Bow God Invincible Online Games

Chapter 468 Reinforcements

The blood pool is a very common necromancer building. It is one level lower than the necropolis. It is said that it relies on a special magic circle to communicate with the underworld. It is of great significance to the undead. Not only can it be used as food for low-level undead creatures, but it can also be used by necromancers to summon groups of skeletons.

The camp we came to is just such a camp. No necromancers were found, only a few low-level skeleton warriors and a ghoul. With the strength of our team, there should be no problem with this combination.

"The undead camp is not far ahead, so what, do we have any battle arrangements?" After I confirmed the position, I went back to the team and said to Captain Luo Fei. Luo Fei walked out of the queue and observed carefully After looking at the camp not far away, he turned around and asked, "Is the deployment of the enemy's troops ready for investigation?? Only by knowing yourself and the enemy can you win every battle!!"

I curled my lips, feeling that it was a bit awkward for a Westerner to say Wen Zou Zou, an old saying in classical Chinese, but awkwardness is awkward, who let a large part of the game designers be Chinese, so I could only respond truthfully, "Low-level undead The main force of the camp is skeleton warriors, and there is a small captain-level ghoul sitting in the camp, so the threat is relatively small."

After listening to my report, Luo Fei's dignified and serious demeanor softened a bit, and after continuing to study for a while to confirm that it was correct, he drew out the saber in his hand, "Guys, cheer up, the time for revenge has come!!!"

"Fuck those whores!!!" Charles also spat and raised the knight gun in his hand.

The battle started quickly, and the first dozen foot warriors rushed into the weakly defended camp. The skeletal warriors, who were awakened, almost collapsed at the touch of the powerful foot knights. It still didn't help. As the only long-range professional and scout, I was protected by everyone, and I kept throwing arrows in the thick human wall. There was no problem with my safety.

On the small map, there is only a pink dot representing the Skeleton Warrior. Pink means monsters with extremely low threats. Seeing this, I didn't even bother to cast Wild Detection.

The battle started quickly, and came to an end after a while. When all the skeleton warriors turned into broken bones, only the leader-level ghoul boss was left fighting with half blood in the entire undead camp. After I came, I surrounded him with a whoosh. Before I could shoot a few arrows, more than a dozen weapons pierced into the body of the ghoul boss. fell down.

The efficiency of the regular army's small-scale battles was so amazing that I was a little surprised when I was planning to gain some experience. I hung down the bow in my hand resentfully, watching the group of knights who won the battle excitedly shouting.

"Brothers, let's destroy the dirty undead buildings together. From then on, this undead camp will be erased from the empire's territory!!" The destructive battle made Captain Luo Fei also beam with joy. A victory is really needed to boost morale.

The crowd enthusiastically began to attack the camp buildings. After a while, the bone fence was knocked down and smashed, and several dilapidated tombstones were also knocked down. After all the small buildings were destroyed, everyone focused their attention on the pool of blood in the center of the camp.

"Why are you still standing still, the most filthy and evil thing in the entire camp is this blood pool that keeps producing corpses, guys, smash it with me!!!" Luo Fei took the lead, and the weapons rained down .

Everyone hesitated for a while, and started a crazy attack. The blood pool is a city armor building. Although the protection ability is relatively strong, it is still a building that can be destroyed. As the attack continued, the appearance of the entire blood pool began to change. A large number of gaps began to appear on the edges and corners of the heel, and the long toughness bar on the top of Xuechi's head slowly fell under constant siege.

After the boss was beaten to death by a group, I stared blankly at this group of NC soldiers who were in a carnival. It seems that virtual technology can simulate it.

I am only interested in monsters. As for their destruction of buildings, I am not interested at all. Seeing a group of people attacking around the blood pool, I always feel that there is something wrong. The building of the blood pool is introduced in the data Curry. Something is wrong, but no matter how I think about it, I can't remember where I forgot it.

When I wanted to break my head, the forced demolition movement also came to an end, and the long strip of toughness was slowly worn down to the end, and it was completely empty.

Suddenly, a flash of inspiration flashed in my mind, and I remembered something that I couldn't think of until now.

"Stop!!!" I yelled desperately, but it was still too late.

Boom! !

The last trace of resilience in the blood pool was emptied by an NC fighter, and the building riddled with holes crashed, cracked in all directions, and was completely destroyed.

