't have to die.

"Dear Lord Black Dragon, please calm down. I have no intention of harming the World Tree. I don't know about the seed. As for Mrs. Kana, it was my team who helped her unseal the seal and rekindle the fire to re-enter the God Realm!!" There are also skills in NC conversations. Our trick is called avoiding the important and taking the light, and paying attention to the truth! !

"Oh?? With your humble cultivation, you can actually help her rekindle the divine fire???" Heilong's tone was full of doubts.

I raised the artifact ring in my hand and said proudly, "This is the best proof!!!"

Sure enough, when the ring was raised, it immediately attracted the attention of the black dragon. His huge eyeballs completely locked his eyes on my left hand.

"Well, you are lucky, I owe Kana a favor, even if I let you go this time, since it has already happened, it cannot be undone, so let's go!!" The huge body of the black dragon suddenly turned over, Turn your head directly to the other side.

Just when I thought I was safe and turned around to control Xiao Hei to escape, suddenly the voice of a giant dragon sounded again.

"Kakarona, don't let him go!!!"

In an instant, the air flow surged, and in the blink of an eye, two giant dragons appeared not far from the black dragon again. I squinted my eyes and saw that a red dragon and a green dragon were much smaller than the black dragon. , but compared with the green dragon that my mentor and I slaughtered earlier, it is a circle bigger.

"Lethorn, Tailar, what, you two want to question the decision of the great black dragon Kakarona???" Obviously, the strength of this black dragon is completely crushing the other two giant dragons, just talking It can be seen in the momentum and tone.

"Although your strength is stronger, this greedy adventurer has turned our nearly hundred years of protection into a joke. Lord Kakarona, don't you think letting him go is trampling on the dignity of the Dragon Clan?" Pointed Red Dragon said.

"Dignity of the Dragon Clan? Dignity is based on strength. A reptile who is trampled on by others has no right to talk about dignity with me!!!" Black Dragon Kakarona's harsh words did not save Red Dragon any face .

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