"Deal!!" Seeing that there was no room for further negotiation, I agreed decisively, what an international joke, NC's cheap price is so lucrative, I must accept it as soon as it is good! You must know that they are actually the spokespersons of the game company in the game, and the interests of the game company and the players are actually opposed.

Eight million gold coins, although my heart hurts, but I can still take them out. I took four million out of the guild warehouse Curry with the authority to use them, and then took four million from the backstage of the small shop in Lingyun City. The eight million gold coins just Gather them together, and disappear from the backpack directly. You don't need to ask to know that General Gordon took it.

"Hey! Money and goods are clear! In the future, if there is such an opportunity to cooperate more!!" General Gordon smiled, and he was sure that he was in a good mood after taking so much money from Brother.

"Uh, I really hope that this kind of thing will never happen again!" I frowned in pain.

"Hahahaha!! Children, set off! Go back to the camp!!!" General Gordon turned and moved away from the gate of the town hall. Under his command, many NPCs began to gather in the open space outside the city in a regular manner.


As soon as Gordon moved out of the way, my feet stepped in immediately.

Ding! Congratulations on regaining Moonlight Castle!

Ding! World Announcement!

The player Moonlight under the eaves successfully wiped out all the intruders, turned defeat into victory and snatched back the second-level city, Moonlight Castle!

Ding! The siege battle is over. Due to the involvement of NC in this siege battle, it is impossible to assess the scale of the battle that the actual players participated in. Therefore, the system compensates 50 for the damage to the city. After five minutes, the Moonlight Castle area will be refreshed for 12 hours. Everyone please leave early!

Ding! Your city guardian beast participated in the siege battle and survived to the end, level +5!

A series of system prompts sounded, and I read all the prompts word by word, bd, this time I lost a lot.

Under normal circumstances, the player's city is private property, and every brick and tile is built with real money. Even if the damage is caused by the siege and defense battle between the players, the system is responsible for restoring it to its original appearance afterwards. This time Fortunately, General Gordon led the NC army to help out. The scale of the battle cannot be assessed. Half of the compensation, the implication is that the other half will be borne by the players themselves. Just now, Gordon knocked out 8 million gold coins, and now they have to rebuild the city, blah blah blah! Big loss!

I resisted the depression in my heart and entered the guild channel. After such a long period of tossing, it is already past 7 o'clock in the morning. Those who knew about the battle and those who just went online without knowing, the entire guild channel was in chaos! !

"Ahem, be quiet!!" I said.

The vice president of the guild spoke, and there was a prominent reminder in the channel system, but I don’t know if everyone is more excited during the Chinese New Year, so after I finished speaking, everyone was still immersed in the lively discussion, and the voice did not drop much.

I was so gorgeously ignored, my eyes went dark, I almost fainted, I gritted my teeth, and directly used the channel control function, except for the members above the head of the thousand-member group, I temporarily restricted them from speaking.

"Everyone be quiet!! I have something to say!!" I repeated.

Only now did everyone recover from the excitement, and the few legion commanders who were talking about it with high interest also shut up.

"First of all, I would like to say goodbye to everyone! Happy New Year, everyone! Then I will talk about the business, and everyone knows that we were overshadowed by others last night, and the castle suffered heavy losses. It is still refreshing, and the specific losses have not yet been calculated. Come out, I only want to say one thing, that is, the brothers who have been participating in the battle online last night, I will ask Xiyang to compile a list later, and report any losses in the trade union war, and the moonlight will not let you suffer! I know if you noticed just now, General Gordon knocked eight million gold coins out of my hand. Maybe, I mean possible, after the loss statistics come up, the compensation will not be cashed, but Moonlight swears on his own reputation, in the end Before the 15th day of the first lunar month, all losses will be compensated! As for the matter of revenge, after we have recovered, we will return ten times the grievances if we complain!!!"

"Repay grievances! Repay ten times more!!!..." I don't know who started it, but all the key members who can still speak in the entire channel roared in unison.

"Let's do this first! After tossing all night, I can't take it anymore, so I'll go offline and rest!" I greeted everyone, canceled the restriction on speaking, and then turned off the guild channel.

"Boss, are you done?" Tudou asked hurriedly when he saw me come back to his senses.

"Don't be dazed, toss all night, go offline and take a break, I will go back to the studio in the third year of junior high school, and you all go home for the New Year, come back as soon as possible, take a breather, and take revenge!!"


Hungry growling, just about to log off after explaining to everyone, a system prompt popped up.

Ding! Your friend Sword and Sunset is online now!

Seeing that Xiyang was finally online, I hurriedly looked for his profile picture, but before I could find it, another system prompt came.

