Bow God Invincible Online Games

Chapter 458 Fight At The Entrance Of The Supermarket

It was Lin Wancheng who broke the silence first. He took a sip of tea naturally and said, "Old Zheng and I are the two largest shareholders of the company. Bring the details of the version update in this game!!"

Seeing the situation on the other side of the sky, my head was a little confused, but I still forced myself to open my mouth and said, "We are also discussing this issue, and there is no mature opinion yet. You came just in time. I don't know what you think. Or propose???"

Father Lin took out a stack of printed materials from his handbag and handed them to me, saying, "This is the detailed information from within Huaxia Company, you can take a look, it's the same as last time, you may have other gains!! "

I took the information and read it patiently from beginning to end. The internal information is indeed much more detailed than what was published on the forum, and even the standard attribute templates of battlefield equipment for each profession are recorded. This version update explanation and introduction are more detailed, and there are no valuable business opportunities in it. For professional players like us who live in the game, it does not have much practical significance.

"After reading it, the general direction is similar to what the forum announced, but it needs to be more detailed!!!" I raised my head and said firmly.

Lin Wancheng didn't avoid my gaze, and said, "This is brought along by the way. We are here this time, mainly to talk to you about increasing capital injection and the next step of the guild's development!!"

Hearing the sensitive word of capital injection, my heart skipped a beat. Now the trade union is fully on the right track, the territory has been upgraded to a city, and a large part of the previous investment has been recovered. If it continues to develop at this speed, it will not take long, half a year at most. The investment can be fully recovered, and it will be pure profit in the future, and now the guild backbone salary and the income of the territory have reached a relative balance. At this time, if someone is talking about capital injection, it is almost like icing on the cake. Disadvantages, but not particularly helpful to us.

Just after Lin Wancheng finished speaking, Uncle Zheng, who had been silent beside him, said, "Old Lin, when did you become so oblique? I'm a straight person, so I can say whatever I want. After the company's investment income assessment in front of you, you The performance in the oath has met or even exceeded the expectations of the previous professional evaluators. We are here this time, not so much to continue to inject capital, but rather to acquire it!! Regarding your entire guild executives, and the current situation in your Have you ever considered selling the city in your hands???"

After hearing Uncle Zheng finished speaking, I just felt like my brain froze for a moment, buy? ? ? I can't even figure it out, how do you buy these living people?

I was silent for a moment. I tried my best to adjust my mentality, and then responded, "As for the matter of increasing capital injection, I can discuss it with the game team members later, and this acquisition will not be considered for the time being!!"

Seeing that I refused without any hesitation, Uncle Zheng was a little surprised, and he continued, "Don't you want to know our company's bid? This is the money you never earned in your entire life when you worked at Yijia! !"

Yijia is the place where I used to work, and the other party even found out about my old background. I smiled and responded, "I'm a little interested when you say that. What kind of price intention can the company offer??"

As soon as I finished speaking, Cang Qiong on my right pulled the hem of my down jacket quietly. The other people on the table also had expressions of urgency. I pretended not to feel it, and my face was still full of smiles, "One Billion!!" Uncle Zheng stretched out his fleshy palm and made a gesture of 1. For some reason, he seemed to have an indescribable confidence in this inexplicable acquisition proposal.

I still kept a calm smile on my face, and said, "One hundred million is indeed a lot, but from the perspective of those of us who live in vain, what is the difference between ten million and one hundred million??? Unfortunately, your bid did not impress me!!"

I originally thought that my heart was moved, but unexpectedly, it turned out to be the result. The huge gap made Uncle Zheng, who has a rather straightforward personality, extremely uncomfortable. He, who has always had a clear mind, actually felt powerless.

"Xiao Lin, it's fine if you're not interested in the acquisition. I knew it wasn't reliable. After all, the game has a promising future, and no one knows how long it can continue to be popular. Selling the virtual business that I worked so hard to do is indeed the same as selling it. A hen that lays golden eggs is almost the same!!" Seeing the silence again, Papa Lin smoothed things over.

