Bow God Invincible Online Games

Chapter 516: The Characteristics Of Dark Eclipse Mage




With three skills in succession, the dark erosion arrow condensed by magic was directly reflected by the iron vest, and the wild detection skill jumped out a big failure. Only the morning light arrow accurately hit the arm that was not covered by the vest.

The three-digit damage number of 107 jumped up, and my heart suddenly became cold! The current me has already changed from shotgun to cannon, which is not what it used to be. This is great. A blow full of confidence only dealt barely three-digit damage. How can I kill such a powerful thing? ? ?

Since I was the only one who caused substantial damage to him, the boss's hatred value still shifted, and his eyes moved away from the sky, and then moved towards me.

I ran as fast as I could, and said to Xiyang, "Xiyang, I will hold this boss, you command everyone to retreat first, there are so many people here, it is useless, go wait in our city, I will touch his body first." end!!"

Xiyang is also a smart person, needless to say, he immediately ordered everyone to retreat, leaving only a group of thousands of archers standing there quietly not far away.

On the way to attract monsters, I lost all kinds of skills in turn. The more I tried, the more frightened I became. This boss is almost invincible. My awesome skills fell on his iron vest and were reflected back. By chance, I hit the body , and can only deal double-digit to barely three-digit damage, such a little damage is not enough for his own blood recovery speed, it is completely useless.

I directed Xiao Hei Sa Yazi to run wildly while thinking of a way. All the previous reliable plans have now become unreliable. Among other things, we have nothing to do with the terrifying defense alone. To put it bluntly, Even if this big guy stands still, whether the output speed of a group of thousand archers I can catch up with his life recovery speed is still unknown. We must find a way to get his attribute introduction.

After making up my mind, I urged Xiao Hei to run around in circles, while keeping my eyes on the cooldown time of the wild detection skill. The feeling of counting down like years made me almost go crazy.

Finally, the cooldown of the wild detection skills is over, Xiao Hei stabilized his figure in mid-air, with a thought, a group of purple hexagrams landed on the chest of the boss, a small half of the hexagrams was printed on the iron vest, and a small half, It fell on the shoulder.

invalid! !

A big invalid reminder jumped up, and I was completely dumbfounded.

I wiped it, it fell on the thigh just now, it was a failure, this time it landed on the chest, how did it become invalid! ! Due to the urgency of the situation, I was a little bit overwhelmed.

I was thinking hard, and suddenly a flash of inspiration flashed in my head, yes! !

Failure means that the success rate is low. Without success, this is invalid, but there is no meaning of success rate directly. Thinking of the details of the previous skill falling on the vest and being completely reflected, I finally figured it out.

Shadow clone! !

With a thought, he summoned the shadow skill directly in mid-air. Since the avatar is made of shadows, it has no weight and falls lightly on the ground.

Wild detection! !

My thoughts quickly switched, grasping the control of the shadow in my hands, aiming at the waist position of the boss, and throwing the wild detection skill again.

The lavender six-pointed star formation slowly condensed, and finally suddenly lit up. I was secretly happy when I saw this, it was done! !

Dark titan, sub-god level plot, boss level 120 health value 1000000010000000 attack 54716113 defense 8755 skill magic offset soul control thousands of troops death absorption nether pupil cracking ground thousands of miles magic offset passive skill, due to wearing a special anti-magic material refining Heart armor, all magic attacks on the heart armor will be deflected.

The active skill of controlling thousands of souls, the Titans are good at controlling soul energy. After activation, they can recruit the souls of corpses within a thousand yards for their own use.

Death absorbs active skills, which can be used on high-level non-human creatures to extract the original energy of the soul. After absorbing enough energy, the Titan will be further awakened.

Nether pupil active skill, after activation, the souls of all units scanned by the Titan's eyes will be severely damaged.

Earth Splitting Thousand Miles active skill, the advanced promotion skill of Earth Splitting Slash, after being activated, it unleashes a violent energy with a length of 100 yards, covering the area with energy, opening mountains and cracking rocks, omnipotent.

Introduction According to legend, the Titans are ancient creatures that existed at the beginning of the creation. Because of their extremely low fertility, the race gradually became extinct during the long battle. Preserve the intact corpse of the giant titan and use the energy of the Styx to revive it. The reappearance of the former rampant overlord will definitely cause a bloody storm.

Advantages and disadvantages The sub-god-level plot boss has a super-perfect attribute template, is physically strong, and has infinite strength. It is a terrifying existence that can defeat ten thousand in legend.

