After changing the equipment, I was so stinky and fart that I was suffering from no suitable place to display it, so I had no choice but to call Tudou to the warehouse and click on the discussion.

Tudou didn't refuse my discussion. This animal is now very proficient in combination skills, probably he is confident that he can kill me in seconds.

The sparring has begun!

In order to keep some suspense, I didn't rush to open the distance, but took the time to charge and used the 05-second invincibility time of the touch of the wind to block the two consecutive attacks. I lost more than 400 damage after a wrong body. The last blow of Lian Slash hit me.

Taking two quick steps back, he casually hit the Frost Arrow. Potato was unlucky and frozen in place, a rare opportunity.

Wild detection!

Soul Piercing Arrow!

2731 didn't have a crit, just a penetrating damage that knocked the potato to the ground.

"The boss is too perverted!!! Anyway, I also have more than 700 basic defense!!!" Tudou looked unwilling.

"Hey, I just changed into a weapon, I'll practice with you!!" I laughed.

While he was feeling refreshed, a system notification sound came suddenly.

Ding! Your friend Longxingtianxia requests to talk to you! ! !


"Where is the moonlight? Come to the northwest corner of the square to share the spoils!!!" Long Xingtianxia said.

"I'll send Tudou over there, I just got new equipment, I want to go back to the bottom of Yongye to have a look, maybe I can take advantage of them!!" I said without any scruples.

I arranged for Potato to go to Long Xing to share the spoils, and I dived into the Evernight Forest alone. Without the drag of the team, my forward speed was more than doubled, and the acceleration state was never idle. After many minutes, we came to the outside of the minaret.

Since arriving at the destination, he has been more careful. The evil dragon against the sky has brought a large number of people, maybe he will arrange people to block the door, and he used the concealment skill safely, and entered the tower with a low waist.

As expected, there were three people blocking the door, an archer, a thief, and a warrior with a two-handed sword.

Without disturbing them, they continued to move towards the entrance of the fourth floor. Since they had sent someone to block the door, they should have begun to fight inside.

Going all the way to the hole on the second floor, hid in a dark corner and waited for the stealth skill to cool down, then regained the stealth state, took a deep breath, and went down to the bottom floor.

Fortunately, he was on high alert, just as he walked out of the door, he almost stepped on the flame wall of the door. The four archers lined up inside the door, their faces full of vigilance.


It flashed three yards away, had already crossed the range of the flame wall, and approached the depths of the map lightly.

The evil dragon against the sky is very sophisticated in its decision-making, and did not send anyone to clean up the mobs. The attack power of the mobs is not low. On average, there is not much oil to kill a large army, and there is a danger of losing people if you are not careful. He sent people to lure a large number of beast riders to a remote corner in the northeast corner.

After walking around the big map, they finally found the team against the sky. A main team of about 30 people formed a semi-circle and attacked a black-robed boss. There are two substitute groups behind them who are eager to try, but because the space is not too spacious, they can only take turns to die.

The black robe's attack seems to be very powerful, and the normal attack will drop more than half of the blood on the body. Every time the black robe boss uses a skill, everyone within the range of the touch will not be spared. After the main team, there is a backup team. Every time someone dies, new people will be drawn to add to the main team. Although the loss is huge, there is no doubt that this boss will be killed by human lives in the end.

Secretly hid in an inconspicuous place and used a wild detection skill, the purple mark was attached to the black robe, and all the people against the sky were busy dodging the boss, and did not notice anything unusual.

Glory of Eternal Night Evil Soul Master Sudman Elite Boss Monster Level 38 HP 150000 Magic Attack 360575 Defense 535 Skill Dark Shield Renegade Charm Soul Explodes Dark Covenant Dark Shield Uses dark power to release an energy shield that absorbs 10000 points harm.

Renegade Charm Charms a unit, causing it to go into chaos mode for six seconds, attacking random targets in front of it.

Soul Explosion Select a target to detonate the opponent's soul, causing a lot of soul damage to the surrounding area, and the range of explosion damage is 3x3.

Dark Covenant When the HP is below 30, in the name of darkness, summon the allies of the underworld to join the battle.

Sudman is a genius-level soul master of the Eternal Night Council, and later became the ultimate boss of the Eternal Night Tower due to unknown reasons.

Disadvantages It is a perfect existence without any shortcomings.

Supplemental summoning skills can be interrupted.

The finale boss is different. The magic attack is as high as 575. You must know that the equipment at this stage rarely has magic defense. With my abnormal attributes, the magic defense is only 157 points. This is only in the case of several high-intelligence equipment. .

No wonder the people against the sky are so ecstasy in fighting, exaggerated magic attacks, perverted skills, coupled with the huge level gap, doomed to pay a painful price to win this boss.

