Bow God Invincible Online Games

Chapter 457 The Nineteenth Hero Player

After turning around again and confirming that there is nothing forgotten, Yang Dan and I activated Hearthstone and returned to Lingyun City. Although we were already too sleepy, we still went to the post office with all our energy. A few mid-range thieves’ outfits that fell off at the time were mailed to my village’s best cow. After finishing all this work, it was already six o’clock in the morning. On a winter morning, the sun had not yet risen at this time, so I opened the corner of the curtain. The east just turned slightly pale.

Yang Dan and I tiptoed into the kitchen and made two packs of noodles. We wolfed it down like starving ghosts, then went back to our respective rooms contentedly, and fell asleep.

This sleep was extremely heavy. Although I had the help of the skeleton warrior, the high-intensity monster hunting in the past few days still made me exhausted. After I suddenly relaxed, I always felt uncomfortable. The quality has become super poor.

In a daze, I heard someone arguing outside, the quarrel became louder and louder, and in the end it even turned into a hysterical roar. I laughed to myself subconsciously when I heard this sound. would have such a boring dream.

Suddenly there was a click, and I clearly heard the door lock of the room rang. The door lock was locked, so the door did not open, but the crisp sound of friction between metals still woke me up from my sleep.

"Didn't I tell you that the captain just took a break from the all-night game? Tell me something is not the same!" A slightly angry female voice came through the crack of the door.

"What time is it, still sleeping! Do you know how much the siege incident a few days ago caused the company?? Can you tell you that you can take responsibility?" A strange baritone responded confidently.

The clear dialogue of the characters got into my ears, and now the last trace of ignorance disappeared in my mind. I stood up from the bed and looked at my watch. It was only a quarter past ten in the morning. No wonder I had a splitting headache and fell asleep. four hours.

Not caring about getting annoyed anymore, I put on the clothes on the bed in twos and outs, rubbed my head like a chicken coop, and opened the door of the room.

"Didn't you just take a break? Why did you come out now? I said a long time ago that he was avoiding us on purpose!!!" A man in a suit with acne on his face glanced at me with disdain.

I looked at the situation in front of me. There were two men in suits standing at the door of my room. One of them was a guy with acne. His whole face was like a toad with pimples on top of each other. The other one is Zheng Qian, who has been silent all the time. He is a professional manager in the game guild. He is mainly responsible for various account expenditure audits and statistics. He has always been quite honest.

"It's Zheng Qian, sit down quickly!! Qiaoer, go pour some water!!" I glanced over the two of them, and finally fell in front of the sky standing next to me. She was the one who was yelling at the toad man just now.

Cang Qiong pouted, turned his head and went into the kitchen, Zheng Qian and Toad Man saw me coming out, they also slowly retreated to the sofa and sat down.

I rubbed my dry eyes and whispered, "What's the matter?"

"It's like this..." Toad Face just answered, Zheng Qian who was beside him glanced at him, and Toad Face swallowed the next half of the sentence again.

"Tell me, what's going on?" I didn't even look at Toad's face, and my eyes fell on Zheng Qian.

"It's not a big deal, just after the Spring Festival holiday, I entered the game and found that the accounts in the guild are not right, the board of directors sent us to check with you!!" Zheng Qian said with a smile on his face, as if what he said was really a big deal like things.

"Oh? What's wrong with the accounts?" I asked.

"Look at this document!!" Zheng Qian took the briefcase in Toadface's hand, took out a few printed documents and handed it to me.

I took the document and took a look. It was the account statement during the Spring Festival. Some of them were marked with question marks in eye-catching red pen. Member Compensation.

"This part of the money is given to the members who participated in the battle of defending the city. We lost a lot, so the compensation amount is slightly larger than usual!! I instructed Xiyang to operate this money!!" I put the file on the coffee table , said nonchalantly.

After listening to what I said, Toadface, who was dumbfounded just now, showed his skills again, widened his eyes and said, "Moonlight under the eaves, oh no, Mr. Lin Feng, I don't know if you really don't understand, or are you pretending to be confused here?" , this is an illegal operation!! If the amount involved is too large, it is a financial crime!!!”

I didn’t get enough sleep, but I was simmering with evil fire in my heart. Reason kept me suppressed and didn’t show it. When I saw this annoying toad face pretending to be frightened again and again, I got up with an unknown fire in my heart. up.

"I don't think there's anything wrong with doing this. The guild members lost a lot of equipment to defend the guild city. I don't think it's illegal to give some compensation. As for the financial crimes you're talking about, I don't know much about it. If there is such a thing, then just ask the financial police to intervene in the investigation! I promise to fully cooperate!!" I responded calmly.

