Bow God Invincible Online Games

Chapter 543 Strange Sarcoma

The edge of the hole is extremely smooth, as if some creature often crawled in and out of it. The abnormality just now happened near the hole. Needless to say, there must be some powerful creature in this hole.

With a thought, a strengthened skeleton warrior came out of the queue. This guy was summoned from the corpse of the general ant. Be cannon fodder and see what's weird in this hole.

The strengthened skeleton warrior walked forward with a click, the bony feet stepping on the stone ground constantly stirred up distant and near echoes, I pulled Yang Dan to hide far away, and switched my consciousness to this skeleton warrior, through Its field of vision focuses on observing the situation at the entrance of the cave.

The distance is getting closer and closer, but there is no reaction at the entrance of the cave, and I moved a few more steps. The skeleton warrior has already stood on the edge of the cave entrance, still quietly. When I saw this, I gritted my teeth and directly controlled the skeleton warrior to jump down from the entrance of the cave. Now everything is missing, but there is no shortage of younger brothers.

The Skeleton Warrior fell rapidly from the hole, but after a while, it touched the side wall of the hole. Although the hole was vertical, it became inclined after a few yards, just like the slides played in kindergarten when I was a child. Knowing how many times the spiral descended, the vision of the black hole changed, and he saw the faint light below. Before he could react, he thumped and fell straight down.

This fall almost cost the Skeleton Warrior his life, and his qi and blood value dropped by more than 70%. Regardless of this damage, the Skeleton Warrior looked around under my control, eager to get the surrounding situation.

This is an unusually slippery cave space, surrounded by gray mist blocking the view, so that the skeleton warrior can only observe the surrounding area within less than ten yards. He lowered his head and looked at his feet. A kind of indescribable slime, the skeleton warrior's bony soles stepped on it, and when he lifted his feet, he always pulled out long silk threads. The indoor light was dim, and it was impossible to see where these things came from.

After turning around in the tunnel for countless times, he had no sense of direction at all underneath, so he simply gritted his teeth, controlled the little skull to pick a random direction and started to move, first let's investigate this special map space first.

The plan was good, but the reality was very cruel. The little skull had just walked dozens of steps, and suddenly a black shadow flashed in front of him, and the entire field of vision was wrapped in darkness. After that, only a click sound was heard, and the little skull died immediately. , I don't even know what kind of creature used what attack method to get it done.

In the middle of the night, suddenly such a guy came up, and I was so scared that I shifted my consciousness back. After taking several deep breaths, I calmed down.

Well! If one doesn't work, let's get two together! !

As soon as I got ruthless, I directly circled the two skeleton warriors and jumped into the hole. If the two units are together, if the monster attacks, one of the units will definitely gain vision, and then we will know what is playing tricks below. .

According to the markings on the small map, the two skeleton warriors continued to come to the position just now, and moved another step. Suddenly, one of them lost his vision and was attacked.

I hastily switched my vision to the skeleton warrior next to me. It was okay not to look at it, but I glanced at it casually, which almost scared me to have a heart attack.

In the dense fog, half of the giant beast's mouth was exposed. It was not so much a mouth as it was an insect's mouthparts. The mouthparts were covered with sharp triangular teeth. Its big mouth was swallowed from above, and its head went into other people's stomachs, so it was so dark that it couldn't be seen.

After the monster swallowed the skull of a skeleton warrior in one gulp, it launched an attack quickly and bit another skeleton warrior. It was impossible to dodge the swift and windy attack, and its eyes went dark again, and then it was thrown half dead. The little skull was killed again.

Nima, now that you understand the monster's attack method, the next step is much simpler. With a sweep of your thoughts, you have given the order to all the ordinary skeleton warriors to jump down from the hole and attack. Now there are not a thousand skeleton warriors in my hand, but eight hundred. Even if the monsters below are bitten one by one, it will take a while to kill them all.

At a height of seven or eight yards, the skeleton warriors also fell half to death after jumping down. Fortunately, there were enough of them this time.

The situation is unknown, I still did not take the risk to jump down with it, and repeated the same trick, and still got a remote control command from the vision of a skeleton warrior.

A large group of skeleton warriors advanced, and the efficiency of pathfinding was not a little bit higher. After advancing to the position just now, the whole body of the monster that killed three skeleton warriors appeared in front of me.

