Bow God Invincible Online Games

Chapter 522 You Don't Have Enough Money

Although I have already prepared myself for abnormal attributes or abnormal skills after the fusion of Heart of Darkness, I still can't hold it after reading this new fusion skill. There is a 60% probability of summoning from a dead corpse. A small skeleton comes out. Based on the probability, if I kill less than two monsters on average, I will summon a summoned creature with the lowest combat power as a skeleton warrior. According to my current output ability, if I find an area with dense monsters Group swiping for a while, and in the future, there will be no need for a group of people to block people as a wall, and I will directly stand in the pile of skeleton soldiers to output! Nima, isn't this just another form of skeleton sea? ?

What about the black heaven rank? According to me, after I have a heart of darkness, I won’t change it if you give me an artifact! The skills added by each fusion of the Heart of Darkness become more and more perverted. It is really hard to imagine how terrifying it would be if you were lucky enough to get the last two hearts together.

"Hey, uncle, what are you smirking at, what's the matter? It's a magic weapon???" Cang Qiong pushed me from behind, waking me up from a dazed state.

"Um, I just broke my waistcoat. I don't know if it's an artifact that hasn't been identified yet. I laughed because of this!!" After I finished speaking, I shared the attributes of the Heart of Darkness with the sky.

"Wow, we don't have to let the little skull stand outside as a human wall to get beaten up in the future!!" Cang Qiong bluffed excitedly, but halfway through speaking, he froze, covered his mouth and lowered his head.

I was in a good mood at first, but when the sky mentioned the little skull, I suddenly lost a trace of joy. I thought that killing the big guy who sucked up the little skull would automatically trigger the return of the little skull, but I I still overestimated myself, this big guy seems to have nothing to do with Little Skull, so many system prompts popped up at the same time after hanging up, but there was not a single clue about the recovery of Little Skull, looking at the one on the top of the skill bar became The gray summoning pet icon has mixed feelings.

"Hehe, what is Yueguang talking about with the sky? Exploding the magic weapon? So excited!!!" Just at the moment of embarrassment, Brother Gu Xiyang and Jasmine Blossom came over together.

"It's not clear whether the artifact exploded or not. I let Tudou learn a promotion skill book, and there is also a mission item that I use. In the end, only this vest that has not been identified is left. Let's go to the city to identify it together. At that time, we will discuss the distribution according to the attributes and values!!" I quickly adjusted my emotions and told them without any concealment!

"That's the only thing left??" Jasmine took the vest from my hand, looked it up and down with Brother Gu twice, and then threw it to me. To be honest, the appearance of this vest is really not good, like a novice outfit with a polished durability, without the luster that enchanted equipment should have. The dropped waistcoat was on the chest, and there was a hole about the size of a fist. It didn't look good at first, but after adding this hole, it became even more shabby.

"The drops I picked up from this boss are about that much. I have records of everything I took in the team channel. If you don't worry, you can check it!! The rest are a lot of phantom crystals. These crystals can be exchanged for There are a lot of gold coins!! Oh, by the way, besides these, there is also a huge heart in the chest of the boss. I have thrown it several times to clean up the corpse, but the corpse has not disappeared. This heart may also have Use" I felt a little uncomfortable when I saw Jasmine's actions, but I still said it in a straightforward manner.

Jasmine was in a bad mood when she saw that I handed them a ripped waistcoat. After all, I let Tudou learn the rare group attack skill book by myself, and now it's really unreasonable to use such a thing for business.

"Okay, Jasmine, you still can't trust Moonlight, no matter how we distribute the harvest, we won't suffer from it!!" After all, the flower protector is older, and his words and deeds are better than Jasmine's.

"Boss Xiyang, this is the statistic list of the team members who caused trouble and looting just now, and it has been compiled!!" At this moment, the monkey came over again, and without waiting for everyone's response, he directly shared a text format material on the field channel. The nicknames and affiliations of people close to the hundred and ten were densely recorded on it.

The statistics list was just shared in front of everyone. Now everyone stopped worrying about the boss's miserliness, and started to check these game nicknames. It's okay not to look at them. Among the one hundred and four people, twenty-seven were killed by the sunset, twenty-six of them were members of the Flower Guardian Guild, and among the remaining seventy or eighty people, a dozen or so were female players of the Bloody Rose Guild. More than a dozen male players are also members of the Flower Guardian Guild. Out of a list of more than a hundred people, only two belong to the main alliance of Blood Moonlight. Not only that, but there is also a note behind the names of these two. The next position is also relatively close. Seeing the mad grab, they did participate blindly, but after Xiyang gave the order to stop for the first time, the other party stopped immediately.