The toad man saw that my voice became softer as I spoke more and more, so he thought I was guilty, so he deliberately raised his voice and said loudly, "This is the company's money!! It is not your own private property, Lin Feng! Even if the compensation is reasonable, it is necessary to contact the capital injection management. Do the necessary application and communication!!"

Seeing this disgusting guy speak so confidently, no matter how cultivated I am, I couldn't hold it back anymore, and with a groan, I stood up from the sofa abruptly.

"What did you say? I asked you to apply? Who are you? When the guild city was attacked on the first day of the first lunar month, where were you? Downgraded and dropped equipment to defend the city, where were you at that time??? It’s already the fifteenth day of the first lunar month, and you just go to work. How dare you tell me to ask your management to apply for communication???” I said more and more Excited, the saliva Xingzi sprayed the toad man's face mercilessly.

"Also!! Don't think that I'm an idiot who doesn't understand a little economic knowledge. The part of the compensation to the members was taken from Curry of the union warehouse. The money is the team's shared property and does not belong to your capital injection party. Therefore, Even if you are working, if I don't ask you to apply, you are not qualified to point fingers in front of me!!!" After I finished speaking, I fixed my eyes on Toad's face, this guy was really scared when he saw that I was really angry He lowered his head and dared not look at me.

"Come on, moonlight, we didn't come here to ask the teacher about the crime, but the board of directors found this problem when auditing the accounts, let us implement it!!! It's not as serious as breaking the law!!" Zheng Qian saw that I was really angry, and hurried smooth things over.

I wasn't too angry when Zheng Qian didn't open his mouth, but now that he opened his mouth, I became even more angry, Nima, cooperating with these two people, one sings the red face and the other sings the bad face, deliberately finding faults to give me eye drops!

"Let me declare to you one last time that you, the capital injector, have no right to judge all issues related to the operation of the guild. If anyone has any doubts, you can read the supplementary terms of the capital injection agreement signed at the beginning! If similar problems like this time arise again Happened, I reserve the opinion of terminating the cooperation and rescinding the agreement!!!" After saying this, I turned my head and went into my room without turning my head. It's buzzing.

Although I entered the room, I don’t feel sleepy at all now. This group of capitalists who only know money and money, when bd and my brothers are fighting bloody battles, they are all in the gentle township. I don’t know what to do. Now it’s good. After recovering, he actually started pointing fingers at me. The more I thought about it, the more I regretted it. Why did I naively believe the words of those businessmen back then! !

To be honest, with their capital injection, the guild has indeed developed much faster, but looking back now, it was never at the point where it would perish if it didn’t cooperate. Although the conditions were difficult at the time, everyone was full of fighting spirit. Brothers in the guild Follow along, I didn’t do it for money at first, if I had been more courageous and dared to grit my teeth and persist, there wouldn’t be so many troubles now, but now it’s good, I’m going to share some subsidies with my brothers, what’s the matter? Chirping and gesticulating, the more he thought about it, the angrier he became.

Lying on the bed and staring at the ceiling without knowing how long it took, Qiaoer and the others opened the door of my room, and seeing them all daring to keep silent, I couldn't hold back any of them, and burst out laughing .

"Look, I'm just saying that the boss is not really angry!!!" Xiao Ke patted his rib-like chest, with a sullen expression on his face.

"Boss, it's okay, you, those idiots are messing with us again, terminate the contract, we won't cooperate with them anymore!!" Tudou was naive, he really thought that terminating the contract was as simple as drinking plain water.

I rubbed my eyes again and stood up, and waved my hand, "I can't sleep anymore, the studio is in a meeting!!!!"

Now it's all right, even Yang Dan, who was sleepy and sleepy, was disturbed, a group of people sat around the big coffee table in the living room, and naturally I was the first to sit.

"Ahem! There are only two topics in this studio meeting! The first one is about Zheng Qian's bringing someone here to find fault just now. This has sounded the alarm for us! If we let it go on and let their gang of businessmen mess around, Maybe the guild will not be our guild at some point, this must be taken seriously, everyone will be careful in the future, and report any unreasonable troubles in the guild in time, I will go back and talk to Xiyang alone!"

"The second thing is about getting back to the last game. After more than a week of solo practice, Yang Dan's level has been basically raised. In the future, I will continue to follow the team's collective activities. I will start planning this afternoon when I go online. Things must be paid back!!"

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