Bow God Invincible Online Games

Chapter 545: A Blessing In Misfortune

This is a strange sarcoma that I have never seen before. The outer membrane is translucent, but the membrane is filled with ink-like pure black liquid that keeps rolling up and down. Due to the black ink liquid, it is impossible to see the specific situation inside. , but it is absolutely true that the whole sarcoma is still throbbing slowly.

I moved the dagger away from the incision on the abdomen, walked half a circle around the boss's body, and came to the position behind it. I picked a gap in the scales and slashed with the knife again, and the dagger made another cut on the body. Under my deliberate control, the edge of the knife was connected in a line with the edge of the front knife. After all the external tissues were peeled off by me, I put away the dagger and grabbed the completely cut boss cortex with both hands and pulled it down vigorously. Next, I completely peeled off the epidermal tissue sticking to the surface of the sarcoma, leaving only the last helical vascular tissue connected to the upper body of the boss.

After I cleaned it up like this, the entire picture of the sarcoma was completely exposed in front of us. This sarcoma is like a giant silkworm chrysalis growing in the boss's abdomen, and the topmost position is closely integrated with the boss's upper body.

"Huh!! What is this? It's so disgusting!!!" Yang Dan pinched his nose and circled around the boss corpse, and moved back a few steps in disgust.

"Back further, this thing is a bit evil, I'll use an arrow to poke a hole for you to see what's inside!!" I greeted and walked back, keeping the distance to avoid those ink-like things inside. Come out and splash on yourself.

I moved back with Yang Dan, and didn't stop until I was nearly twenty yards away. I rummaged through the space ring for a long time to find some fine steel arrows I used before.

Inhale, draw in the abdomen, draw the bow, calm down, and with a whoosh, the steel arrow flew out with a faint gray halo, poof! The steel arrow only left half of the nock, and the force of the blow directly poked a hole in the transparent film.

With a way to vent, the liquid in the sarcoid spewed out from the opening quickly. Fortunately, Yang Dan and I hid far away. Damn, the speed of fire can almost catch up with the flying speed of my arrow. Before the ink was approaching, a stench had penetrated into the nostrils. I just took a sip and almost suffocated me. I hurriedly jumped the sensitivity of the olfactory system to the lowest level.

With the discharge of a large amount of liquid, less and less black juice was sprayed from the wound. In a few seconds, the ink in the entire sarcoma was almost completely emptied. Without the cover of the ink, the situation inside the membrane was completely revealed. .

Inside the translucent film is a humanoid creature that has been curled up and formed. This humanoid creature looks familiar to me, but I can’t remember where I saw it for a while, so I carefully dodged the stench on the ground. Ink looked forward, and then remembered what it was.

To my surprise, this humanoid creature was exactly the titan that I had seen and killed before, but now this one has no equipment to cover it, and its naked body is curled up and I didn't recognize it at first sight.

How did the giant titan get into the stomach of the ant king? ? I was at a loss for a while because of the irrelevant things.

Woo! ! !

At this moment, the eyes of the giant titan curled up in the film opened a gap, and he muttered something through the film. This thing doesn't understand our language, and we can't understand what it wants to say.

"Be careful!!"

Yang Dan pulled me violently from behind, and a gray light beam flew past the equipment, shooting a deep hole the size of a bowl on the wall behind me. When I came back to my senses, I saw it. Just when I was slightly stunned, this little baby who was not yet full-term actually shot light from the third eye on his forehead to attack me. Fortunately, the light of this thing is not the same as before. Fan-shaped large-scale attack, or it will be hit.

"Continue to retreat, this thing has attack power!! I'll kill you!!" Angrily, I greeted Yang Dan, and then retreated quickly, it was too dangerous just now! ! !

The more I thought about it, the more afraid I became, and the more I thought about it, the more angry I became. After riding Xiao Hei to a safe distance, I opened my bow and shot. I greeted the translucent afterbirth film with holes in a haphazard way with various skills.

The attack just now seemed to have exhausted all its strength. Now its three eyes are tightly closed, and its curled up body keeps shaking. As I continue to attack, more and more spots appear on the membrane. Wounds, a lot of wounds have been practiced together, the whole film is riddled with holes, I threw wild detection while attacking to see what this is, but today is very evil, the main body, the shadow, lost two in succession All wild detections failed, and when the third wild detection was thrown half a day later, the attributes came out, but in the data, except for the name of a giant embryo, the son of evil, all other attributes were question marks. Background introduction The advantages and disadvantages tips are also gone.

