Bow God Invincible Online Games

Chapter 460 Destruction

After carefully counting the number of various defensive buildings in the farm and mine production area at the back, my main task was completed. By coincidence, I returned to the place where the territory hall was located and found an empty corner to squat down. The sketch has been drawn, and it can be used after a little tidying up. Now that the mission is completed and my location is relatively safe, I simply hid in a corner and started to sort out the information.

About half an hour later, the floor plan was sorted out, and suddenly the big bell above the territory hall rang, and the citizens who were working behind them all gathered outside the town hall with their tools.

This is to upgrade the sixth-level territory? ? ? Seeing this, the corners of my mouth turned up slightly, haha, that's great, God help me too! ! !

The one who upgrades the territory is the most beloved. It’s better if you don’t choose to upgrade the territory’s city defense system when upgrading from level 5 to level 6. If you upgrade the city defense, there will be a short period of time, and all arrow towers and turrets will temporarily disable the defense function. , This period of time is not long, only 60 minutes, that is, 3600 seconds. It is said that most people do not know this kind of details, that is, we will only know it if we have experience in upgrading in this area. According to my estimation, there are nine out of ten The wild emperor, this idiot, didn't know either.

Sure enough, my guess was accurate. A butler-like NPC in gray cloth came out of the hall of the territory. Afterwards, a large number of citizens began to get busy. With clanging sounds one after another, the territory officially began to upgrade.

Seeing this, I can no longer cat down here. I slowly moved along the base of the building wall to the city wall. With a thought, Xiao Hei came out of the pet space. No matter what happened, I climbed up to Xiao Hei’s Run with your back.

Originally, the location I chose was relatively remote, and now that the territory has been upgraded, there are no players staying around, so I didn’t encounter any danger when I came out. Xiao Hei crossed the not-so-high city wall and flew straight to the direction of the Black Rock Mountain Range .

Flying this way doesn't mean I want to go back, I'm just looking for a temporary place to stay. It won't take long for the revenge army to come over, and we will be the main force by then.

Call up the friend column to find Xiyang, and then choose to submit a call request. After two seconds, it is connected.

"The task is completed! The detailed floor plan has been drawn, and I sent it to you as an attachment!" I said while sending the attachment.

"Great, with this, our chances of winning are even greater!!" Xi Yang seemed extremely excited.

I curled my lips, "There is good news, do you want to hear it??"

"Good news?? Let's hear it!!" Xi Yang became interested.

"Just over ten minutes ago, the Barbarian Emperor's fifth-level territory officially began to upgrade to the sixth-level territory. During the eight-hour territory upgrade time, their city defense system may be temporarily paralyzed in the last hour!"

"what's the situation??"

"The fifth-level territory is upgraded to the sixth level. After submitting the upgrade application, there will be a free city defense upgrade option. According to our experience when upgrading, if the wild emperor chooses to upgrade this option, within an hour, these arrow towers and the like The city defense weapons will be temporarily in an upgraded state and will not be able to function!!"

"I wipe it, it's great!!!! I was still having a headache with those city defense buildings just now!!!" Xiyang was obviously a lot more excited.

"Don't be too happy too early, there is still bad news to tell you!"


"Behind the hall of their territory, there is a huge statue that is suspected to be a city guard beast. If nothing else, it is definitely a city guard beast. They haven't been upgraded to a city yet. I can't figure out how this guy did it! !"

"That's it!! It doesn't matter. I'll arrange someone to pay attention later. As long as the danger of the city defense facilities is reduced, our losses can be reduced by more than half. As for the guardian beast you mentioned, I don't think it will be too perverted. After all, it’s only a level five territory now!!” Xi Yang analyzed.

Sunset's analysis is also reasonable, but when I think of the statue that looks like a titan, I feel a little confused. Recently, the titan has almost become my nightmare. Several consecutive missions and plots have its shadow. It seems that this thing must have a high status in the dark camp.

"I then started to arrange team members to prepare. If I calculate it now, I will probably arrive at the border line around midnight. If there is no large-scale obstruction, it should be around two o'clock, and I will be able to reach the territory of the wild emperor!! Take a little rest, Let's launch an attack after three o'clock when their city defense tower enters the upgrade state!!!" After a while, Xi Yang returned to a state of careful thinking, and in this state, Xi Yang has an indescribable charisma of a leader.

