Bow God Invincible Online Games

Chapter 429 Where Is Cheating? ? ?

Through the perception of skills, I successfully locked the position of the stalker. After the successful detection, I deliberately controlled Xiao Hei to walk in an arc, and by turning sideways, I successfully saw two guys sneaking behind him.

These two stalkers are relatively professional. Once I pause for a little bit, they will stop cautiously. It seems that they are also veteran stalkers.

Under my arrangement, Tudou led the team to deviate from the correct route for a while. I don’t know if God is taking care of us. We found a relatively empty place in the dense woods, and there were stumps left on the ground after NC logging , with few shelters.

That's it, I greeted Xiao Ke and the others in the team, and everyone got ready to fight together.

Soul shock! !

Without any warning, Xiao Hei under my seat stopped suddenly under my control, and then raised his head to the sky with a loud roar, the shock wave that gathered a large amount of soul energy of the soul beast spread out from Xiao Hei as the center.

The two thieves following behind were not unhappy. Xiao Hei had already discovered the anomaly almost as soon as he raised his head, but less than half a second was not enough for them to do anything, almost hesitating for a while, Xiao Hei screamed loudly. The resulting soul shock wave spread to them. The faces of the two thieves changed in shock, and their qi and blood dropped by more than half. At the same time, a dizzy negative status icon was placed on their heads, and their figures gradually appeared in the air.

The team members who had already made preparations moved in unison, and surrounded them with a swipe.

"Boss, let me kill both of them. The battle will be completed in five seconds!!" Tudou eagerly said while holding the newly replaced big axe. The exaggerated big ax was even a little taller than a person. It is a legendary two-handed axe.

"Stand aside, let me come, they are so close, my sister and I can take care of it with a burst fireball!!" Sky also tightly held the staff in his hand, as if he would launch an attack at any time.

"Don't rush to kill, wait until they wake up and ask!!" I hastily stopped the two warmongers.

After ten seconds of silence, the two unlucky thieves woke up from the stupor with horror on their faces. The tenth man, including his pet and his pet, was surrounded by at least 20 combat units. If they didn't save their lives, With invincible skills, it can be said that it is impossible to escape.

Seeing the horror on their faces, I was secretly proud that my goal had been achieved, so I deliberately asked with a straight face, "Who are you two? Why are you following us???"

The leader of the thieves is actually a bachelor, and now it is impossible to escape, so he simply sat on the ground carelessly: "In this age of no names and surnames, we are just small characters, and we can kill as we please, which is just a first-level experience. Move swiftly, I will be a hero again in ten seconds!!"

After listening to this thief's words, my impression of him has changed a lot. The reckless breath exuded in that kind of speech temperament is not like a rat with a sharp mouth and monkey cheeks, but more like a man who dares to act.

I temporarily changed my mind and changed my words: "Okay, forget about your name, you are also a man, so I will let you go for what you said just now!! You go away! If I find you sneaking and following There will be no such good luck in the future!!"

"Get out of the way for them! Let them go!" I said to the people beside me.

"Boss..." Tudou held the ax tightly in his hand, and he was a little reluctant.

Cang Qiong stepped aside, then frowned slightly, "Potato, obey the order!"

Potato then reluctantly moved away.

The leading thief punched me, then swaggered out of the way we gave way, before leaving, he turned around suddenly, revealing his name and relationship with the trade union, "Under the blue dragon, he is the captain of the thieves of the Jialan temple branch." , It is rumored in the market that President Moonlight is righteous and generous, seeing him today really deserves his reputation, and there will be a period later!!" After speaking, he signaled to his companion beside him, and then swipe, two white halos appeared almost at the same time, and the two of them followed suit. Like a teleportation, it disappeared directly from my sight.

Seeing this scene, everyone was shocked. I hurriedly used elemental perception to relocate, but within a hundred yards of perception range, there were no shadows of the two of them.

It turns out that these two people are not incapable of escaping from the siege, but they don't want to escape at all. This teleportation-like skill has no channel time at all. To put it bluntly, the only chance we can kill them is the ten seconds of dizziness , After they wake up, they can escape from our encirclement at any time. Invisibly, my evaluation of these two thieves is one point higher.