The giant embryo is understandable, but the son of the god, what is the son of the god? ? As a senior game player, I dare not say that my professional knowledge is among the best, but at least it is among the best. I searched my mind, but I didn't find the word "Son of God", let alone any relevant information.

After confirming that I hadn’t seen this word before, I said hello to Yang Dan, left the sight of this strange corpse, opened the forum encyclopedia, entered the keyword Son of God and chose to search, and a small entry with a few hundred words was returned.

Gods who have been eliminated or replaced by gods are special individuals who are revived and mutated due to unexpected circumstances. They have low-end god-like combat power, but they cannot absorb the power of refining beliefs. They are extremely special existences in the kingdom of God. Controlled and utilized by some powerful evil gods, it will be an extremely powerful existence in the battle of gods.

Son of Sin, the heir of Sin in the mortal world, after the divinity is fully awakened, he has at least a demigod level of combat power. Since he was born and bred, even with the power of a demigod, he is still not bound by the rules of the plane. The evils are extremely evil existences. Any evils recorded in the history of the oath brought great influence to the civilization of the empire at that time. Close to catastrophe.

In just two lines, I read it over and over again. This is the standard explanation given by the official. Just looking at the entry, it is very clear and straightforward, and I can understand it after reading it once. It's different, I can't understand many of them for a while, why did this son of evil appear in the belly of the Ant Emperor? Could it be that the evil xxooed the Ant Emperor, and then the Ant Emperor became pregnant with this evil? Also, why is this sinful son so similar to a titan? Could it be that this sinful race is a titan? ? ? But how did the evil appear in the game? The evil is a special existence with a low level of divine power. If the main body descends on the mainland, the entire plane will not be able to withstand such a level of power and collapse. If it does not come, then the evil How did the son come here? Why does it take so much effort to cultivate the Son of Sin in this dark cave? Create a demigod-level son of sin? Could it be...

I followed this clue and reasoned down a little bit, but at the end of the reasoning, an astonishing conclusion made me uneasy. According to the comprehensive analysis of all the current situations, there is only one situation that can fully make sense and meets all the conditions. That is a certain powerful god, controlled a god, used some special method to impregnate the ant emperor with the seed of god, and then hid in this corner where the rabbits don't shit and secretly cultivated the son of god, Fortunately, I foresaw it in advance by mistake. Nima, if it is a few months later, after this son of evil is fully awakened, he will have the strength of a demigod. A strong demigod can Relying on one's own strength to kill Lingyun City, in the face of absolute strength, no amount of small soldiers can do it. Maybe it will be a piece of cake to bulldoze the main hall of the God of Light.

After I figured it out, I switched back to the game, walked out from the dark corner, and returned to where Yang Dan was. Just now I temporarily switched to the forum, and Yang Dan kept staring at this big guy as if he was facing a big enemy. When I came back, Yang Dan hurriedly asked.

"Have you found the answer?? Just now, I was alone in this place in Heibu Longdong, and I was almost scared to death!!" Yang Dan patted his chest and said, with the gentle pat, the waves under the cloth armor robe were choppy, tsk tsk , I have to say that in the past few years, this girl has become more promising than when she was in college.

"Although I can't be sure, but it's almost inseparable. This should be the son of evil that was secretly cultivated by the god of the underworld or other evil gods in the oath continent. Fortunately, we met it by accident. If it is fully awakened, I guess the whole continent can be flattened!!!" I said in a long story.

"Then what should we do now?? I tried it just now, and it seems that it can't be killed. Although the attack has wounds on the body, the damage value does not jump out, and after a few seconds, the wounds disappeared!! "Yang Dan said worriedly.

I didn't pick up the quarrel, but tried again. When I attacked just now, I found that there was no damage figure, but I thought it was the afterbirth that absorbed the damage, so I didn't think too deeply. After Yang Dan reminded me, I refocused and deliberately aimed at the place where the afterbirth was ruptured. The arrow landed on the embryo. As expected, only the wound had no damage value.

"I wipe it! It's really like this!!" Seeing that there was no harm, I scratched my head depressedly, what's wrong with this?

"Then what shall we do??" Yang Dan also tilted his head.

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