Bow God Invincible Online Games

Chapter 454 Is It Tricky Again? ?

Xiaoyou nodded, and after equipping the novice sword, she walked to the side of the magic gathering circle.

"Is it here??? I'm going to cut it???" Xiaoyou gestured with the tip of his sword at the location where the magic lines gathered, which was the energy node that the old elf told me.

"Well, here it is!!" I nodded.

Xiaoyou was a little nervous, but as a swordsman, she still had basic professionalism. She took a deep breath, waved her arm lightly, and the whiteboard weapon was accurately drawn at the position designated by the energy node.

The material of the stone is not as hard as imagined, and this novice weapon made of low-grade ebony can easily break the magic patterns that run through each other in Xiaoyou's hands.

Sure enough, as the elf old man said, after the magic pattern that was originally connected together was cut off, a large amount of death breath began to escape from the position below the magic circle. After a while, the area around the magic circle was covered with a layer of light gray. mist.

Now that the energy node has been cut off, the magic gathering array should be taken away. I reactivated the holding function on the space ring, and with a swipe sound, a white light flashed, and the huge stone carving disappeared suddenly. Leave a very small section of the base in place.

"Fuck!! Boss is really going to take this thing back!!! It's too nb~!!" Seeing the big guy in front of him disappear all of a sudden, Tudou yelled in surprise.

Before I had time to answer, the entire Spiritual Tower began to vibrate violently, my heart tightened, and I remembered how the map scene was damaged before.

"Everyone, retreat quickly!! This place is going to collapse!~!!" I yelled, and quickly rode on Xiao Hei's back.

Just like an earthquake, everything, whether it is the building or the ground, began to vibrate violently, and the vibration became more and more violent. A large group of us were relatively calm at first, but then we completely panicked. After finishing all this, we were given enough time to escape from the Spiritual Tower. After everyone escaped, a horrible crack appeared at the foundation of the Spiritual Tower. The dark crack looked like the mouth of an ancient giant beast. It grew bigger and bigger, and finally gradually exceeded the width of the base of the psychic tower. With a bang, the entire psychic tower fell completely from the crack.

Ding! Congratulations to your squad for exceeding the trigger mission Destroy the Focused Circle! Mission completion is 115, faction points +5000, military merit +20000, reputation +20000, and because your team has overfulfilled the task, all members will get additional faction points +1000 and lucky value +1!

I really didn't expect that my greedy move actually increased the completion rate of the mission to a height of 115%. Not only did I get the basic reward, but I also got an additional 1,000 faction points and a little luck.

"It's so dangerous! It's so dangerous! I almost fell into the sinkhole!!!" Cang Qiong exaggeratedly patted the choppy chest with an expression of lingering fear.

"Don't shoot, it will shrink if you shoot again!!!" I joked a little frivolously.

"Hey, when did uncle get bolder and dare to play hooligans with me?? Do you want me to go to bed at night?" Cang Qiong continued to puff out his chest and said seriously.

I hurriedly laughed, "Hey, just kidding, just kidding..."


At this moment, there was a sound of swallowing saliva from behind the crowd. I don't know that a certain animal lost his composure unconsciously when he saw the firmness of the sky.

"Stinky dress, I'm going to kill you!!! You unscrupulous guy, you're not allowed to touch me for a month!!!" The wedding dress was with one hand on her hip, and her right hand was grabbing the dress that just swallowed her saliva, Nima , this scene is too tough.

"My wife, don't dare, don't dare anymore, let go, it hurts, it hurts..." The dress is close to 1.8 meters tall, and the person whose wedding dress is less than 1.7 meters is holding her ears and running back and forth, begging for mercy while running , This is a big shame.

"Hahahaha..." After the catastrophe, a large group of us laughed unscrupulously.

At this time, I glanced at the sky from the corner of my eye. As the instigator, this guy turned reddish and was shamefully shy, so he didn't have the little pepper's expression just now.


After talking and joking, our trip to the dungeon came to an end. We led more than 20 elves out of the light curtain gate of the dungeon. After a white light flashed, a group of people appeared behind the tree of life.

The archdruid who led us into the dungeon was still standing there, in the same posture we had when we entered the dungeon. I don’t know how long we have kept the same posture.

"Oh! My God, Goddess of Life, look what I found???" After all of us walked out, the archdruid spotted us immediately.

The elves following us were also taken aback, and they came back to their senses after a while. The tree of life not far in front was still lush and dense, and many elves who were slightly younger were already trembling. This was from the heart. excitement.

