Although I dare not think about it anymore, as the captain, I still can't show fear, at least, I can't have a look of fear on my face. Thinking of the usual sunset, I can only stiffen my face and throw it away. Out of wild detection, let's look at the attributes of these monsters first.

Purple light flashed, luck was good, attributes came out.

Advanced necromancer battle strengthens elite level monster level 105 health value 700000700000 magic attack 19052705 defense 2953 skill soul whipping evil fanatic bone summoning maimed soul whipping active skill casts a powerful soul curse on the enemy target, the soul of the cursed unit is wounded and falls into a huge pit in pain. The movement speed is reduced by 30%, and the attack frequency is reduced by 30%.

Evil frenzy active skill, cast on friendly units, gain frenzy state, increase attack frequency and movement speed by 50%, and reduce 800 points of blood every second.

Bone summoning active skill, used on corpses, can summon a bone warrior who is more advanced than the skeleton warrior.

Cripple active skill, this is the most vicious curse of necromancers. When they are about to die, they use all the remaining death energy to guide them to complete the cripple curse. People affected by the effect of the curse will reduce their movement speed by 50 and their attack frequency by 50.

Introduction Necromancers who master the energy of death are the most difficult existence among necromancer creatures. Gathering them who are proficient in curse and summoning magic will be a nightmare for all living beings. High-level necromancers are more essential to control the dark power Undead units are especially difficult to deal with.

Advantages and Disadvantages The survivability of the main body is low, but the various skills are extremely powerful. Killing them at the moment of contact is the only way to restrain their influence!

As expected, it is the high-level necromancer who has the soul whipping skill. If the entire phalanx is full of high-level necromancers, we will be in bad luck this time.

"Don't waste magic to dispel it, pay attention to the health of your companions, if you have spare time, use purification skills to deal with these damned skeletons!!!" I roared in mid-air, as if to vent the cowardice in my heart.

After hearing my call, everyone who was accustomed to the channel command froze for a moment, then reacted and began to follow my command.

The first batch of strikers who were recruited were still in extreme pain at this time. The reason why Soul Whiplash was rated as an advanced undead skill was not because of its excellent reduction of hard attributes, but because it gave people an additional ability to reach the upper limit set by the system. In an extremely real game environment, this kind of pain is real. For people with unsteady will, the impact of skills far exceeds the 30% reduction in movement speed and attack frequency marked by the system. Thirty, many people even lost their fighting power directly because of the existence of pain. Only those with extremely firm will can resist this kind of pain deeply rooted in the soul.

"Fuck, what kind of evil skill is this, I'm getting a headache!!! Guys, come rush with me!!!" The monkey was at the front, and despite the negative state on his head, he still tried his best to resist Then, he cursed, and activated his charge towards the wizard phalanx.

Following him in the charge, there were also a dozen or so determined fighters. These people were the most powerful members of the entire group of thousands of people. The other fighters who were affected were obviously not much different from these dozen people. Afterwards, the queue has become disjointed.

Seeing this, my heart sank. The monkeys were more than brave, but they were too reckless. Without the support of their companions, these dozens of people rushed forward, similar to Bai Gi.

I urged Xiao Hei to speed up, and rushed towards the out-of-joint position of the phalanx below. I promised to hold them down, and I would definitely not let the charging fighters be in danger. Surrounded by skeletons, they still have the hope of surviving.

"Ah!!" the monkey let out a roar, and suddenly released the skill in his hand. A stream of sword energy shot out from the edge of the epee in both hands, covering all the positions on a straight line more than ten yards ahead, a string of nearly 10,000 points The area damage jumped up. With so much damage, except for three or two skeleton warriors, the rest of the damage fell on the necromancer.

The rest of the soldiers who charged together showed their special abilities and used their range attack skills one after another. To my surprise, each member of the team of more than a dozen people has their own range skills. The charge team is like a sharp knife. Fiercely pierced into the phalanx. The high-level necromancers affected by the front row were actually emptied of more than half of their blood.

After the charge was over, the battle fell into a stalemate. The surrounding skeleton warriors hula surrounded them all at once, and the soldiers who went deep alone were completely surrounded.

Falling Star Arrow! ! Without even thinking about it, he picked an angle with the largest coverage area, and suddenly activated his ultimate move.