The moment the blood pool collapsed, a black beam of light shot straight into the sky from the bottom of the center of the blood pool. Everyone in the carnival noticed the abnormality, but for some reason, they looked around with doubts on their faces.

After the black light beam was shot, there was no more movement. Everyone stayed vigilantly for a while, but there was still no abnormality, but my heart was already tightened. It's over, it's a big disaster! ! !

"What's the matter? Lord Viscount??? Why can't you see any happy expression on your face??" Charles, who is relatively close to me, leaned towards me and said.

"Master Viscount?? What were you just now??" After Luo Fei realized it, he also threw a suspicious target at me.

"We have caused trouble!! Buildings like the blood pool are connected to the dark side of the underworld. Now that they are destroyed, it is equivalent to breaking a window outside. If it happens that the blood pool is pre-released If the alarm device is installed, then after the alarm device, the information will be spread throughout the area where the undead are entrenched. Unfortunately, there is such an alarm device in the blood pool we just destroyed!!! If you guessed correctly, the entire border The undead on the line are starting to gather here~!!" I said with a bitter face.

As if to confirm what I said, rumbling sounds have already begun to be heard from the valley in the distance, the clicking sound of a large number of skeletons moving, and the trampling sound of the undead cavalry, all penetrated into the ears. Not only that, the system notification tone also rang.

Ding! Because the Blackstone team destroyed the alarm magic device in the blood pool, all the forces of the undead camp within a radius of 10,000 yards began to gather. Because you are in the mission ring, you are forced to accept the mission Nine Deaths Nine Deaths triggers a side story mission. The army retreated to the camp and stood firm. In the next 12 hours in the game, they resisted the attack of undead creatures. When all friendly NC fighters died in battle, the mission will be judged as a failure.

Task Reward Basic task ring task reward x3 times task failure penalty level is reduced by one level, lucky value is 3 points, and one piece of equipment is randomly dropped.

After listening to my words, everyone no longer had the joy of victory. The gathering of undead in a radius of 10,000 yards across the entire border was no less than a small-scale monster attack. With our small team of dozens of people and no priests Relying on a small amount of medicine and sporadic bandage materials, it is impossible to compete with it.

"What shall we do???" Charles had lost his composure.

"Everyone gather in line! Immediately, immediately!!" After all, Luo Fei was the captain in command of the battle. He roared with a serious face, and everyone quickly assembled and lined up in the open space as if reflexively.

"Run at full speed and try to return to the camp before the army of undead arrives!!" Luo Fei said with a straight face.

I rode Xiao Hei and followed the crowd, and I didn't quite understand Luo Fei's decision-making. Could it be that this person still wants to stick to the camp? Not to mention a camp, even if you were given a city with a defense capability higher than a proficiency level, such a small number of people would not be able to defend it at all.

My head is still struggling with the mandatory acceptance of the mission, narrowly escaped death, even the name is so scary, the punishment for mission failure can be regarded as sharp, and there are rare downgrades, luck and equipment loss. If this mission fails, I will do the mission Huan worked so hard for so long, it was in vain.

Back to the camp in a state of anxiety, the wounded guards guarding the camp had already been waiting in full force, and the rumbling sound had already spread all over the foot of the mountain. After seeing us all come back, the guards breathed a sigh of relief .

"Attention everyone!!! Highest alert! Supplies officer, distribute all the bandages and medicine reserves!!!" Luo Fei said while standing on the highest fence in the camp.

"No more reserves??" Charles asked.

"Distribute all of them, and you can execute them!" Charles responded as if he had changed into a different person, and took out the supplies from the marching bag and began to distribute them. Since I have a good relationship with Charles, I also got a share.

The supplies are very simple, a piece of black bread for hunger, hard as a rock, a bottle of primary stamina recovery potion, and a roll of bandages.

I was dumbfounded after reading the properties of the materials. Black bread is used to reduce hunger. Players haven’t opened this setting yet, so I can’t use it. Stamina potions are used to reduce fatigue. I can't find where the fatigue value is, and I can't use it either. As for the bandage, it can be used. After using it, within 30 seconds, the blood will recover 1 of the upper limit of life per second. Ge Laozi, we only have more energy now Blood, one hundredth part, only one hundred and eighty points, don't care.

I curled my lips, stuffed the materials into Charles' hands calmly, and said softly, "I don't need it, let others use it!!"

There was a strange look on Charles' face, and he understood immediately. He took it, nodded, and continued to distribute it.

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