After reading this attribute, my eyes went dark, and I almost fell off the back of the mount. I wiped it, sub-god level! Drama! boss?

The reason why these three words are pronounced separately is because these three words have special meanings.

The sub-god level represents the level of strength of this boss, and has become a god-level existence. Compared with the real god-level boss, the only difference is that it does not have the power to control the field. Other than that, it is no worse than the god-level boss. Story, this keyword, will increase the template parameters of this boss by one level again, just like the name of the equipment involves a dragon, and the attributes will have additional bonuses, even if the wild boss and the story boss are of the same rank, the attributes will also be different. The obvious gap is a well-known common sense. As for the boss, it emphasizes that the template of the monster is boss-level. There is nothing to say about this. The connection of the three keywords means that this boss belongs to the existence that has been raised by three levels on the original basis. Not only that, all the skills of this boss did not give a specific damage calculation method. God knows, what terrible consequences will be caused if these skills are thrown out one by one.

Up to 10 million points of health, 120 super high levels, five terrifying skills, everything, all of which are showing the strength of this boss, especially the last sentence of the introduction of advantages and disadvantages, with the existence of one against ten thousand, Nima, I knew that this main plot task was not easy to do, such a perverted thing would make people unable to live! !

After the attribute came out, I immediately copied this attribute to the command channel. As soon as the attribute was posted, there was a sound of gasping, and then, rarely, no one expressed their opinion, and everyone didn't know what they were thinking.

Seeing that everyone didn't express their opinions, I urged a little eagerly, "I'll wipe it, don't be bored, talk, if you have any ideas, no matter whether it's reliable or not, just say it, I'm still pulling the boss!! !" Normally, I wouldn't lose my composure like this, but now it's different, this is a sub-god-level boss closely following behind, the success of the kill is directly related to the success or failure of our 50,000-person plot mission.

Xiyang was the first to speak, "Otherwise, or call all the online players in the guild, and surround him with crowd tactics!!"

"Otherwise, I'll try again?? With a perfect defensive posture, it should be able to resist one of his attacks!!" Tudou bit the bullet and said, from his trembling voice, he knew that this guy had already been cowardly now. However, the responsibility and glory of being the number one in the guild forced him to make a bold statement.

I curled my lips, "Don't go to die. The invincible state of the flame cage just now was photographed dozens of yards away. Without invincibility, you can't just be slapped on the ground with a slap, and you can't even pull out the buckle!!"

"At this point, the only way is to use crowd tactics. I'll dispatch all the online members of the guild to join the battle!!" Brother Gu gritted his teeth and made the same decision as Xiyang.

At this moment, a timid voice came from the channel, "I have an idea, I don't know if it will work!"

I glanced at the list of speeches, and the words just now were actually spoken by Yang Dan who had been silent all along.

"What way??" The silent people asked at the same time almost in unison.

Yang Dan paused for a while, and then said softly, "My attack type can hit this boss, and I also have skills to limit the speed of this boss's blood recovery. But I can't pull monsters! If someone can help me resist monsters or find If you have a suitable terrain that can trap monsters, you can try it!"

When Yang Dan said this, everyone in the studio reacted. Yang Dan is different from ordinary players. She is a type of dark erosion damage, and the damage calculation method is completely different from ordinary attacks. If she makes a move, it is theoretically possible. sex.

"Are you okay? Are you kidding me, the moonlight couldn't even touch it just now!!" Jasmine Huakai questioned, obviously not believing it at all.

"Stop arguing, she can indeed!!" I hastily explained, this is not the time to quarrel.

After I finished speaking, I continued to ask, "How much damage can you get from the dark eclipse now?"

"About 1500 or so. If you use skills, the output power will be slightly higher!! Brother Xiyang bought me another two parts from Curry in the guild warehouse, and now I have almost all the equipment on me!!" Yang Dan saw that everyone paid so much attention to it, and regained a little bit of self-confidence.

"Uncle, no one here can resist the boss. But the terrain is fine, but I don't know if you are willing to let it go!!" Cang Qiong interrupted abruptly.

"No way, there are flood plains nearby, and the nearest mountain is thousands of yards away. There is no suitable terrain! Besides, it has nothing to do with my reluctance!" I was confused by what this girl said. .

"You forgot, we still have the Moonlight Castle that has been strengthened. The city defense facilities are enough to hold this boss for a long time! It is repaired afterwards, and the cost..."

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