This is a monster in the shape of a giant ant. Its body is more than ten yards long. Its mouthparts are highly evolved. It has a long snout protruding out. The tip is also covered with sharp teeth. The forelimbs are shaped like double-edged blades. It is similar, but much thicker and sharper than it. The six jointed limbs are thick and slender, covered with fine fluff. The tip of the jointed limbs is extremely sharp, like a steel spear. The most conspicuous thing is the abdomen of this big guy. The shape of the upper body is already rough enough, but the seemingly strong upper body is completely out of proportion to the abdomen. The raised abdomen is round and round, with a diameter of at least three yards. If it is long, it is like ants dragging a train like.

While looking at this alien creature, this guy has already started to attack very casually. The small hole on the top of the mouthparts ejected a thick green poisonous gas without warning, and the diffuse poisonous gas quickly spread around the skeleton warrior. The bones of the skeletal warriors exposed to the poisonous gas were corroded and pitted, accompanied by rapid blood loss. In the blink of an eye, dozens of skeleton warriors in the center of the poisonous gas have been empty of blood and serum.

The poisonous gas came, and the scream followed closely. The deafening scream shattered all the skeleton warriors within ten yards into pieces. Because it was in a small confined space, the power of the scream increased a lot in the constant echoes. After the first skill is released, more than half of the hundreds of boys I sent down have been lost.


With an order in his mind, the surviving skeleton warriors surrounded him like locusts crossing the border.

Although this giant creature is huge, it is not clumsy. Its sharp and sharp limbs are constantly waving, and almost every time it hits, it can smash the skull of a skeleton warrior. Ten, hundreds of points of damage kept popping up, and often the blood bar could not be seen to decrease at all.

It didn't take five minutes, and all the younger brothers were killed. The boss creature's vitality was only reduced by about one percent of the total upper limit of vitality, and there was a trace of blankness on the long blood bar.

After the little brothers died one after another, I finally got a certain understanding of this big guy. It reacts quickly, its output ability is terrifying, and its defense value is above average. If I do it myself, it can greatly break the defense. Poison, rapid blood loss, sonic attack, fatal damage within ten yards, high blood value, should be a real boss, with a huge abdomen dragging down, the moving speed should not be fast.

Lao Dier was almost touched, and I said hello to Yang Dan and jumped down from the cave together, and then a hundred strengthened skeleton warriors also jumped down, and under my control, they lined up in a neat square formation .

The last 100 skeleton warriors are the elites I selected. They have a long residual summoning time and high attributes. Even so, they are still half dead after falling. I did not rush to organize an attack, but stood there quietly with Yang Dan , although the skeleton warrior is a summoned creature, it can devour skeleton corpses and return blood. The scattered corpse skeletons hung up in front became their snacks.

After wasting about 20 minutes, the bloody skeleton warrior slowly recovered all his blood. Yang Dan and I looked at each other and gave the order to attack.

Forced by the powerful group attack skills of the boss, I organized the skeleton warriors into ten teams. The first team walked far ahead, and the next nine followed suit. First, seduce the two group attack skills cds of the boss. Besides.

The boss still didn't move its position. When the first team came into contact with the boss, it was still in the same place. Both sides were not good at each other. They didn't even need to greet each other. Quality weapons desperately greeted.

It was the familiar poison gas and sound wave attack again, and the first team was wiped out in an instant. While controlling the rest of the team to follow up the attack, I threw out wild detection.

Evil Ant Emperor ★★★★★★ Epic boss level 121 health value 80000008000000 attack 51715813 defense 6155 skills magic resistance creature carapace poisonous sound wave scream breeds magic resistance passive skill, due to the existence of a special cuticle on the body surface, When being attacked by magic, they will get an additional 30 damage reduction biological carapace passive skills. The thick biological armor makes them also have good protection against melee attacks, and the melee attack damage reduction is 20.

Highly poisonous active skill, spouting deadly toxins to attack all creatures within ten yards around, all poisoned units suffer 1000 points of poisoning damage per second, biological toxin type, cannot be dispelled, and cannot be resisted.

Sonic scream active skill, after activation, causes 300+1200 points of sonic attack to all non-mechanical targets within ten yards around, and the damage of sonic attack gradually decreases with the increase of radiation distance.

bred? ? ?

Introducing the queen who used to be in the ant nest. I don’t know what happened. All the units in the entire ant nest were eroded by darkness and lost consciousness. The queen was also not immune to the disaster. The ability to reproduce offspring disappeared, but the huge abdomen But it didn't disappear with it, on the contrary, it became even bigger, wriggling non-stop in its belly, as if it was hiding some big secret.

Advantages and Disadvantages Strong survivability and a fatal threat to close units. Although the protruding abdomen did not reduce its defense ability, it greatly affected its moving speed.

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