Hearing this, I put away my smile, and responded seriously, "Forgive me for speaking bluntly, we young people have different ideas from yours, don't say you bid 100 million, even if it is 200 million, 300 million, 500 million , one billion, I don’t think we will sell it until we still love the game!! Even with so much money, we still eat breakfast for ten yuan a piece, and drive more than 100,000 yuan. Car life is not much different from what it is now. We are not businessmen, and the criterion for measuring gains and losses is not profit and loss. It’s sold!! I’m not willing to part with it, and I can’t afford to sell it, the passion and blood in the virtual world are not something you businessmen who only know how to calculate gains and losses, gains and losses can understand!!!”

"Well said!!!" At this moment, Zheng Qian, who had been keeping quiet all this time, stood up and clapped his hands violently. Based on my experience in society for so many years, I couldn't tell whether he had a true temperament or a hypocritical one. pretend.

"You..." After receiving such an almost rude response from me, Uncle Zheng's face was not very good, and he wanted to continue lobbying, but he couldn't find a convincing wording, so he could only stop abruptly after uttering one word.

"Forget it, let's get this out of the way. Now let's talk about the last thing, about capital injection and fund management. I have read the report last month. Although there is no problem with the use of funds, the whole The accounts have become a mess, and it took several working days for the company's accountants to smooth them out. I wonder, do you need to add a professional manager????" Papa Lin stared at the sky, and Qiaoer, the girl, felt guilty. , she lowered her head in a rare way, last month's accounts were managed by her, and various guild activities funds came in and out of various names, and it didn't take long for it to become a mess.

"Xiaoqian is a professional manager. He used to be in charge of the company's business development in Europe. Now that the virtual industry is developing rapidly, the board of directors decided to increase investment appropriately, so he was transferred back. When it comes to capital operations, it still needs professional knowledge. Managing talents, I think he can help you, Xiao Lin, do you want to think about it???" Papa Lin said with clear eyes.

When Dad Lin said this, I was really tempted. Because there were relatively few problems in the past, they could still deal with them. As the game continued, the entire guild developed at a high speed. As the power expanded, various related incidents began to increase. After all, Xiyang was not from a professional background, and was overwhelmed by more and more various issues related to accounts, which even affected the usual management of guild activities.

I asked, "Are you sure you're just a professional manager and don't participate in the decision-making of guild affairs?"

Father Lin smiled slightly and responded, "Don't underestimate Xiaoqian. Although he is doing capital operation work, he is also very good at playing games. Maybe you can become good friends in games too!! He was in the United States where he swore. Server game, I entrusted a lot of connections to find a way to help him immigrate his account information from Huaxia headquarters, this matter has been going on for a few days, and it is estimated that it will be done today!!"

Hearing this, I became interested, turned around and asked a little curiously, "You also play oath?? What profession? Level?"

Zheng Qian smiled slightly, showing his white teeth, and replied, "Occasionally play around after work, currently just level 90, rank three, and an earth mage!"

Hearing that this guy’s amateur player has played the most scumbag earth-type mage to the third rank, my interest immediately rose, and I agreed without thinking about it. Me!!".

"You are the moonlight under the eaves. You are very famous in the US service forum. It is really not easy to play archers to this level!! You are all young people, and you have time to communicate more," Zheng Qian said sincerely. Said.

"Hehe, it's ridiculous, it's all rumors, it can't be true, it's just luck!" I said modestly.

At this moment, my mobile phone vibrated, I opened it and glanced at it casually, it was a text message from Cang Qiong, and I didn't dare to read it directly under the eyes of everyone, so I had to say, "Sorry, I'll take a call!!"

Taking the mobile phone to the toilet, Cang Qiong's message is very short, "Uncle, this guy is very rich, don't be fooled by his appearance!!"

Since it was said by the sky, there is no problem with its credibility. I stayed in the toilet for a while, and then went out again.

"I'm sorry, my friend has some private matters to ask me!!" I said haha, and sat down again.

"The matter about letting Xiaoqian join the trade union..." Papa Lin looked expectant.

I gritted my teeth and said, "Go into the game and contact me after the server opens!!"

The words have already been spoken, and I can’t continue to say what I said, and the sky kept giving me winks. Out of face, I had no choice but to bite the bullet and pretend I didn’t see it.

"It's still you young people who have a common topic, we old guys are outdated!!" Papa Lin and Uncle Zheng exchanged glances, revealing a lot of things I couldn't understand.

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