"Come back, we will really come back, this is not a dream, no!!!" The old elf's beard trembled slightly, and his reaction was not much worse than those of the young elves, "My dear clansmen, the nightmare is over, welcome your return!! "The archdruid hugged every elf kindly, and the bright eyes of those young elves were filled with tears.

Our group did not interrupt such a warm scene. Although we all know that this is just a cutscene in the game, the game can impress the players not only the bloody battles and super high-grade equipment, but also the most touching thing, no matter when , no matter where it is, it is the strong emotion accumulated in the plot.

This cutscene probably lasted less than a few minutes. Under the guidance of the archdruid, the elves who successfully returned slowly integrated into the lives of the elves, climbed on the tree of life, and finally disappeared from our sight .

"Brave adventurers, thank you, thank you for your efforts for the revival of the elves!!!" After arranging all the elves, the archdruid turned and said to us.

"This is what we should do!!!" I lowered my head humbly.

Ding! Congratulations on completing the Heroic Difficulty Dungeon Trial Mission Return of the Elves, all members of the team, military merit +50, reputation +10, experience +1500, freely available attribute points +50, luck +2! Is there a task handover? ?

Since you have obtained the first kill of the dungeon of this difficulty, the system will report to the whole server. Do you want to hide the name of the captain and the faction he belongs to? ? ?

don't hide! ~!

Ding! system notification! Congratulations to the adventure team led by Moonlight under the eaves of the Blood Moonlight Guild player for successfully completing the first kill of the Returning Dungeon of Heroic Difficulty Elves!

Ding! system notification! Congratulations to the adventure team led by Moonlight under the eaves of the Blood Moonlight Guild player for successfully completing the first kill of the Returning Dungeon of Heroic Difficulty Elves!

Ding! system notification! Congratulations to the adventure team led by Moonlight under the eaves of the Blood Moonlight Guild player for successfully completing the first kill of the Returning Dungeon of Heroic Difficulty Elves! Three consecutive system announcements that resounded throughout the server caused the entire World Channel to explode.

I have already changed jobs, so there is no problem of wasting experience by handing in tasks now. I chose to hand over without even thinking about it. The massive amount of experience directly allowed us to upgrade again. With just one copy, I have already upgraded to 96 At the height of level, Sister Anran and the others have also successfully changed jobs. The experience gained along the way in the dungeon is worth a lot, and they have all reached a height of around 95. On the contrary, it is Xiaoke Xiaoyou and Asuka Yang Dan. , because of coveting branch occupations and sharp skills, accumulating prestige points and luck points, the 99 who has been stuck at level 89 has not upgraded, and the experience points along the way to the dungeon are wasted. Not only that, this mission also has a reward of 15 million experience points. If you choose to hand over the mission now, these experience points will still be wasted.

"Damn it, it's really hard to make a choice!! Boss, what should I do?? What should I do?? I'm so worried!!!" After the system prompt for handing over the task appeared, Xiao Ke clutched his hands in depression The hair, the expression on the face are all distorted.

"What's wrong??"

"In addition to the lucky value rewards of dungeon tasks, I already have enough luck points and reputation points for full-time needs, but if I hand over the task now, if I don't change jobs, the experience point slot will not continue to accumulate. This tens of millions of experience points The value is gone, more than 10 million experience points!!!! Ahhhh! What should I do??" Xiao Ke was very entangled.

I wiped the cold sweat off my brow, and said helplessly, "Masters, you must give up something. You guys have given up tens of millions of experience points in the dungeon. Is it that far away? Hurry up and complete the job change , so that we won’t continue wasting experience in the future!!”

Xiao Ke gritted her teeth and said viciously, "Damn. Isn't it just this little experience, I don't want it anymore!!!"

After speaking, Xiao Ke also handed over the task. In the team leader's task handover column, only Xiao You, Asuka, and Yang Dan remained in the team who hadn't handed in the task.

"How many of you? How much luck is missing???" I asked.

Xiaoyou also looked depressed, and said, "The prestige point is enough, but counting the mission rewards this time, I'm still a little short of the last lucky point, but this is the lucky point, how can it be so easy to get!!!"

Asuka looked calm, "I'm not interested in the branch skills. I didn't change my job because I didn't have enough experience before. Now I have enough. I can change my job when I go back later!!"

The discussion among the few of us was in full swing, but Yang Dan was really confused. When I discovered the secret of branch skills, she hadn’t joined the studio yet, and his level was very low for a long time, so I didn’t know about it. This secret.

More will be added tomorrow, the specific update is to be determined

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