After the sealing stone was successfully sealed, there was a light-colored wolf head pattern representing the sealed pet on the surface. I held the stone and shook it in my hand, and then threw it into the backpack. Now the snow wolf mount is better than Xiao Ke. The jungle leopard is much stronger. When I get it back, I am sure that Xiao Ke, who is greedy, will cover the sanitary maintenance of the studio toilet for a week.

Returning to the location where I found the snow blue grass just now, I checked carefully to confirm that there were no more monsters lurking, then I leaned down and activated the collection skill.

In three minutes, there were three more snow blue plants in the backpack for the quest, and the quest completion rate changed from 110 to 410. With the lessons learned from the past, the next step is much easier. As long as the cooling time is over, I will always open the Elemental perception, as well as the little skull, is really a headache to be attacked by a sneak attack alone, so I would rather sacrifice part of the speed, and keep the little skull in the following state.

The snow blue grass was found one by one, and I occasionally met the shadow snow wolf lurking in the dark. After I was fully prepared, the pressure on me was much less. Basically, I let the little skull resist and beat me up. After a pass, the seal stone was finally used to seal the life. After all ten snow blue grasses were collected successfully, six seal stones that sealed the snow wolf were also accumulated.

When I touched the unused sealing stone again, the backpack was already empty. These few pieces in stock were stuff from n long ago. I was too lazy to pack them, so I survived until now. Without the sealing stone, I had no choice but to put the one in front of me Monsters that have been beaten to empty blood are slaughtered.

Silently added the coordinates of the current location in the system memo. This kind of snow wolf monster should be a special product nearby. Although there are not many in number, you can always find it if you look for it. It is not a rare thing. I will wait for the return trip later. Let the sunset take the time to arrange for some people to come and fight the mount.

After the task was completed, I rode back on Xiaohei's original road, and about 20 minutes later, I appeared in the sky above the Blackstone camp.

The sound of weapons clashing and people fighting could be heard from a long distance away, so I took a closer look and became cautious. At this moment, the Blackstone camp has completely turned into a sea of ​​skeleton monsters. Outside the simple fence, the inner three floors and the outer three floors are full of low-level skeleton warriors. The friendly NC soldiers are blocking the fence door. Under the siege of the strange sea, our camp is like a flat boat in a stormy sea, and it is in danger of capsizing at any time.

At this moment, I didn't care about handing over the task, and quickly controlled Xiao Hei to land on the open space inside the camp. With a wave of my hand, the evil spirit king stepped out of the void.

"Damn! Why is there a horrible undead creature in the camp!! Alan, you go and kill him!!" The team leader was fighting on the front line. After seeing my evil spirit king appear, he cursed, and then commanded A soldier rushed over from behind.

I hastily stopped him from swinging his sword to attack, and deliberately adjusted the display template so that the little skull showed its friendly name in green.

"Stop!! This is my contracted creature!!" I grabbed the hand of the swordsman named Alan.

The guy with short steel needle hair just froze for a moment, then turned his head and ran to the front line again. With a thought, I controlled the pet and the mount and rushed up together.

"Captain Luo Fei, let it go to the front!! Take a breath!" I pointed at the tall little skull and said.

"Oh, damn it, it's too ironic that this big guy is an ally!!" Although Luo Fei cursed, he still gave up his position.

The evil spirit king stood among the skeleton warriors, and immediately all the monsters in the sea of ​​monsters were covered with a layer of light gray, and more than 10,000 damage numbers jumped out of their foreheads. The evil spirit king was completely higher than these skeletons and skeletons. Two or three ranks, the majesty of the pet's talent has reached the maximum level here.

The little skull took the place of Captain Luo Fei, and then swung the scepter in his hand and started to output crazily without fatigue. The attributes of the skeleton monsters were not good at first, and the only advantage was that they were large enough. Now they were weakened by the halo skill again. With full attributes, it is even more fragile. Under the ebb and flow, the evil spirit king can kill a skeleton monster almost every two swipes. In the blink of an eye, a pile of monsters completely composed of A bone mountain made of bones of skeleton warriors. The flames in the eye sockets of the evil spirit king kept beating, and the broken cloak fluttered slightly behind him, which meant that all the bones would be wiped out.

Next, Xiao Hei and I also joined the battle. Although the soul beast is a mount pet, it does not mean that it cannot output. In melee, it wields its sharp claws, and the tearing claw skill is used from time to time. The attack effect is better than that of evil spirits. How bad is the king.

With the support of several of our powerful units, the scene gradually stabilized, and the monsters accumulated at the gate of the fence were gradually killed. Slowly, the replenishment speed of monsters could no longer keep up with our killing speed, and the battle lasted for about one month. Many hours later, the last skeleton warrior fell under Xiao Hei's sharp claws. The battle is over.