I have to say that Xiyang's plan is very reliable. Somehow, the right time, place and people are all taken by us. After discussing some details in detail, the two of us ended the call.

The following time is extremely boring. In order not to be exposed in advance, I must not wander around the border. It would be bad if it attracts the attention of interested people.

Thinking of the last siege battle, I feel like a fire is burning in my heart, and it is difficult to calm down. It is about 8 o'clock in the evening, and it will definitely be all night in the second half of the night. I communicated with the studio members on the channel. There is also a team teleportation scroll, which can teleport up to ten teammates, so the studio members can save time when they are on the road, and then just lock on to my position and fly over. In view of this, everyone unanimously decided to go offline to catch up on sleep! !

After setting the alarm clock, I ate some supper casually, lay down on the bed and closed my eyes.

It's not sleep time, so I couldn't enter the state for a long time, I don't know how many times I turned like a pancake, and finally fell asleep in a daze.

At 1:30 in the middle of the night, the ringtone on the mobile phone rang on time, turned on the lights, got dressed, wiped their faces, and after confirming that all roommates were up, everyone went online collectively.

I chose an inconspicuous corner in a mountain corner, and after a while, a light blue teleportation magic circle lit up under my feet, and with a sound of swiping, the sky and the others passed it together, and with them came wedding dresses, dresses, and cows. .

"Wow, boss! You've arrived a long time ago!!! This is the area of ​​the dark camp???" As soon as the crowd dispersed, Niu Niu greeted me with a yell, this guy is just like someone who has never seen the world Like a kid, he is interested in everything.

"Keep your voice down, if you have something to say in the team channel, don't use the venue to chat! We might have players from the opposing faction passing by at any time, and it will be over if they are discovered!!!" I said deliberately exaggerated.

"Oh, I understand!!!" My best villager hurriedly covered his mouth.

Join the order of command and bring up the large map. From the map, we can see that the revenge coalition composed of our trade union and more than a dozen solid allies is already close to the border. It will not be long before we will be able to cross the Black Rock Mountains and come to where we are. position, the entire command channel is silent, only the setting sun is issuing various combat orders to command members at all levels.

For the sake of secrecy, the people under the whole operation were kept in the dark. Almost all the presidents of the allies gave the explanation of doing large-scale missions on the border. When the scattered troops gathered together, Many clever players have already noticed that something is wrong. This is not a border mission, it is clearly a border war.

More than 500,000 elite players gathered together. Although the teammate superposition function was turned on, they were still densely packed and could not be seen at a glance. The commander-in-chief Xiyang issued a silent order, all members closed the field chat, and the pre-war mobilization officially began.

"Brothers and sisters!! First of all, I, Xiyang, thank you all for coming here. Today we gathered here for one purpose, revenge!!! A few days ago, our city was beaten by the old thief of the wild emperor, and the loss was heavy! Can we swallow this breath? No!!! Now is the chance for revenge..." Xi Yang spit stars flying around in the command channel. I have to say that this guy not only has commanding skills, but also has first-class eloquence in speeches. In just a few words, the fighting spirit of the entire coalition was aroused. Even after listening to this guy's agitation, I felt an urge to stain the yellow sand with blood!

Time passed by little by little, and Xiyang and the presidents were still making the final arrangements on the command channel. With the internal plan of the city I got, the battle deployment was extremely targeted. Now the time period we have chosen is the entire territory for us. Basically in an undefended state, the pitiful city walls of the fifth-level territory could not withstand the impact of two rounds of elite melee players.

The pre-war arrangements were completed, and the time was almost up. With the order of the setting sun, the armored cavalry regiment acting as the vanguard moved slowly, and the players who huddled in the corner of the mountain valley also began to advance towards the territory.

From our hiding place to the territory, it takes about ten or twenty minutes. Now it is the time to charge, so there is no need to hide at all. The sound of rumbling iron hoofs trampling the ground is one after another, just like thunder.

The sporadic night owls along the way were knocked to the ground before they could react effectively. On the big map, they saw a large group of blue spots moving rapidly towards the territory.

Fifteen minutes later, the armored cavalry rushed to the city of the territory first. Without waiting for the order of the setting sun, the people who had already been unable to bear it began to wave their weapons and attack the city wall. The walls of low-level territories have limited protection. It soon began to collapse and collapse. After Tudou's shattering, the most severely damaged part of the city wall fell down with a bang, and the attacking crowd rushed into the territory like a tide.

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