Quietly squatting in a dark corner, thinking about countermeasures, Rao is a perverted boss, sooner or later he will kneel down under the siege of so many people, how can he maximize the benefits? Extraordinary confusion in the mind.

Finally, I turned my attention to the group of beast cavalry who were lured away. As long as I can lure these big guys back, it will be enough for them to drink a pot. After killing this boss, although the objects on the last floor are a little messy, it is still quite empty. I don’t know if there is a chance to fly a kite.

Unknowingly, the stealth time is up. There is a ten-second time difference between the time of stealth skills and the cooldown time. During this time, it is impossible to enter the stealth state. Just as I was about to hide in a corner, someone patted my shoulder, which scared me one jump.

"It's me!" Long Xingtie said in a low voice. Then came an invitation to join the team.

After entering the team of Iron Hands, the faint figure of Iron Hands appeared in front of me immediately.

"If you have something to say, go to the corner and say, my skills are not cooling down!" I also said in a low voice.

The two quietly moved to a corner out of everyone's sight, and began to plot how to carry out evil deeds that harm others and benefit themselves.

There is no quarrel, I and Tie Shou's plan are very consistent, there is a saying that the hero sees the same thing. cough cough! Don't slap your face...

"I found a spot on the side of the altar that can block monsters. The altar and the broken and collapsed guardrail form an n-shaped terrain. I will hide in the opening and block it. If you hide inside, no monsters with melee attacks can hit it. "Tie Shou said calmly.

"Then it's settled. Let's lure the monsters first and kill all the people who are against the sky before thinking about other things. Even if we can't kill the boss, clearing the mobs here is enough for us to upgrade to at least one level!" I was a little excited said.

We split up, and after a while, we led a group of Kodo beast riders back to the main battlefield where the boss was attacking. The Kodo cavalry who ran wildly made a rumbling sound of trampling, followed behind me and Iron Hand, and rushed straight towards the hundred and ten people on the battlefield.

With a short distance of less than two hundred yards, when everyone realized that the abnormal beast cavalry had appeared in their field of vision, they did not have time to make any deployments. Two seconds later, the iron cavalry stepped forward, and immediately submerged the group of people under the sword and iron hooves.

As the instigators, Iron Hand and I got rid of the hatred of the monster with an invisibility, and the two hid in the corner, clapping their chests excitedly.

"It's so exciting!! Those guys have been trampled into meatloaf, haha!!" I wanted to speak loudly but didn't dare to speak loudly, which almost suffocated me into internal injuries.

"They still have a few thieves who are not dead, and they are stealthily picking up equipment for their companions!" Iron Hand may be calmer than me because of his slightly older age.

"When I came, there were still a few people blocking the door, and those people didn't die!!!" I said.

"You wait here first, I'll go and see the situation!" Tie Shou walked out without waiting for my answer.

"They withdrew, they should have joined the main force, and they will probably come back later!!!" It didn't take long for the information of Iron Hand's investigation to come back.

"How many people?" I asked.

"A few thieves, a few archers, and two warriors, a team of about ten people."

I was a little puzzled and said, "No, why don't so many of them come to us for revenge?"

"You don't know too much about Guards. He is an unusually prudent person, and he rarely makes any emotional decisions." Tie Shou said.

"Then what should we do? Spawn monsters? Or continue to hide here??? It's about two hours away. If they come back, we should be able to kill them." I asked Iron Hand for his opinion.

"It's better to block the door with your monster attracting skills!! With the mind against the sky, I doubt that the few of them who left will come back later. You attract monsters to block the door, and then I will add some materials at the door. Safekeeping makes them ecstasy!" Iron Hand also revealed a lewd side.

Just do what you say, hurry up and act, let's block the door first.

I repeated the old trick and attracted dozens of beast cavalry to block near the door. The few beast cavalry close to the door let me catch them with a net and cooperate with the iron hand to kill them with three or two arrows. After many twists and turns, I finally met the iron hand's requirements , the monster blocking the door is now a slightly narrow pocket shape, and there is a little space in the place where the door was just entered. The person entering the door is equivalent to entering the encirclement of beast cavalry, and must face the siege of at least six beast cavalry.

The iron hand took out a blue powder from the bundle, and carefully sprinkled it evenly on the open space at the door.

"What is this???" I asked curiously.

"The Dust of Appearance given by the mission can make invisible units appear. The dose I put in is enough to last for an hour!" Iron Hand said with a heartbroken heart.

I finally underestimated the lewdness of Iron Hands, using such a rare artifact to cooperate with monsters to block the door, that is, only the Dragon Walking Guild with strong financial resources has this capital.

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