After I finished speaking, the setting sun frowned. At this moment, a voice calling for help came from the combat channel. Sure enough, as the barbarian emperor said, the soldiers who came to reinforce were attacked not far from the gate of the Moonlight Castle. The ambushes of the players from the hostile faction have now started a melee.

"Bd, we can't drag on any longer. Everyone listens to the order. The fighters who have caught fire from the front line will be in the rear, and the rest of the members will retreat!! After getting out of combat, go back to the city and gather at the Moonlight City Square!!!" Xi Yang cursed, gritted her teeth and did After making a decision, Xiyang has always given everyone a serious and formal impression for a long time. This is the first time I heard him swearing.

The rear team changed to the front team, and the personnel began to retreat in an orderly manner. The members of the rear were basically cannon fodder, but no one complained. In the past, no matter what level of battle, as long as it was for the benefit of the guild , If the equipment is downgraded, the guild will provide sufficient subsidies afterwards. This part of the money has always been the largest part of the guild's monthly expenses.

The reserve team has retreated, but none of us high-level members have withdrawn. The so-called leaders must rush to the front line no matter what happens. Those leaders who hide behind at the slightest sign of trouble will not win the hearts of the people.

"Haha, moonlight, moonlight, don't take people away!!!" Just as our side started to retreat, the barbarian emperor who was already full of blood squeezed out from the crowd again. Use the aggressive method to make me stay and fight him desperately, and I didn't plan to retreat first at this time.

"Fuck you, you wild emperor! Grandpa fought with you today!!" Before I could say anything, Tudou activated his charging skills and rushed forward with a strange cry.

The ensuing battle was extremely difficult, without the suppression of our long-range firepower, the opponent's archers and magicians continued to throw a large number of long-range attacks, leaving the rear members to form a thin front, concentrating firepower on the opponent Under the attack, they only persisted for a moment before being rushed out of a big hole by the tyrannical enemy army, and the flood burst out of control.

No matter how brave Tudou is, it is impossible to slaughter thousands of troops. After a few back and forth on the front line, he relied on the bull mount to charge back and forth, and gradually exhausted. Under my cover, he had no choice but to retreat. One out of 50,000 elites, more than 10,000 died in battle Basically, none of the more than 6,000 people who stayed in the back of the palace fled back, and all of them were explained here. When we returned to Moonlight Castle, the battle damage had already been calculated, and the total loss was 17,350. Twelve people, although the opponent killed more people than us, but we escaped, and the equipment dropped by all members became other people's trophies. We lost this battle.

Waiting for the members who died to be resurrected to come back from the teleportation formation, our 50,000 tiger and wolf division immediately rushed to the outside of the city to rejoin the battle. The battle had already begun at a position less than 3,000 yards away from Moonlight City, and our reinforcements were ambushed by the opponent. Thousands of people were lost in a short confrontation. Xiyang did not order the reinforcements to retreat, but resisted with all his strength and waited for our rescue. Everyone was simmering in their hearts, and rushed to the second battlefield with murderous intent.

It was the monkey who commanded the reinforcements to fight. After seeing us coming, he immediately joined the command channel and handed over the command.

"Boss, these bastards are really insidious!! Set up a pocket formation waiting for us to penetrate. Fortunately, everyone saw that the situation was not good and didn't continue to charge forward, otherwise they would have to be made dumplings!!" The monkey was a little thankful Said.

Xiyang nodded slightly, and said, "How many people from the other party joined the battle?"

"The number calculated by the scouts should be about 60,000 people. About 3,000 people were lost in the battle just now, and the rest want to retreat, but I ordered the fighters on the front line to entangle these guys at any cost. We are not his family here. The garden is easy to come by, if you want to leave, at least you have to retreat!!"

"Well done!! Bloody Rose and the Flower Guardian also send some people over to help, let's catch all those guys who dare to cross the border!!" Xi Yang turned his gaze to Brother Gu, and the Flower Guardian nodded in agreement, and immediately began to adjust Soldiers will be dispatched.

"Boss Xiyang, I will take our cavalry regiment to greet them first, don't let them run away! I'm so angry, I'm going to kill you!!!" Tudou asked for a fight with an ax on his shoulder, Xiyang thought for a while and agreed.

The next battle has completely deviated from the original intention of doing the task, and has become a battle of revenge at any cost. Driven by anger, it doesn't matter what task it is or not, first lead people to kill these troublemakers Say it again! ! The battle ahead is still going on, and the setting sun skillfully organizes the reinforcements into the battle queue. After the preparations are made, the members of the bloody rose's women's army and the flower protector's main alliance have also arrived, and nearly 200,000 people rushed to the first Wire.