A meteor with a black flame tail fell into the monster group, and all the areas affected by the flames were burned to a piece of white ground. The monster group that had just surrounded was torn apart by my powerful blow. The charging crowd also rushed up, and the skeleton warriors had no chance to continue to close together, so they were shocked by shields and weapons, and the crisis was finally over.

"Hey, boss, thanks!!!" My blow saved everyone, and the monkey heaved a sigh of relief.

When those of us started charging, the high-level necromancers did not attack. Except for the nearest dozens of wizards who released the soul whip, the rest of the wizards began to retreat in a little panic, fighting against the combat class, and the legal system The first priority of a career is distance, that is, the patterned thinking of NCs has given us a slight turning point in our death-like charge.

The retreating wizards were divided into two groups, one group with a smaller number retreated towards the direction of the Spiritual Tower, and the other group with a larger number began to move towards the direction of the crypt.

"The first five teams, stop the wizards with a large number on the right first!!!" I shouted again.

"Boss, there are a lot of these, should we intercept the few on the left first?" A soldier with a familiar face but whose name he couldn't name said in a low voice.

I frowned, and shouted with all my strength, "Obey orders!!!"

Seeing my bad tone, the dissenting soldier curled his lips and stopped talking, while the others slowed down a bit and moved towards the direction I commanded.

After such a hesitation, the escaped necromancers had escaped from the best blocking range. As soon as I gritted my teeth, Xiao Hei drew a black trajectory again and swooped down.

With a wave of his hand, the evil spirit king walked out of the void, and jumped into the blank area of ​​the monster group with a bang. The fleeing necromancers around him froze in formation and stayed for a short time.

With this short stay, under my control, Xiao Hei suddenly let out a roar, ahhhhhhhhhhh, the soul concussion skill was used, and most of the monsters in a large area of ​​the cycle became dizzy.

Almost at the same time as the skill was released, I activated the ice shield skill with a thought. Just as the invincible effect was formed on my body, a large black cloud enveloped me.

invalid! invalid! invalid! invalid! ...

Dozens of soul whips fell on me almost at the same time, and the black air in a small area gathered together, even forming a black cloud.

Fortunately, I was more cautious and turned on invincibility in advance, otherwise I would be completely discouraged. Even if the resistance is strong, with so many skills falling on me, there will always be a few that can be successfully triggered.

After completing the task, Xiao Hei quickly moved up and left the attack range of the necromancers below. After being blocked by me, the soldiers behind him also caught up.

"From now on, accept my orders unconditionally. If you have any objections, you can mention it to me after the battle is over!! I will only say it once, whoever has the next time, don't blame me for being merciless!!!" Panting After this tone came, I said in the team channel in a blunt tone. Everyone in the team was very lively just now, but when they saw me getting angry, they fell silent for a while, and no one said a word.

Now I finally know why Xiyang always has a straight face when he enters the command state. As a commander, he can't smile with them at such a time. A little hesitation will affect the development of the entire battle situation.

The evil spirit king slashed and slashed left and right in the group of monsters, and actually caused a lot of trouble for the wizards. Anyway, the level of this product is easy to improve, so I don't feel bad about it. I just give an order to attack freely, and I don't care about it. Yes, there is a powerful blood-sucking state, anyway, it won't hang for a while.

"Pay attention to the crypt, everyone avoids the entrance of the crypt, there are terrifying sharp-toothed ghosts inside, we can't handle it!!" I continued to issue reminders.

Only then did everyone understand that I had few enemies that I didn't kill, so why did I have to gnaw on this hard bone? Necromancers are easy to deal with, at least easier to deal with than sharp-toothed ghosts. If the wizards rush into the crypt to activate the sharp-toothed ghosts, and the formation is scattered, we can only escape for our lives.

The charging team completely cut off the retreat of the wizards from the oblique side, and firmly blocked them from the entrance of the crypt. At this time, the soldiers and long-range professions in the rear also pressed up. The magic professions that lost their distance advantage, Became a lamb to be slaughtered.

The legal profession needs a certain casting distance, and there will be many restrictions on casting spells after being close. For example, certain types of spells will not be released, and certain effects will be weakened. With the ebb and flow, the pressure on us is much less Less, far away from the blood pool, and the number of skeletons used as human shields has gradually decreased, and we have gradually seen the dawn of victory.

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