Seeing the other party leaving so leisurely, Tudou was a little puzzled, and asked, "Boss, why did you let them go? If you let me do it, they won't have a chance to leave!!!"

Cang Qiong curled his lips and looked at Tudou with contempt on his face, "You are a bastard with a brain full of muscle bumps. You didn't ask who came here, so you can kill them casually?? When they wake up, they have flash-like skills on them. You Are you sure you can keep them??"

What Cang Qiong said is indeed reasonable. If I hadn't used my mount skills to control them by surprise, maybe they wouldn't have given us a chance to contact them head-on. If there was a slight abnormality, they would disappear, and we wouldn't even be able to catch a hair.

"Um, I should be able to..." Tudou's face flushed red after being buried, but his mouth was still stubborn.


After such a small episode, I have kept the element perception skills turned on. Apart from meeting a few low-level player teams along the way, I have never met a follower. After deliberately making a small circle, we arrived at the destination .

Sure enough, as I expected, the tree of life was standing there quietly. What is worth mentioning is that a large group of light white mist appeared in the huge area covered by the tree of life, and the sight was blocked by the mist, which was far away. I can't find it at all. The system settings seem to deliberately increase the difficulty for players to find, but these tricks have no effect on me, who knows the coordinates.

As mentioned during the system maintenance, the current tree of life has become the lair of the elves. There are more than a dozen young elves playing and playing on the grass under the tree, and there are dozens of newly built elves on the trunk. The tree house, on a high place, and several adult elves are transporting logs up, and a slightly larger tree house is under construction. Everything indicates that an elf tribe has just begun to take root here.

"Who is it?" Just as I was observing the surrounding situation, an adult elf holding a wooden spear suddenly appeared from behind the tree. The magic pattern, as mentioned in the information I have read before, after the elf reaches a certain level of strength, it will solidify the magic pattern on the face and body. It seems that this elf should be an extraordinary warrior .

"Your Excellency the handsome elf, we are adventurers from Feiyun City!!!" I put away my weapon and said without any hostility.

"Adventurers, what are you doing in the tribe we just settled in???" The other party was very vigilant, still staring at us motionlessly.

"Under the guidance of the Supreme God, our adventure team is here to find a trial to improve our own strength!!" I replied neither humble nor overbearing.

Hearing the words of the Supreme God, the NC relaxed. No one would lie in the name of the Supreme God. This is the easiest and most convenient way to gain trust in dealing with NCs in the game.

After confirming again and again that we are not hostile, he said to himself, "The elder Druid just completed the bridge guide of the Emerald Dream yesterday, and an adventurer came today, so fast!!!"

"Come with me!!!" The elf warriors put away their spears and led us to the tree of life. Under Tudou's horrified eyes, they took the lead to climb up the plank road.

The ten-member team, except for me, has never seen the tree of life, so they are very curious about this super huge thing. Walking on the wide plank road, looking here and there, it doesn't look like it for a while. It's more like a tourist group led by me to brush up the dungeon.

After climbing along the plank road for a while, we were led to a slightly larger tree house. "This is the tree house where the great druid elder lived. Go in and find him yourself. The tribe has just settled down and has the ability to guard the people on duty." Soldiers are still very rare, so I won’t accompany you!!” The elf warrior greeted us and left.

Now that we have reached the door, we naturally have to go in. As the captain, I did my part to push open the door of the tree house.

"Adventurers from afar, did the Supreme God guide you here???" Just after entering the door, the druid elder who was holding an elf staff in his hand and praying in the treehouse was the first to speak. He was an elf old man with a chin A light brown beard has grown underneath.

"Hello, respected Elder Archdruid, it is indeed as you said!!!" I respectfully gave a general shooter salute.

"Come with me, you are the first team of adventurers to visit the Windwalker Tribe, you need a little time to prepare before you start training!" The arch druid had a kind face and guided us out of the tree house.

To everyone's surprise, the archdruid did not lead us to go up, but slowly descended along the plank road. After a while, we returned to the bottom of the tree of life.

"Adventurers, come with me, the altar that bridges the Emerald Dream is behind the Tree of Life!!!" The archdruid led us half a circle along the thick tree of life to the back.

Sure enough, as the archdruid said, there was a not-so-high altar standing quietly in the open space.

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