Bow God Invincible Online Games

Chapter 456 Reign Of Chaos, Darkness Comes! !

Despite his reluctance, the old appraiser still cast the appraisal technique. After the light flashed, the attributes of the staff and necklace came out.

Guiding Soul Epic Equipment Secondary Wand Level 105 Dark Eclipse Damage 588736 Additional

Stamina +75 Intelligence +75 Dexterity +75 Strength +75 Added Wrath of the Cthulhu passive skill, and an additional 500 points of eclipse damage.

Additional Elementary Simple Elementary Simple reduces equipment wearing requirements by level 15.

The additional skill Soul Sacrifice active skill will enter a state of full damage absorption within one minute after activation, and all attack effects will be completely absorbed. After the duration of the skill effect expires, the level will drop by three levels, and the items in the backpack will randomly drop one pieces.

Additional blood binding, cannot be traded, cannot be dropped, cannot be stolen, cannot be damaged.

Persistence 850850 Introduction According to rumors, this is a magic weapon refined from the leg bones of a lich. It possesses uncontrollable evil power. After being blessed by evil gods, it becomes even more ferocious. It is a famous weapon in the dark world.

Chain of Soul Epic Equipment Jewelry Necklace Level 90 Additional

Physical Strength +65 Intelligence +65 Dexterity +65 Strength +65 Additional Skills Soul Mirror When a soul mirror is attacked by a soul system, there is a 60% chance to trigger the effect of the soul mirror, automatically reflecting the soul attack to the designated target.

Soul Attraction When being attacked and resulting in death, the player will be automatically resurrected after the corpse stays for 30 seconds, and can only be used once a day.

Additional female-only character equipment!

Introducing a necklace that seals powerful soul energy, which has the power to transcend life and death.

No wonder the price of this equipment is so ruthless, and the NCs seem to be a bit reluctant to give it an appraisal. It turns out that the equipment is equipped with dark power. In the light camp, these equipment are definitely heresy. These NCs who have deep-rooted opposing camps in their bones hate darkness It has risen to the point where it is rejected together with dark attribute equipment.

Gudong! There was another voice of swallowing, and this time there was only one voice. It was none other than Yang Dan, the dark erosion mage. The epic staff with added dark erosion damage has a fatal temptation for her.

"You have all seen the attributes. Weapons are allocated according to needs, and they are given to Yang Dan. Who wants the rest of the necklace? Roll it??" I handed the staff directly to Yang Dan, and this guy didn't care about refusing and being reserved. , took the staff with eager eyes, and equipped it in front of everyone. With a staff in the main hand and a staff in the deputy, it looks like a main lineup.

"I don't want it!" Xiaoyou was already content with taking the suit, and quickly expressed her opinion.

"I have a necklace from my uncle, and I don't want it either!!" Cang Qiong also gave up.

To be honest, such a top-quality necklace is very rare to come across, and the appraisal fee of up to 100,000 gold coins already explains everything. I set my sights on Sister An Ran and the wedding dress. The trip to the dungeon for the wedding dress didn't get any benefits except experience points, but I really feel a little bit reluctant to give them this top-notch thing.

"Let's give this necklace to Sister An Ran. This soul-attracting skill is most suitable for priests. Sister An Ran has been resurrected. With this necklace, we can have many more chances if the group is destroyed in the future!!" The white wedding dress Very angry also chose to give up.

Sister An Ran did not refuse, after all, the strong attribute of this necklace is here, and the wedding dress is good, although girls can use it, but giving it to An Ran is undoubtedly the most sensible choice.

"I can use this necklace, but I can't let the couple help me for nothing!! Well, boss, you can also express it!!!" Sister An Ran took the necklace with a smile, then turned her head to look at me, while Look, while still blinking constantly.

I'm so smart, I don't need to point out what she meant, I just said directly, "The wedding dress and dress are not allocated suitable equipment this time, but we will definitely not let you suffer when we download the dungeon together. I will take out from the studio. One million is the dividend for this dungeon, and next time I have reliable equipment on hand, I will give priority to the dress!!! You two think it’s okay??"

It is said that although it hurts a bit, the money is still willing to take out. The total value of the harvest of this dungeon trip cannot be estimated at all. If one million is converted into game currency, it is only a value of less than 200,000. The hot trading volume can be earned back in a few days. And I directly gave the number of rb, which has another meaning. Humans are very strange animals. Maybe you give them 20 gold coins, and they don’t think it’s an exaggeration. Ten thousand is a lot. This price is enough to buy a three-bedroom house in our second-tier cities, or the kind that comes with fine decoration.

"Um, Moonlight, we didn't do much to help with the soy sauce. We've already gained n more experience, so it's not good to spend so much money."