"Did I make a mistake? There are so many people, just these two of us? This kind of thing can't protect a calf, and no matter how good the normal relationship is, it can't cover up for others!!!" Xi Yang quietly read the text materials, his face full I questioned the monkey in disbelief, thinking that the monkey had tampered with the information.

"No, I really didn't do anything, I did the statistics together with Brother Ma, if you don't believe me, you can ask him!! As for the last two people, I don't want to write it up, Brother Ma insisted on it!!" Monkey Seeing Xiyang's expression, he hastily explained with swear words, not only that, but also brought a middle-aged knight over. This guy named Xiao Ma was the former deputy head of the Xiyang mercenary group. in principle.

"Okay, don't talk about it, this matter will be dealt with after we are done!!!" Jasmine is blooming and Brother Gu's face is ugly now, and the sunset hastily stopped the monkey.

Seeing such a stiff fight over a boss, I also opened my mouth and said, "Xiyang is right, don't discuss this matter now, it happens that everyone is in the same place, so let's study what this huge heart is for first." Let’s play it!!!”

When I said this, Jasmine and Big Brother Gu’s faces turned a little better. They were aggressively questioning the loot just now, but when they turned around and counted up the members, they found that they were all under their own hands. Jasmine blushed and said nothing. Although these people who participated in the looting only created chaos, none of them succeeded in the end, but the short period of chaos wasted the precious three seconds of item protection time, and then the ghost grabbed a handful desperately, but didn't know how to fish it away What a precious loot.

After some muddy reconciliation, everyone's little face was finally saved. Brother Gu looked at the corpse's chest for a few times and didn't say anything. Instead, he found a skinny child from his guild.

This little guy is a thieves player. From the appearance, he is only seventeen or eighteen years old and less than twenty years old. His body is thin, and he is as tall as the sky. There is still a trace of greenness on his face, but his pair of dark eyes are extremely bright. .

"This is the material identification engineer of our trade union, let him try it!!" Brother Gu said, pointing at this little guy.

Material identifier? Hearing this term, I quickly thought about all the sub-jobs of life skills in my mind, but I didn't find this thing. Could it be a player who was lucky enough to get a special branch of racial skills?

"Is it a sub-race player of the life department?" I looked at Brother Gu with a questioning look, and he just smiled slightly, noncommittal, which was regarded as acquiescing.

"Dongzi, let's see if you can identify what this heart is!!" Brother Gu ordered, the half-grown child nodded, and stepped onto the chest of the boss's half-dried corpse.

This material identifier named Dongzi was still a little cautious when facing so many of us, but after jumping on the boss's chest, he seemed to be a completely different person. Dagger, this dagger is not the same as ordinary daggers, it only has one side blade, it is not so much a dagger as it is a miniature machete.

Dongzi held the strange dagger and tossed it nimbly back and forth over the chest of the corpse. In a short while, the entire chest of the corpse was dismembered, and all kinds of bones were removed. In the end, only the sarcoma-like heart remained on the ground. .

After finishing the work, Dongzi held the dagger and muttered, only to see a warm orange light covering it, and his whole heart changed instantly.

The original dark black flesh of the heart disappeared, and turned into a crystal-like lustrous black gemstone. To describe it vividly, it was like a high-quality black diamond magnified hundreds of times.

"Wow!!! What a big diamond!!!" As soon as the heart's original appearance was separated, the circle of girls surrounding it exploded in an instant. The sky and Jasmine were the most direct, and the two directly moved towards the gem Pounced on it, the image was like a pervert who saw a beautiful naked girl, as much as possible! ! Sky moved a little closer, and touched the giant gemstone first, and then Jasmine also pounced on it, but when she stretched out her hand, the gemstone had already disappeared with a swipe, and only touched the empty air.

"Hey, where are the diamonds?" Jasmine and everyone together asked a curious question.

"Here it is!!" With a wave of Cang Qiong's hand, the huge gem reappeared at the position just now.

"What is this?" Jasmine asked while touching it with her hands, but after she touched it, the gem did not disappear, but remained in place without moving.

"How did you get this thing? I can't pick it up!!" Jasmine let go unwillingly.

I walked up to "I'm coming..."

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