Ding! Your friend Zhuangjian Xiyang asked to talk to you, do you accept it?


"Moonlight, what's going on?? I drank too much last night. I woke up this morning and saw so many missed calls. I was shocked!!" Xiyang was still a little confused when speaking.

"Bd, last night the city was clouded by the barbaric emperor, few of us defended the city, and it snowed heavily on our side..." I recounted everything that happened.

After finishing speaking, Xiyang didn't speak. After about 20 seconds of silence, Xiyang finally said, "I'm to blame for this. I'm responsible. I'm patronizing the Chinese New Year, so I didn't arrange a special person to be on duty!!"

"Forget it, there is no danger, didn't we snatch it back again!! Don't blame yourself, you are not an iron man, you must relax your tense nerves after the Chinese New Year, let's make money again when the money is gone, This is not a problem. I can't bear it after a busy night. I will leave it to you to deal with the follow-up work in the guild. There is only one principle. Even if we have a few hard times, we can't let the brothers who stayed all night last night suffer! "

"Okay! I'm good at this. You go offline to rest first, and I'll talk to you in detail when you go online in the afternoon!!!" Xiyang agreed, and I hung up the call and logged off after nothing happened.

Originally, it was agreed that the Valentine’s Day of the first year of junior high school would be changed to the second day of junior high school. The three of them had their own plans for how long they had their own ghosts, but this is a good thing. After half-night tossing, I ate something casually in the shop after going offline. I called home, but the landline still couldn’t get through. The road was frozen after snowfall, and it was super difficult to walk. The three of us all had panda eyes on our heads. Let's talk when the sun comes out! Finally, I found a normal business hotel to stay temporarily. Three standard rooms, set the alarm clock and fall into a deep sleep.

It wasn't until three o'clock in the afternoon that the alarm clock rang for a long time before I woke up. I woke up the two pigs together, ate some food in a hurry, and prepared to go back.

The sun came out, and the ice on the road melted a lot. I was trembling along the way and finally moved back home. When I re-entered the village, it was dark again.

The fixed line at home has been repaired, and I have tried the unlimited broadband and there is a signal, so I relax a little bit.

After dinner, I went back to my room after chatting with my parents. I followed up with Xiyang to complete the follow-up work of the trade union war. After everything was done, I went offline and fell asleep.

I was woken up by the alarm clock in the morning, my waist was sore and my back was sore. Even if I drove a car with millions of dollars, my whole body would still hurt like it fell apart after a long time. I said hello to my parents during the meal, and then the three of us Pack up and prepare to head back.

The car was filled with all kinds of local products in the country, such as peanuts, jujubes, and walnuts. Half of the car was piled up in a mess. When I saw the slightly old figures of my parents in the rearview mirror, I felt very uncomfortable, unconsciously. Suddenly, the eye circles turned red.

The two girls could see that I was in a bad mood, and they basically didn't speak much along the way. The heavy emotions spread throughout the car. After getting on the expressway, I finally found a channel to vent.

I stepped on the accelerator directly. The powerful engine of a luxury imported car is definitely not covered. Whoever is caught on the road will kill whoever is speeding. Isn’t it just a fine? Going home will lose tens of millions. Compared with this loss, is a fine of one hundred and eighty yuan still called money!

After one o'clock in the afternoon, I returned to the studio. Tudou and the others hadn't come back yet, only Yang Dan stayed at home alone. The instant noodles and quick-frozen dumplings in the kitchen were in a mess. Obviously, she had been fooling around this year.

Thinking of what she did in the game, the already suppressed heart became even more uncomfortable. Although we have hurt each other before, and even hurt me unilaterally, but now, all the grudges have disappeared.

"Is there any food at home? We didn't eat lunch during the rush!!" I adjusted my mood and said.

Yang Dan said while taking the down jacket I took off naturally and hung it up. "There are still quick-frozen dumplings in the refrigerator, let's cook some and eat first!!!"

"Later, let's go to the supermarket to do some shopping together. I'll cook in the evening, and those gluttons haven't come back. Let's reward ourselves!!!" Sister An Ran said while supporting Yang Dan's shoulders.

"Long live Sister An Ran!!!" Cang Qiong didn't feel the subtlety of the scene at all, and yelled excitedly when he heard the feast.

"Thanks to you for the game..." The words of thanks I used when dealing with strangers twitched in my throat a few times, but I still didn't say it.

"Don't mention it, you can practice again if you lose your level, and fight again if you lose your preparation. If we don't lose our city, everything is worth it!!" Yang Dan smiled faintly, as if such a heavy price was not worth mentioning at all. .

Seeing her calm and calm appearance, I felt my heart was touched again, hot and distressed.

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