I smiled slightly and said, "Hehe, I'm not being polite to you, this amount of money is far from the value we got in the dungeon, so just keep it for you, and there will be a long time in the future! I will give the account to you later." Me, I'll transfer the money to you, the wedding dress has been with you for so long, and I should have a house to get married!!"

After I finished speaking, the dress was relieved, and said, "Since you have said so, I am not hypocritical anymore. When I get married, I will definitely call you to have a wedding banquet!!"

"Bah! You unscrupulous guy, just now you stared at Sister Cang Qiong with such an expressionless face, who promised to marry you!!!" The wedding dress was exaggeratedly shy when she heard the word "marriage".


They also appraised several other pieces of legendary equipment one after another. Everyone is used to seeing the best products, but these mid-range items are completely contemptuous. Except for the dress with a relatively better gauntlet, the rest belong to the After leaving the studio, you can make a small profit by selling it at a high price in the commissary.

After finishing all the work, it was already past four o'clock in the morning. Looking at the slightly white sky outside, after eating some supper and cleaning up roughly, everyone went back to their rooms and fell asleep.

In the past half a year as a professional player, I have gradually gotten used to this life of upside-down black and white. Many times, it is normal to be online for seven or eight hours continuously. exaggerate.

I forgot who said that, to be a professional player, you must have the quality of a camel, you must be able to bear hardships and stand hard work, endure temptation, and endure loneliness. Behind the seemingly beautiful scenery of outsiders, how much unremitting efforts are there? In order to succeed, in addition to relatively good luck, it is more about personal long-term persistence.

At twelve noon, the alarm clock woke me up on time. Being online for a long time made everyone mentally exhausted. I slept in the dark for eight consecutive hours, and I didn't even feel hungry.

After lunch, everyone went back to their room lazily and went online. Only when we went online did we know that not long after we went offline at night, Brother Gu and Jasmine Huakai also teamed up to get the first kill of the hard difficulty dungeon. As for the sunset team, due to Lacking a sufficiently powerful t, the process only reached 70, and the hatred group was wiped out.

The first kills of the primary and intermediate difficulty dungeons were also obtained by the other guilds. As a result, the oil and water for continuing to complete the dungeon has dropped by at least 40%. After yesterday's toss, I really have no interest in the other difficulty dungeons. , but Xiaoyou is still short of the last bit of luck to meet the job transfer requirements, so I begged Tudou and the others to help continue to brush up dungeons. Xiaopei, so Tudou Cangqiong led the team and continued to brush the dungeons of other difficulties to help Xiaoyou collect the last bit of luck, while I returned to my own city and became the city lord leisurely.

After the territory has been upgraded to a city, the difficulty of upgrading again is far beyond my imagination. The requirements for various basic resources have reached an outrageous level. To upgrade from a first-level city to a second-level city, all kinds of resources need a full 200 units. Ju, it has been a while since the city was built, and the accumulation of resources still cannot meet the requirements, and the warehouse has only accumulated less than 150 points.

In addition, there are a few more irritating settings. In the state of the city, if you want to continue to build, in addition to deducting the corresponding resources, you also need a large amount of gold coins. Fortunately, I went crazy before. With the construction of the arrow tower, there are basically no dead ends in the entire city, and now it saves a lot of money.

As more and more dungeon land reclamation teams continue to explore, the complete strategy of the new dungeon began to appear on the corresponding forum. So, less than a week later, the financial turmoil we predicted earlier came.

A large number of phantom crystals fell from the dungeon, and were exchanged for gold coins at the NC through the hands of the players. The sharp increase in the amount of money caused the currency transaction ratio on the virtual currency trading platform to drop significantly. In just a few days, gold coins and The ratio of rb decreased from 145 to 13, then 12, and finally stabilized in the range of about 1:12. Currency depreciation is a disaster for professional players hoarding a large amount of gold coins. Many studios and small organizations who discovered it a little later, the value of gold coins in their hands has shrunk by more than half. Once again exacerbated the shrinkage of the currency value, many merchants who hoarded currency lost all their money. On the contrary, they are ordinary players, so they benefit from this, and it is easier to earn gold coins. Originally, buying medicine and repairing equipment requires careful planning, but now you can download a dungeon at random, and you will have the money to buy medicine and repairing. The medicine has been transformed into exploring the game world. Invisibly, the fun of the game has improved a lot.

After the currency exchange rate in the market basically stabilized, the game's official currency price adjustment notice came late, saying that the market currency fluctuated, so the one-way exchange rate was adjusted, and so on. This kind of naked money-grabbing behavior, It caused many game financial speculators to yell at the forum.

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