"Thanks to you coming back in time to support me, I almost thought I couldn't stand it just now!! Your, uh, partner, is really not bad..." Luo Fei glanced at the evil spirit king, and wiped the puff on his forehead. Sweat said.

"When I subdued it, it was just a low-level skeleton warrior, but after a lot of hard work, it evolved into what it is now!!" I pointed to the little skeleton and said proudly.

"Why did you come back so soon?? Did you give up on completing the mission?" Luo Fei asked curiously.

"It's done!!" I responded.

"So fast!! How is it possible!!" Luo Fei's eyes widened, his face full of disbelief.

I stepped forward, took out the quest items and spread my hands, "Here, it's all here!!"

Seeing the snow blue grass in my hand, Luo Fei's eyes lit up, "Great, the poisoned brothers are saved!"

Ding! Congratulations on completing the first ring of the Frontier Military Merit Quest, Solitary Frontier Army, Xue Lancao, reward experience value 800, reputation value 5000 military merit value 12000.

"Let's go and see the poisoned brothers! Young Viscount, thanks to you!!" Luo Fei treated me with a lot of respect.

Following Captain Luo Fei, I entered the tent at the back. As soon as I opened the curtain, I smelled a stench. It was the smell of rotting corpses. The smell crept in.

A magic torch was lit in the tent. The flame was flickering, and it was on the verge of exhaustion of magic power. On the floor, lay ten dark-faced NC fighters.

These elite imperial cavalry are now on the verge of life and death. They smell rancid all over their bodies, and there is a trace of black air on their foreheads. Only their deeply sunken eyes still have a hint of spirit.

"Hey, guys, how do you feel??" Luo Fei greeted everyone skillfully.

"Captain, don't waste resources on us. Giving us bandages and food is a complete waste. Those horrible corpse poisons have penetrated deep into the bones of the body. Let's save them for the brothers who are capable of fighting!!" In the tent On the edge, a wounded soldier barely sat up and said in a desperate tone.

"Cheer up, we have reinforcements here!! Look, he is the Lord Viscount from the kingdom. He just picked snow blue grass from the top of the Black Rock Mountain for everyone. It won't take long for you all to get better!! "Luo Fei took my arm and came in front of the crowd. To be honest, being watched by so many ncs who are neither human nor ghost, I feel a little creepy.

My face was stiff, but I still bite the bullet and said, "I brought the medicine, don't worry, everyone will get better!! The kingdom still needs you!!"


After some babbling, I had nothing to do, Luo Fei found a large stone mortar, then crushed the snow blue grass vigorously, collected the juice inside, and carefully fed it to the poisoned comrades.

After drinking the detoxification juice, the haze that lingered on the forehead of the wounded soldier slowly dissipated. After a while, the faces of these corpse-like people gradually began to have a trace of blood, and their spirits improved.

"You guys take a break. The evil necromancer summoned skeleton warriors to besiege our camp just now. Although it barely blocked it, the simple fence is on the verge of being scrapped. I want to lead others to strengthen it!!!" Luo Fei told the wounded After chatting a few words, I left the tent with me.

"Young Lord Viscount, you have a new mission. Are you willing to put down your noble status and do the humble job that reckless people do?" Luo Fei asked seriously.

"There is no distinction between high and low in labor!!" I also responded in a pretentious manner.

Ding! The second ring of the Frontier Military Merit Quest has been activated. Do you want to accept it? ?

The content of the tree-cutting task follows the NC soldiers and goes to the birch forest not far from the Blackstone camp to cut down wood and reinforce the camp.

The task rewards a large number of military merit points, reputation points, and experience points.

The penalty for mission failure is 10 reputation points.

Damn it, let me cut down trees? ? ?

Seeing such a task, I don't even know what to say, it's too unreliable! ! It's not my turn to do the job of cutting down trees.

Confused, I still chose to accept it. After all, this is a task ring. If you can’t play this one, you can’t do the next one.

In a short while, the wounded soldiers in the tent just now walked out of the tent, put on their armor again, and lined up in front of the camp to take over the defense of the camp. A game is a game, and it can never be as real as reality. I will soon have the physical strength to defend the camp, and I am not mentally prepared at all.

Luo Fei did not know where to get a few axes for logging. After the soldiers on duty assembled, he personally led the team out of the camp and went straight to the birch forest.

Ten healthy soldiers, plus Luo Fei and me, exactly twelve people, a full-staffed squad in a standard system. We moved forward cautiously in the search formation and started the logging trip.

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