The 50,000 to 60,000 people who came to make trouble were completely unlucky. The commander's tactical quality determined the outcome of the soldiers. The Manhuang Emperor did not make the decision to leave the army behind to save the main force, but directly ordered Retreating across the board, the entire battle situation is best described as a collapsed army, and the efficiency of fleeing regardless of priority can be imagined. The hastily retreating queue is like sparse sheep dung. Our chasing members easily slaughtered the slow-moving cloth armor mage priests. They were also gradually caught up. After the formed cavalry caught up with the opponent's fleeing main force, it was another dark battle.

One side is the cavalry regiment who is full of anger and murderous, and the other is the commanding order to retreat and lose the will to resist. They were robbed and defeated halfway. The result of the battle can be imagined. He had already killed six or seven back and forth in the rout formation, and by the time the pursuers circled half a circle to block the fleeing deserters, the cavalry regiment of 5,000 men had already killed and wounded at least 20,000 of the other side.

"The first team blocked their retreat, the second team and the third team outflanked, and the rest came with me!!!" Xi Yang rode on his armored horse, and this time he did not command, and simply ordered the battle Order, directly rushed up with a pair of knives.

The siege continued, and it was almost a one-sided defeat. There were 60,000 to 70,000 people who came to stop the attack, and the killings became less and less. Before the battle was over, there was new news from the scouts.

"The Great Desolate Emperor brought people to rescue! A large number of players have crossed the border and moved towards here. So far, the total number has exceeded 80,000, and the number is still increasing!!" The scout's words made Crazy wave The setting sun with two knives froze for a moment, then stopped.

"Stop, let me think about it!!" Xi Yang thoughtlessly dropped a sentence, and fell into deep thought again.

A few seconds later, Xiyang said on the command channel, "All combatants obey the order! Suspend the attack, the sixth to twelfth teams, leave the battle and wait for instructions!!"

"I'm dizzy, what's going on?? Don't kill him?" Tudou swung the ax in his hand, neither to kill nor not to kill.

"Yeah, Brother Xiyang, why didn't you kill him?" Jasmine Blossom said, this little girl is also a warmonger.

With a thought in my mind, the corners of my mouth curled up slightly, and I said, "Save this thought for the barbarian emperor, and gather around to help?"

Xi Yang nodded and said, "Exactly!!"

"Boss, what do you mean by beating around the spot? Are you still fighting?" Tudou has only a junior high school education, and he might be lazy to sleep during class, so he doesn't know what it means to be around the spot.

"Idiot, it's the great leader Mao Zedong's usual strategy to surround the spot for reinforcements. When you attack the enemy, you must save them. Waiting for an opportunity to ambush their reinforcements is the same as our reinforcements being attacked by them just now!!" Cang Qiong gave Tudou a staff There was a smack on the forehead, and Tudou's face was full of grievances.

After the explanation, the attacks in everyone's hands slowed down. Except for the symbolic siege of people who were almost equal in number to the opponent, most of them were reorganized by the setting sun and arranged to go offline to ambush in other places. Out of more than 100,000 people, there are only less than 50,000 people fighting on the field, but the opponent who has lost the will to resist is still overwhelming in the face of the attack of 50,000 people.

Sure enough, just as Xi Yang expected, fifteen minutes later, the Manhuang Emperor came with a large group of mighty warriors. After seeing from a distance that our numbers were not dominant, he rushed up.

Then, on the originally seemingly empty wasteland, the white light brought by the player's login flashed continuously. In less than ten seconds, a large number of soldiers who went offline to ambush surrounded the people who came to support them. People surrounded each other and killed violently.

The morale is high, the combat power ratio is as high as 2:1, and we are fighting at the door of our house, and we also have a geographical advantage. The right time, place and people are all occupied by us. The barbarian emperor brought less than 100,000 people. Big loss.

There are people in all directions, and the wild emperor is a little panicked. I didn't do anything, and my eyes have been staring at this fellow. I let you run away just now. This time I came to our territory. No matter what, I will keep you here. This!

The battle of making dumplings is the best. The opponent is equivalent to dumpling stuffing. The members shrink into a ball. Most of the troops are blocked by their teammates in the middle and cannot fight. On our side, it is equivalent to the dumpling skin. They all participated in the battle, the ratio of the number of people participating in the battle was two to one, but in fact, in the battle, one opponent of the other party usually faced the siege of more than three of us.

"Fuck your uncle, the wild emperor, don't run if you have the guts! Wasn't it awesome just now? Feng Shui turns, how about it? It's in your grandfather's hands!!" Tudou swung his big The ax opened and closed to attack, while cursing, the barbarian emperor knew us this time, with a face like a dead father, he huddled in the crowd and responded.

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